


【中文标题】id3决策树程序【英文标题】:id3 decision tree program 【发布时间】:2013-08-23 12:21:58 【问题描述】:

你能检查一下这个程序将在netbeans中运行没有任何错误。这个程序的输出将是什么。我试图运行这个程序但我得到的输出只读取我给输入文件的数据.arff 得到如下输出:Read 0 data 最后一行阅读:@attribute handicapped-infants String,n,y 期望 2 个属性


import java.util.*;

public class ID3

int numAttributes;

String []attributeNames;

Vector []domains;

/* The class to represent a data point consisting of numAttributes values

of attributes */

class DataPoint 

public int []attributes;

public DataPoint(int numattributes) 

attributes = new int[numattributes];


/* The class to represent a node in the decomposition tree.


class TreeNode 

public double entropy;

public Vector data;

public int decompositionAttribute;

public int decompositionValue;

public TreeNode []children;

public TreeNode parent;

public TreeNode() 

data = new Vector();


TreeNode root = new TreeNode();

public int getSymbolValue(int attribute, String symbol) 

int index = domains[attribute].indexOf(symbol);

if (index < 0) 


return domains[attribute].size() -1;

return index;

public int []getAllValues(Vector data, int attribute) 

Vector values = new Vector();

int num = data.size();

for (int i=0; i< num; i++) 

DataPoint point = (DataPoint)data.elementAt(i);

String symbol =

(String)domains[attribute].elementAt(point.attributes[attribute] );

int index = values.indexOf(symbol);

if (index < 0) 


int []array = new int[values.size()];

for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++) 

String symbol = (String)values.elementAt(i);

array[i] = domains[attribute].indexOf(symbol);

values = null;

return array;

public Vector getSubset(Vector data, int attribute, int value) 

Vector subset = new Vector();

int num = data.size();

for (int i=0; i< num; i++) 

DataPoint point = (DataPoint)data.elementAt(i);

if (point.attributes[attribute] == value) subset.addElement(point);

return subset;

public double calculateEntropy(Vector data) 

int numdata = data.size();

if (numdata == 0) return 0;

int attribute = numAttributes-1;

int numvalues = domains[attribute].size();

double sum = 0;

for (int i=0; i< numvalues; i++) 

int count=0;

for (int j=0; j< numdata; j++) 

DataPoint point = (DataPoint)data.elementAt(j);

if (point.attributes[attribute] == i) count++;

double probability = 1.*count/numdata;

if (count > 0) sum += -probability*Math.log(probability);

return sum;

public boolean alreadyUsedToDecompose(TreeNode node, int attribute) 

if (node.children != null) 

if (node.decompositionAttribute == attribute )

return true;

if (node.parent == null) return false;

return alreadyUsedToDecompose(node.parent, attribute);

public void decomposeNode(TreeNode node) 

double bestEntropy=0;

boolean selected=false;

int selectedAttribute=0;

int numdata =;

int numinputattributes = numAttributes-1;

node.entropy = calculateEntropy(;

if (node.entropy == 0) return;

for (int i=0; i< numinputattributes; i++) 

int numvalues = domains[i].size();

if ( alreadyUsedToDecompose(node, i) ) continue;

double averageentropy = 0;

for (int j=0; j< numvalues; j++) 

Vector subset = getSubset(, i, j);

if (subset.size() == 0) continue;

double subentropy = calculateEntropy(subset);

averageentropy += subentropy *


averageentropy = averageentropy / numdata; //

Taking the weighted average

if (selected == false) 

selected = true;

bestEntropy = averageentropy;

selectedAttribute = i;


if (averageentropy < bestEntropy) 

selected = true;

bestEntropy = averageentropy;

selectedAttribute = i;

if (selected == false) return;

int numvalues = domains[selectedAttribute].size();

node.decompositionAttribute = selectedAttribute;

node.children = new TreeNode [numvalues];

for (int j=0; j< numvalues; j++) 

node.children[j] = new TreeNode();

node.children[j].parent = node;

node.children[j].data = getSubset(,

selectedAttribute, j);

node.children[j].decompositionValue = j;

for (int j=0; j< numvalues; j++) 

decomposeNode(node.children[j]); = null;

public int readData(String filename) throws Exception 

FileInputStream in = null;


File inputFile = new File(filename);

in = new FileInputStream(inputFile);

 catch ( Exception e) 

System.err.println( "Unable to open data file: " + filename + "n" + e);

return 0;

BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in) );

String input;


input = bin.readLine();

if (input == null) 

System.err.println( "No data found in the data file: " + filename +


return 0;

if (input.startsWith("//")) continue;

if (input.equals("")) continue;


StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input);

numAttributes = tokenizer.countTokens();

if (numAttributes <= 1) 

System.err.println( "Read line: " + input);

System.err.println( "Could not obtain the names of attributes in the


System.err.println( "Expecting at least one input attribute and one

output attribute");

return 0;

domains = new Vector[numAttributes];

for (int i=0; i < numAttributes; i++) domains[i] = new Vector();

attributeNames = new String[numAttributes];

for (int i=0; i < numAttributes; i++) 

attributeNames[i] = tokenizer.nextToken();


input = bin.readLine();

if (input == null) break;

if (input.startsWith("//")) continue;

if (input.equals("")) continue;

tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input);

int numtokens = tokenizer.countTokens();

if (numtokens != numAttributes) 

System.err.println( "Read " + + " data");

System.err.println( "Last line read: " + input);

System.err.println( "Expecting " + numAttributes + " attributes");

return 0;

DataPoint point = new DataPoint(numAttributes);

for (int i=0; i < numAttributes; i++) 

point.attributes[i] = getSymbolValue(i, tokenizer.nextToken()



return 1;

public void printTree(TreeNode node, String tab) 

int outputattr = numAttributes-1;

if (node.children == null) 

int []values = getAllValues(, outputattr );

if (values.length == 1) 

System.out.println(tab + "t" + attributeNames[outputattr] + " = "" +

domains[outputattr].elementAt(values[0]) + "";");


System.out.print(tab + "t" + attributeNames[outputattr] + " = ");

for (int i=0; i < values.length; i++) 

System.out.print(""" + domains[outputattr].elementAt(values[i]) + ""


if ( i != values.length-1 ) System.out.print( " , " );

System.out.println( " ;");


int numvalues = node.children.length;

for (int i=0; i < numvalues; i++) 

System.out.println(tab + "if( " +

attributeNames[node.decompositionAttribute] + " == "" +


+ "") " );

printTree(node.children[i], tab + "t");

if (i != numvalues-1) System.out.print(tab + " else ");

else System.out.println(tab + "");

public void createDecisionTree() 


printTree(root, "");

/* main function */

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 

ID3 me = new ID3();

int status = me.readData("c:\\in.txt");

if (status <= 0) return;




输出将是一棵树。但是,您需要向其传递至少具有 2 个属性的文件。



5.10 决策树与ID3算法


day-8 python自带库实现ID3决策树算法


5-3 决策树 ID3决策树的生成算法
