【中文标题】简单的快速颜色选择器弹出框(iOS)【英文标题】:Simple swift color picker popover (iOS) 【发布时间】:2015-01-28 06:39:36 【问题描述】:有没有一种简单的方法可以快速实现颜色选择器弹出框?是否有任何内置库或 UI 元素可以用于此目的?我看到了一些用 Objective-c 编写的颜色选择器,但它们已经有几年的历史了,我想知道是否有更新的东西。
【参考方案1】:这是我制作的一个,它非常简单。它只是一个轻量级的 UIView,允许您指定元素大小以防您想要阻塞区域(elementSize > 1)。它在界面生成器中绘制自己,因此您可以设置元素大小并查看结果。只需将界面构建器中的一个视图设置为此类,然后将自己设置为委托。它会告诉您何时有人点击或拖动它以及该位置的 uicolor。它将自己绘制到自己的边界,除了这个类之外不需要任何东西,不需要图像。
internal protocol HSBColorPickerDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
func HSBColorColorPickerTouched(sender:HSBColorPicker, color:UIColor, point:CGPoint, state:UIGestureRecognizerState)
class HSBColorPicker : UIView
weak internal var delegate: HSBColorPickerDelegate?
let saturationExponentTop:Float = 2.0
let saturationExponentBottom:Float = 1.3
@IBInspectable var elementSize: CGFloat = 1.0
private func initialize()
self.clipsToBounds = true
let touchGesture = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.touchedColor(gestureRecognizer:)))
touchGesture.minimumPressDuration = 0
touchGesture.allowableMovement = CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude
override init(frame: CGRect)
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
for y : CGFloat in stride(from: 0.0 ,to: rect.height, by: elementSize)
var saturation = y < rect.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(2 * y) / rect.height : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect.height - y) / rect.height
saturation = CGFloat(powf(Float(saturation), y < rect.height / 2.0 ? saturationExponentTop : saturationExponentBottom))
let brightness = y < rect.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(1.0) : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect.height - y) / rect.height
for x : CGFloat in stride(from: 0.0 ,to: rect.width, by: elementSize)
let hue = x / rect.width
let color = UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1.0)
context!.fill(CGRect(x:x, y:y, width:elementSize,height:elementSize))
func getColorAtPoint(point:CGPoint) -> UIColor
let roundedPoint = CGPoint(x:elementSize * CGFloat(Int(point.x / elementSize)),
y:elementSize * CGFloat(Int(point.y / elementSize)))
var saturation = roundedPoint.y < self.bounds.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(2 * roundedPoint.y) / self.bounds.height
: 2.0 * CGFloat(self.bounds.height - roundedPoint.y) / self.bounds.height
saturation = CGFloat(powf(Float(saturation), roundedPoint.y < self.bounds.height / 2.0 ? saturationExponentTop : saturationExponentBottom))
let brightness = roundedPoint.y < self.bounds.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(1.0) : 2.0 * CGFloat(self.bounds.height - roundedPoint.y) / self.bounds.height
let hue = roundedPoint.x / self.bounds.width
return UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1.0)
func getPointForColor(color:UIColor) -> CGPoint
var hue: CGFloat = 0.0
var saturation: CGFloat = 0.0
var brightness: CGFloat = 0.0
color.getHue(&hue, saturation: &saturation, brightness: &brightness, alpha: nil);
var yPos:CGFloat = 0
let halfHeight = (self.bounds.height / 2)
if (brightness >= 0.99)
let percentageY = powf(Float(saturation), 1.0 / saturationExponentTop)
yPos = CGFloat(percentageY) * halfHeight
//use brightness to get Y
yPos = halfHeight + halfHeight * (1.0 - brightness)
let xPos = hue * self.bounds.width
return CGPoint(x: xPos, y: yPos)
@objc func touchedColor(gestureRecognizer: UILongPressGestureRecognizer)
if (gestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.began)
let point = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self)
let color = getColorAtPoint(point: point)
self.delegate?.HSBColorColorPickerTouched(sender: self, color: color, point: point, state:gestureRecognizer.state)
我喜欢您将代码放在 Stack Overflow 中,而不是链接到某个 github 项目。 这里缺少的一件事是灰度。 看起来很漂亮,但我无法将它调整到我现有的 Objective C 项目中。事实上,我在包含上述代码的 swift 文件中遇到错误。我已经导入了 UIKit,但在我看来 Swift 改变了它的语法?上面的代码与 Swift 2.3 兼容吗?我使用 Xcode 8.1。如果我对 Swift 不熟悉,我很抱歉。谢谢你的建议。 当我回到这一点时,我也会添加灰度。我们现在使用 swift 3.0,但如果有人想提供他们的翻译代码,我会更新它。 认为颜色返回错误是因为 longPressGesture 被调用两次错误计算,更新了代码【参考方案2】:我继续用 Swift 编写了一个简单的颜色选择器弹出框。希望它会帮助其他人。
我不知道这个答案的答案在哪里。 问。你是如何生成这个特定的调色板的?它看起来像是程序颜色和手工挑选颜色的组合。整体效果比平时使用的 RGB 彩虹光谱要好很多。 说实话,我想我在网上找到了一个调色板,它只是一个艺术家创作的图像。然后,我使用吸管工具手动对所有图像颜色进行采样并获得它们的 RGB 值。您可以在此处找到所有值:github.com/EthanStrider/ColorPickerExample/blob/master/… 谢谢 - 完美运行并转换为 swift 5 没有太多问题。【参考方案3】:Swift 3.0 版本@joel-teply的回答:
internal protocol HSBColorPickerDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
func HSBColorColorPickerTouched(sender:HSBColorPicker, color:UIColor, point:CGPoint, state:UIGestureRecognizerState)
class HSBColorPicker : UIView
weak internal var delegate: HSBColorPickerDelegate?
let saturationExponentTop:Float = 2.0
let saturationExponentBottom:Float = 1.3
@IBInspectable var elementSize: CGFloat = 1.0
private func initialize()
self.clipsToBounds = true
let touchGesture = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.touchedColor(gestureRecognizer:)))
touchGesture.minimumPressDuration = 0
touchGesture.allowableMovement = CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude
override init(frame: CGRect)
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
for y in stride(from: (0 as CGFloat), to: rect.height, by: elementSize)
var saturation = y < rect.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(2 * y) / rect.height : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect.height - y) / rect.height
saturation = CGFloat(powf(Float(saturation), y < rect.height / 2.0 ? saturationExponentTop : saturationExponentBottom))
let brightness = y < rect.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(1.0) : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect.height - y) / rect.height
for x in stride(from: (0 as CGFloat), to: rect.width, by: elementSize)
let hue = x / rect.width
let color = UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1.0)
context!.fill(CGRect(x:x, y:y, width:elementSize,height:elementSize))
func getColorAtPoint(point:CGPoint) -> UIColor
let roundedPoint = CGPoint(x:elementSize * CGFloat(Int(point.x / elementSize)),
y:elementSize * CGFloat(Int(point.y / elementSize)))
var saturation = roundedPoint.y < self.bounds.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(2 * roundedPoint.y) / self.bounds.height
: 2.0 * CGFloat(self.bounds.height - roundedPoint.y) / self.bounds.height
saturation = CGFloat(powf(Float(saturation), roundedPoint.y < self.bounds.height / 2.0 ? saturationExponentTop : saturationExponentBottom))
let brightness = roundedPoint.y < self.bounds.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(1.0) : 2.0 * CGFloat(self.bounds.height - roundedPoint.y) / self.bounds.height
let hue = roundedPoint.x / self.bounds.width
return UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1.0)
func getPointForColor(color:UIColor) -> CGPoint
var hue:CGFloat=0;
var saturation:CGFloat=0;
var brightness:CGFloat=0;
color.getHue(&hue, saturation: &saturation, brightness: &brightness, alpha: nil);
var yPos:CGFloat = 0
let halfHeight = (self.bounds.height / 2)
if (brightness >= 0.99)
let percentageY = powf(Float(saturation), 1.0 / saturationExponentTop)
yPos = CGFloat(percentageY) * halfHeight
//use brightness to get Y
yPos = halfHeight + halfHeight * (1.0 - brightness)
let xPos = hue * self.bounds.width
return CGPoint(x: xPos, y: yPos)
func touchedColor(gestureRecognizer: UILongPressGestureRecognizer)
let point = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self)
let color = getColorAtPoint(point: point)
self.delegate?.HSBColorColorPickerTouched(sender: self, color: color, point: point, state:gestureRecognizer.state)
【参考方案4】:基于 Joel Teply 代码 (Swift 4),顶部带有灰色条:
import UIKit
class ColorPickerView : UIView
var onColorDidChange: ((_ color: UIColor) -> ())?
let saturationExponentTop:Float = 2.0
let saturationExponentBottom:Float = 1.3
let grayPaletteHeightFactor: CGFloat = 0.1
var rect_grayPalette = CGRect.zero
var rect_mainPalette = CGRect.zero
// adjustable
var elementSize: CGFloat = 1.0
override init(frame: CGRect)
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
private func setup()
self.clipsToBounds = true
let touchGesture = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.touchedColor(gestureRecognizer:)))
touchGesture.minimumPressDuration = 0
touchGesture.allowableMovement = CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
rect_grayPalette = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: rect.width, height: rect.height * grayPaletteHeightFactor)
rect_mainPalette = CGRect(x: 0, y: rect_grayPalette.maxY,
width: rect.width, height: rect.height - rect_grayPalette.height)
// gray palette
for y in stride(from: CGFloat(0), to: rect_grayPalette.height, by: elementSize)
for x in stride(from: (0 as CGFloat), to: rect_grayPalette.width, by: elementSize)
let hue = x / rect_grayPalette.width
let color = UIColor(white: hue, alpha: 1.0)
context!.fill(CGRect(x:x, y:y, width:elementSize, height:elementSize))
// main palette
for y in stride(from: CGFloat(0), to: rect_mainPalette.height, by: elementSize)
var saturation = y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(2 * y) / rect_mainPalette.height : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect_mainPalette.height - y) / rect_mainPalette.height
saturation = CGFloat(powf(Float(saturation), y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? saturationExponentTop : saturationExponentBottom))
let brightness = y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(1.0) : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect_mainPalette.height - y) / rect_mainPalette.height
for x in stride(from: (0 as CGFloat), to: rect_mainPalette.width, by: elementSize)
let hue = x / rect_mainPalette.width
let color = UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1.0)
context!.fill(CGRect(x:x, y: y + rect_mainPalette.origin.y,
width: elementSize, height: elementSize))
func getColorAtPoint(point: CGPoint) -> UIColor
var roundedPoint = CGPoint(x:elementSize * CGFloat(Int(point.x / elementSize)),
y:elementSize * CGFloat(Int(point.y / elementSize)))
let hue = roundedPoint.x / self.bounds.width
// main palette
if rect_mainPalette.contains(point)
// offset point, because rect_mainPalette.origin.y is not 0
roundedPoint.y -= rect_mainPalette.origin.y
var saturation = roundedPoint.y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(2 * roundedPoint.y) / rect_mainPalette.height
: 2.0 * CGFloat(rect_mainPalette.height - roundedPoint.y) / rect_mainPalette.height
saturation = CGFloat(powf(Float(saturation), roundedPoint.y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? saturationExponentTop : saturationExponentBottom))
let brightness = roundedPoint.y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(1.0) : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect_mainPalette.height - roundedPoint.y) / rect_mainPalette.height
return UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1.0)
// gray palette
return UIColor(white: hue, alpha: 1.0)
@objc func touchedColor(gestureRecognizer: UILongPressGestureRecognizer)
let point = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self)
let color = getColorAtPoint(point: point)
let colorPickerView = ColorPickerView()
colorPickerView.onColorDidChange = [weak self] color in
// use picked color for your needs here...
self?.view.backgroundColor = color
// add it to some view and set constraints
你能解释一下如何在VC中使用代码吗?或发布一个如何完成的示例? 更新了我的答案。为简单起见,去掉了委托。 MichaelRos,我按以下方式尝试了您的代码,但单击按钮时没有任何反应。我做错了什么?类 CustomizationViewController: UIViewController @IBAction func backgroundColorSelector(_ sender: Any) let colorPickerView = ColorPickerView() colorPickerView.onColorDidChange = [weak self] 颜色 in DispatchQueue.main.async self?.view.backgroundColor = color 通过添加 UIView 并分配给 ColorPickerView 类使其工作。谢谢。 @Yan 我还在视图控制器的顶部添加了 UIView,但我什么也没得到【参考方案5】:Apple 现在在 ios 14 中实现了标准 UIColorPickerViewController 和关联的 UIColorWell,这是一个自动调出 UIColorPicker 以选择颜色的色板。
您可以通过使用 Xcode 12 或更高版本(针对 iOS 14+)创建 Swift App 项目来测试 ColorPicker,然后尝试以下简单代码:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View
@State private var bgColor = Color.white
var body: some View
ColorPicker("Set the background color",
selection: $bgColor,
supportsOpacity: true)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
ColorPicker 显示两种不同的选择模式:
没有 alpha 的颜色选择器:
如何在 UIViewController 类中将它与常规 Swift 一起使用?【参考方案6】:感谢您的起点。
我从那里得到它,并用自定义 UIView 和一些绘图代码编写了一个完整的 Color PickerViewController。
我制作了自定义 UIView @IBDesignable,以便它可以在 InterfaceBuilder 中呈现。
根据 Christian1313 的回答,我添加了深色:
@IBDesignable final public class SwiftColorView: UIView
weak var colorSelectedDelegate: ColorDelegate?
@IBInspectable public var numColorsX:Int = 10
@IBInspectable public var numColorsY:Int = 18
@IBInspectable public var coloredBorderWidth:Int = 10
@IBInspectable public var showGridLines:Bool = false
weak var delegate: SwiftColorPickerDataSource?
public override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?)
guard let touch = touches.first else return
let location = touch.location(in: self)
colorSelectedDelegate?.setStroke(color: colorAtPoint(point: location))
public override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?)
guard let touch = touches.first else return
let location = touch.location(in: self)
colorSelectedDelegate?.setStroke(color: colorAtPoint(point: location))
public override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)
let lineColor = UIColor.gray
let pS = patternSize()
let w = pS.w
let h = pS.h
for y in 0..<numColorsY
for x in 0..<numColorsX
let path = UIBezierPath()
let start = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(x)*w+CGFloat(coloredBorderWidth), y: CGFloat(y)*h+CGFloat(coloredBorderWidth))
path.move(to: start);
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: start.x+w, y: start.y))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: start.x+w, y: start.y+h))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: start.x, y: start.y+h))
path.addLine(to: start)
path.lineWidth = 0.25
colorForRectAt(x: x,y:y).setFill();
if (showGridLines)
colorForRectAt(x: x, y: y).setStroke();
private func colorForRectAt(x: Int, y: Int) -> UIColor
if let ds = delegate
return ds.colorForPalletIndex(x: x, y: y, numXStripes: numColorsX, numYStripes: numColorsY)
var hue:CGFloat = CGFloat(x) / CGFloat(numColorsX)
var fillColor = UIColor.white
if (y==0)
if (x==(numColorsX-1))
hue = 1.0;
fillColor = UIColor(white: hue, alpha: 1.0);
if y < numColorsY / 2
let length = numColorsY / 2
let brightness: CGFloat = CGFloat(y) / CGFloat(length)
fillColor = UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: 1.0, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1.0)
else if y == numColorsY / 2
// normal
fillColor = UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: 1.0, brightness: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)
// light
let length = numColorsY / 2 - 1
let offset = y - length - 1
let sat:CGFloat = CGFloat(1.0) - CGFloat(offset) / CGFloat(length + 1)
print("sat", sat)
fillColor = UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: sat, brightness: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)
return fillColor
func colorAtPoint(point: CGPoint) -> UIColor
let pS = patternSize()
let w = pS.w
let h = pS.h
let x = (point.x-CGFloat(coloredBorderWidth))/w
let y = (point.y-CGFloat(coloredBorderWidth))/h
return colorForRectAt(x: Int(x), y:Int(y))
private func patternSize() -> (w: CGFloat, h:CGFloat)
let width = self.bounds.width-CGFloat(2*coloredBorderWidth)
let height = self.bounds.height-CGFloat(2*coloredBorderWidth)
let w = width/CGFloat(numColorsX)
let h = height/CGFloat(numColorsY)
return (w,h)
public override func prepareForInterfaceBuilder()
print("Compiled and run for IB")
【参考方案8】:使用 Michael Ros 的答案,
如果您想通过objective-c viewcontroller 使用此视图,您可以简单地创建一个名为ColorPickerView 的新swift 文件,然后在情节提要上的viewcontroller 中添加一个uiview,然后选择ColorPickerView 作为它的类名。然后让您的视图控制器成为名称为@“colorIsPicking”的通知观察者
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateColor) name:@"colorIsPicked" object:nil];
ColorPickerView.swift 的代码
class ColorPickerView : UIView
@objc public lazy var onColorDidChange: ((_ color: UIColor) -> ()) =
//send a notification for the caller view to update its elements if necessery
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: Notification.Name("colorIsPicked"), object: nil)
let saturationExponentTop:Float = 2.0
let saturationExponentBottom:Float = 1.3
let grayPaletteHeightFactor: CGFloat = 0.1
var rect_grayPalette = CGRect.zero
var rect_mainPalette = CGRect.zero
// adjustable
var elementSize: CGFloat = 10.0
override init(frame: CGRect)
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
private func setup()
self.clipsToBounds = true
let touchGesture = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.touchedColor(gestureRecognizer:)))
touchGesture.minimumPressDuration = 0
touchGesture.allowableMovement = CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
rect_grayPalette = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: rect.width, height: rect.height * grayPaletteHeightFactor)
rect_mainPalette = CGRect(x: 0, y: rect_grayPalette.maxY,
width: rect.width, height: rect.height - rect_grayPalette.height)
// gray palette
for y in stride(from: CGFloat(0), to: rect_grayPalette.height, by: elementSize)
for x in stride(from: (0 as CGFloat), to: rect_grayPalette.width, by: elementSize)
let hue = x / rect_grayPalette.width
let color = UIColor(white: hue, alpha: 1.0)
context!.fill(CGRect(x:x, y:y, width:elementSize, height:elementSize))
// main palette
for y in stride(from: CGFloat(0), to: rect_mainPalette.height, by: elementSize)
var saturation = y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(2 * y) / rect_mainPalette.height : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect_mainPalette.height - y) / rect_mainPalette.height
saturation = CGFloat(powf(Float(saturation), y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? saturationExponentTop : saturationExponentBottom))
let brightness = y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(1.0) : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect_mainPalette.height - y) / rect_mainPalette.height
for x in stride(from: (0 as CGFloat), to: rect_mainPalette.width, by: elementSize)
let hue = x / rect_mainPalette.width
let color = UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1.0)
context!.fill(CGRect(x:x, y: y + rect_mainPalette.origin.y,
width: elementSize, height: elementSize))
func getColorAtPoint(point: CGPoint) -> UIColor
var roundedPoint = CGPoint(x:elementSize * CGFloat(Int(point.x / elementSize)),
y:elementSize * CGFloat(Int(point.y / elementSize)))
let hue = roundedPoint.x / self.bounds.width
// main palette
if rect_mainPalette.contains(point)
// offset point, because rect_mainPalette.origin.y is not 0
roundedPoint.y -= rect_mainPalette.origin.y
var saturation = roundedPoint.y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(2 * roundedPoint.y) / rect_mainPalette.height
: 2.0 * CGFloat(rect_mainPalette.height - roundedPoint.y) / rect_mainPalette.height
saturation = CGFloat(powf(Float(saturation), roundedPoint.y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? saturationExponentTop : saturationExponentBottom))
let brightness = roundedPoint.y < rect_mainPalette.height / 2.0 ? CGFloat(1.0) : 2.0 * CGFloat(rect_mainPalette.height - roundedPoint.y) / rect_mainPalette.height
return UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1.0)
// gray palette
return UIColor(white: hue, alpha: 1.0)
@objc func touchedColor(gestureRecognizer: UILongPressGestureRecognizer)
let point = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self)
let color = getColorAtPoint(point: point)
【参考方案9】:我快速添加了代码以使用 iOS 14 中发布的 Apple 颜色选择器为 ViewController 实现颜色选择器。确保您的部署信息至少为 IOS 14.0 或更高版本。参考https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicolorpickerviewcontroller。
class ViewController: UIViewController, UIColorPickerViewControllerDelegate
let colorPicker = UIColorPickerViewController()
在 viewDidLoad 的最后,我将 colorPicker 委托设置为 self
colorPicker.delegate = self
// ends viewDidLoad
我使用一个颜色选择器为几个不同的对象选择颜色。当我向用户展示颜色选择器时,我将一个布尔标志设置为 true 以指示颜色选择器显示的原因。
resetAllColorChangeFlags() // First make sure all the booleans are false for robust design
changingScreenBackgroundColor = true
present(colorPicker, animated: true, completion: nil)
我添加了处理 colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor 和 colorPickerViewControllerDidFinish 的 API
colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor 检查布尔标志,并为适当的对象设置颜色属性。如果颜色应用于图层中的边框颜色,则使用 cgColor。
func colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor(_ viewController: UIColorPickerViewController)
if changingScreenBackgroundColor
self.view.backgroundColor = viewController.selectedColor
if addingATintCircle
pointerToThisTintView.backgroundColor = viewController.selectedColor
if changingTextBackgroundColor
pointerToTextObjectSelected.backgroundColor = viewController.selectedColor
if changingTextColor
pointerToTextObjectSelected.textColor = viewController.selectedColor
if changingTextBorderColor
pointerToTextObjectSelected.layer.borderColor = viewController.selectedColor.cgColor
if changingPhotoBorderColor
pointerToPhotoObjectSelected.layer.borderColor = viewController.selectedColor.cgColor
if changingCameraBorderColor
cameraView.layer.borderColor = viewController.selectedColor.cgColor
// ends colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor
colorPickerViewControllerDidFinish 仅用于重置我的所有布尔标志,这些标志指示颜色选择器为何呈现给用户。
func colorPickerViewControllerDidFinish(_ viewController: UIColorPickerViewController)
// ends colorPickerViewControllerDidFinish
func resetAllColorChangeFlags()
changingFunTextColor = false
changingFunTextFirstColorForGradient = false
changingFunTextSecondColorForGradient = false
changingScreenBackgroundColor = false
changingTextBackgroundColor = false
changingTextColor = false
changingTextBorderColor = false
changingPhotoBorderColor = false
changingCameraBorderColor = false
addingATintToAPhotoObject = false
addingATintCircle = false
addingAColorForGradients = false
// ends resetAllColorChangeFlags
频谱颜色选择器在 Internet Explorer 中不起作用