无法在 PHP 中检索 mp3 持续时间标签 (TLE/TLEN)
【中文标题】无法在 PHP 中检索 mp3 持续时间标签 (TLE/TLEN)【英文标题】:Can't retrieve mp3 duration tag (TLE/TLEN) in PHP 【发布时间】:2013-04-30 06:27:15 【问题描述】:我正在尝试在我的 mp3 文件中嵌入艺术家姓名、曲目标题、专辑、曲目编号和流派等相关信息。除了持续时间之外,我设法检索了所有这些。它只是给了我一个空白的结果。不再支持 TLE/TLEN 标签了吗?下面是我使用的函数:
// set error reporting level
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '>=') == 1)
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// gathering all mp3 files in 'mp3' folder into array
$sDir = 'mp3/';
$aFiles = array();
$rDir = opendir($sDir);
if ($rDir)
while ($sFile = readdir($rDir))
if ($sFile == '.' or $sFile == '..' or !is_file($sDir . $sFile))
$aPathInfo = pathinfo($sFile);
$sExt = strtolower($aPathInfo['extension']);
if ($sExt == 'mp3')
$aFiles[] = $sDir . $sFile;
closedir( $rDir );
// new object of our ID3TagsReader class
$oReader = new ID3TagsReader();
// passing through located files ..
$sList = $sList2 = '';
foreach ($aFiles as $sSingleFile)
$aTags = $oReader->getTagsInfo($sSingleFile); // obtaining ID3 tags info
$sList .= '<tr><td>'.$aTags['Title'].'</td><td>'.$aTags['Album'].'</td><td>'.$aTags['Author'].'</td>
$sList2 .= '<tr><td>'.$aTags['Title'].'</td><td>'.$aTags['Encoded'].'</td><td>'.$aTags['Copyright'].'</td>
// main output
echo strtr(file_get_contents('main_page.html'), array('__list__' => $sList, '__list2__' => $sList2));
// class ID3TagsReader
class ID3TagsReader
// variables
var $aTV23 = array( // array of possible sys tags (for last version of ID3)
var $aTV23t = array( // array of titles for sys tags
var $aTV22 = array( // array of possible sys tags (for old version of ID3)
var $aTV22t = array( // array of titles for sys tags
// constructor
function ID3TagsReader()
// functions
function getTagsInfo($sFilepath)
// read source file
$iFSize = filesize($sFilepath);
$vFD = fopen($sFilepath,'r');
$sSrc = fread($vFD,$iFSize);
// obtain base info
if (substr($sSrc,0,3) == 'ID3')
$aInfo['FileName'] = $sFilepath;
$aInfo['Version'] = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($sSrc,3,1))).'.'.hexdec(bin2hex(substr($sSrc,4,1)));
// passing through possible tags of idv2 (v3 and v4)
if ($aInfo['Version'] == '4.0' || $aInfo['Version'] == '3.0')
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->aTV23); $i++)
if (strpos($sSrc, $this->aTV23[$i].chr(0)) != FALSE)
$s = '';
$iPos = strpos($sSrc, $this->aTV23[$i].chr(0));
$iLen = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($sSrc,($iPos + 5),3)));
$data = substr($sSrc, $iPos, 9 + $iLen);
for ($a = 0; $a < strlen($data); $a++)
$char = substr($data, $a, 1);
if ($char >= ' ' && $char <= '~')
$s .= $char;
if (substr($s, 0, 4) == $this->aTV23[$i])
$iSL = 4;
if ($this->aTV23[$i] == 'USLT')
$iSL = 7;
elseif ($this->aTV23[$i] == 'TALB')
$iSL = 5;
elseif ($this->aTV23[$i] == 'TENC')
$iSL = 6;
$aInfo[$this->aTV23t[$i]] = substr($s, $iSL);
// passing through possible tags of idv2 (v2)
if($aInfo['Version'] == '2.0')
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->aTV22); $i++)
if (strpos($sSrc, $this->aTV22[$i].chr(0)) != FALSE)
$s = '';
$iPos = strpos($sSrc, $this->aTV22[$i].chr(0));
$iLen = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($sSrc,($iPos + 3),3)));
$data = substr($sSrc, $iPos, 6 + $iLen);
for ($a = 0; $a < strlen($data); $a++)
$char = substr($data, $a, 1);
if ($char >= ' ' && $char <= '~')
$s .= $char;
if (substr($s, 0, 3) == $this->aTV22[$i])
$iSL = 3;
if ($this->aTV22[$i] == 'ULT')
$iSL = 6;
$aInfo[$this->aTV22t[$i]] = substr($s, $iSL);
return $aInfo;
使用getid3,它允许你写ID3 ID3不想写,只想看 您的文件是 VBR 而不是 CBR 吗? VBR 可能会导致读取持续时间问题... 【参考方案1】:最好使用getid3,但是
我稍微编辑了这门课,然后 对不起,我不记得是谁写了这门课和原始网站
class MP3
protected $block;
protected $blockpos;
protected $blockmax;
protected $blocksize;
protected $fd;
protected $bitpos;
protected $mp3data;
public function __construct($filename='')
$this->powarr = array(0=>1,1=>2,2=>4,3=>8,4=>16,5=>32,6=>64,7=>128);
$this->blockmax= 1024;
$this->mp3data = array();
$this->mp3data['Filesize'] = filesize($filename);
$this->fd = fopen($filename,'rb');
public function __destruct()
public function fclose()
public function get_metadata()
return $this->mp3data;
protected function readmp3frame()
if ($this->startswithid3())
else if ($this->containsvbrxing())
$this->mp3data['Encoding'] = 'VBR';
else if ($this->startswithpk())
$this->mp3data['Encoding'] = 'Unknown';
if ($iscbrmp3)
$i = 0;
//look in 5000 bytes...
//the largest framesize is 4609bytes(256kbps@8000Hz mp3)
for($i=0; $i<$max; $i++)
//looking for 1111 1111 111 (frame synchronization bits)
if ($this->getnextbyte()==0xFF)
if ($this->getnextbit() && $this->getnextbit() && $this->getnextbit())
if ($i==$max)
if ($iscbrmp3)
$this->mp3data['Encoding' ] = 'CBR';
$this->mp3data['MPEG version' ] = $this->getnextbits(2);
$this->mp3data['Layer Description'] = $this->getnextbits(2);
$this->mp3data['Protection Bit' ] = $this->getnextbits(1);
$this->mp3data['Bitrate Index' ] = $this->getnextbits(4);
$this->mp3data['Sampling Freq Idx'] = $this->getnextbits(2);
$this->mp3data['Padding Bit' ] = $this->getnextbits(1);
$this->mp3data['Private Bit' ] = $this->getnextbits(1);
$this->mp3data['Channel Mode' ] = $this->getnextbits(2);
$this->mp3data['Mode Extension' ] = $this->getnextbits(2);
$this->mp3data['Copyright' ] = $this->getnextbits(1);
$this->mp3data['Original Media' ] = $this->getnextbits(1);
$this->mp3data['Emphasis' ] = $this->getnextbits(1);
$this->mp3data['Bitrate' ] = MP3::bitratelookup($this->mp3data);
$this->mp3data['Sampling Rate' ] = MP3::samplelookup($this->mp3data);
$this->mp3data['Frame Size' ] = MP3::getframesize($this->mp3data);
$this->mp3data['Length' ] = MP3::getduration($this->mp3data,$this->tell2());
$this->mp3data['Length mm:ss' ] = MP3::seconds_to_mmss($this->mp3data['Length']);
if ($this->mp3data['Bitrate' ]=='bad' ||
$this->mp3data['Bitrate' ]=='free' ||
$this->mp3data['Sampling Rate']=='unknown' ||
$this->mp3data['Frame Size' ]=='unknown' ||
$this->mp3data['Length' ]=='unknown')
$this->mp3data = array('Filesize'=>$this->mp3data['Filesize'], 'Encoding'=>'Unknown');
$this->mp3data['Encoding'] = 'Unknown';
protected function tell()
return ftell($this->fd);
protected function tell2()
return ftell($this->fd)-$this->blockmax +$this->blockpos-1;
protected function startswithid3()
return ($this->block[1]==73 && //I
$this->block[2]==68 && //D
$this->block[3]==51); //3
protected function startswithpk()
return ($this->block[1]==80 && //P
$this->block[2]==75); //K
protected function containsvbrxing()
//echo "<!--".$this->block[37]." ".$this->block[38]."-->";
//echo "<!--".$this->block[39]." ".$this->block[40]."-->";
($this->block[37]==88 && //X 0x58
$this->block[38]==105 && //i 0x69
$this->block[39]==110 && //n 0x6E
$this->block[40]==103) //g 0x67
/* ||
($this->block[21]==88 && //X 0x58
$this->block[22]==105 && //i 0x69
$this->block[23]==110 && //n 0x6E
$this->block[24]==103) //g 0x67*/
protected function debugbytes()
for($j=0; $j<10; $j++)
for($i=0; $i<8; $i++)
if ($i==4) echo " ";
echo $this->getnextbit();
echo "<BR>";
protected function prefetchblock()
$block = fread($this->fd, $this->blockmax);
$this->blocksize = strlen($block);
$this->block = unpack("C*", $block);
protected function skipid3tag()
$bits.=$this->getnextbits(24);//v.v flags
//3 bytes 1 version byte 2 byte flags
$arr = array();
$arr['ID3v2 Major version'] = bindec(substr($bits,24,8));
$arr['ID3v2 Minor version'] = bindec(substr($bits,32,8));
$arr['ID3v2 flags' ] = bindec(substr($bits,40,8));
if (substr($bits,40,1)) $arr['Unsynchronisation']=true;
if (substr($bits,41,1)) $arr['Extended header']=true;
if (substr($bits,42,1)) $arr['Experimental indicator']=true;
if (substr($bits,43,1)) $arr['Footer present']=true;
$size = "";
for($i=0; $i<4; $i++)
$this->getnextbit();//skip this bit, should be 0
$size.= $this->getnextbits(7);
$arr['ID3v2 Tags Size']=bindec($size);//now the size is in bytes;
if ($arr['ID3v2 Tags Size'] - $this->blockmax>0)
fseek($this->fd, $arr['ID3v2 Tags Size']+10 );
if (isset($arr['Footer present']) && $arr['Footer present'])
for($i=0; $i<10; $i++)
$this->getnextbyte();//10 footer bytes
for($i=0; $i<$arr['ID3v2 Tags Size']; $i++)
protected function getnextbit()
if ($this->bitpos==8)
return false;
$whichbit = 7-$this->bitpos;
$mult = $this->powarr[$whichbit]; //$mult = pow(2,7-$this->pos);
$b = $this->block[$this->blockpos+1] & $mult;
$b = $b >> $whichbit;
if ($this->bitpos==8)
if ($this->blockpos==$this->blockmax) //end of block reached
else if ($this->blockpos==$this->blocksize)
//end of short block reached (shorter than blockmax)
return $b;
protected function getnextbits($n=1)
for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
return $b;
protected function getnextbyte()
if ($this->blockpos>=$this->blocksize)
return $b;
public static function is_layer1(&$mp3) return ($mp3['Layer Description']=='11');
public static function is_layer2(&$mp3) return ($mp3['Layer Description']=='10');
public static function is_layer3(&$mp3) return ($mp3['Layer Description']=='01');
public static function is_mpeg10(&$mp3) return ($mp3['MPEG version']=='11');
public static function is_mpeg20(&$mp3) return ($mp3['MPEG version']=='10');
public static function is_mpeg25(&$mp3) return ($mp3['MPEG version']=='00');
public static function is_mpeg20or25(&$mp3) return ($mp3['MPEG version']1=='0');
public static function bitratelookup(&$mp3)
//bits V1,L1 V1,L2 V1,L3 V2,L1 V2,L2&L3
$array = array();
$array['0001']=array( '32', '32', '32', '32', '8');
$array['0010']=array( '64', '48', '40', '48', '16');
$array['0011']=array( '96', '56', '48', '56', '24');
$array['0100']=array( '128', '64', '56', '64', '32');
$array['0101']=array( '160', '80', '64', '80', '40');
$array['0110']=array( '192', '96', '80', '96', '48');
$array['0111']=array( '224', '112', '96', '112', '56');
$array['1000']=array( '256', '128', '112', '128', '64');
$array['1001']=array( '288', '160', '128', '144', '80');
$array['1010']=array( '320', '192', '160', '160', '96');
$array['1011']=array( '352', '224', '192', '176', '112');
$array['1100']=array( '384', '256', '224', '192', '128');
$array['1101']=array( '416', '320', '256', '224', '144');
$array['1110']=array( '448', '384', '320', '256', '160');
$array['1111']=array( 'bad', 'bad', 'bad', 'bad', 'bad');
if (MP3::is_mpeg10($mp3) && MP3::is_layer1($mp3) )//V1,L1
else if (MP3::is_mpeg10($mp3) && MP3::is_layer2($mp3) )//V1,L2
else if (MP3::is_mpeg10($mp3) && MP3::is_layer3($mp3) )//V1,L3
else if (MP3::is_mpeg20or25($mp3) && MP3::is_layer1($mp3) )//V2,L1
else if (MP3::is_mpeg20or25($mp3) && (MP3::is_layer2($mp3) || MP3::is_layer3($mp3)) )
$whichcolumn=4;//V2, L2||L3
if (isset($array[$mp3['Bitrate Index']][$whichcolumn]))
return $array[$mp3['Bitrate Index']][$whichcolumn];
return "bad";
public static function samplelookup(&$mp3)
//bits MPEG1 MPEG2 MPEG2.5
$array = array();
$array['00'] =array('44100','22050','11025');
$array['01'] =array('48000','24000','12000');
$array['10'] =array('32000','16000','8000');
$array['11'] =array('res','res','res');
if (MP3::is_mpeg10($mp3))
else if (MP3::is_mpeg20($mp3))
else if (MP3::is_mpeg25($mp3))
if (isset($array[$mp3['Sampling Freq Idx']][$whichcolumn]))
return $array[$mp3['Sampling Freq Idx']][$whichcolumn];
return 'unknown';
public static function getframesize(&$mp3)
if ($mp3['Sampling Rate']>0)
return ceil((144 * $mp3['Bitrate']*1000)/$mp3['Sampling Rate']) + $mp3['Padding Bit'];
return 'unknown';
public static function getduration(&$mp3,$startat)
if ($mp3['Bitrate']>0)
$KBps = ($mp3['Bitrate']*1000)/8;
$datasize = ($mp3['Filesize'] - ($startat/8));
$length = $datasize / $KBps;
return sprintf("%d", $length);
return "unknown";
public static function seconds_to_mmss($duration)
return sprintf("%d:%02d", ($duration /60), $duration %60 );
$MP3=new MP3("1.mp3");
使用 print_r 可以查看所有信息,例如
[Filesize] => 8004795
[Encoding] => CBR
[MPEG version] => 11
[Layer Description] => 01
[Protection Bit] => 1
[Bitrate Index] => 1011
[Sampling Freq Idx] => 00
[Padding Bit] => 0
[Private Bit] => 0
[Channel Mode] => 00
[Mode Extension] => 00
[Copyright] => 0
[Original Media] => 1
[Emphasis] => 0
[Bitrate] => 192
[Sampling Rate] => 44100
[Frame Size] => 627
[Length] => 333
[Length mm:ss] => 5:33
你能告诉我如何使用这个类吗? 我对 getid3 不熟悉,因为他们没有给出任何使用说明。以上是关于无法在 PHP 中检索 mp3 持续时间标签 (TLE/TLEN)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
如何使用 getid3 函数检索艺术家、评论、标题和其他 ID3 标签?