禁用 RichTextBox 中的滚动(c#)



【中文标题】禁用 RichTextBox 中的滚动(c#)【英文标题】:disable scrolling in RichTextBox (c#) 【发布时间】:2012-08-07 11:06:24 【问题描述】:

我编写了代码以在单独的页面中显示文本,例如 Microsoft Word,我使用文本框集合,当用户填写一个文本框时,会自动显示新框,并且光标会移动到她身上。



        using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.ComponentModel;
        using System.Data;
        using System.Drawing;
        using System.Linq;
        using System.Text;
        using System.Windows.Forms;
        using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

        namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
            public partial class Form1 : Form
                List<myRTB> pages; // collection of our RichTextBox, use as pages

                public Form1()

                    pages = new List<myRTB>();
                    pages.Add(new myRTB());
                    pages[0].Width = 200;
                    pages[0].Height = 290;
                    pages[0].Location = new Point(50, 10);
                    pages[0].Name = "0";

                    this.Width = 300;
                    this.Height = 360;
                    this.AutoScroll = true;

                public void AddPage(int correntPageIndex)
                    if (correntPageIndex == (pages.Count - 1)) 
                        // create a new page
                        pages.Add(new myRTB());
                        pages[correntPageIndex + 1].Width = 200;
                        pages[correntPageIndex + 1].Height = 290;
                        pages[correntPageIndex + 1].Location = new Point(50, pages[correntPageIndex].Location.Y + 300);
                        this.Controls.Add(pages[pages.Count - 1]);
                        this.Name = (correntPageIndex + 1).ToString();

                    bool CursorInEnd = (pages[correntPageIndex].SelectionStart == pages[correntPageIndex].TextLength);

                    // Transfer the last word on the previous page, to the new page

                    int lastLineIndex = pages[correntPageIndex].GetLineFromCharIndex(pages[correntPageIndex].TextLength - 2);
                    // find the index of the first char in the last line
                    int indexOfFirstCharInLastLine = pages[correntPageIndex].GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(lastLineIndex);
                    // find the index of the last space in the last line
                    int indexOfLastSpace = pages[correntPageIndex].Text.LastIndexOf(' ', indexOfFirstCharInLastLine);

                    string restOfString; 

                    if (indexOfLastSpace < 0) // no spaces in the last line
                        restOfString = pages[correntPageIndex].Text.Substring(pages[correntPageIndex].TextLength - 1);
                        pages[correntPageIndex + 1].Text.Insert(0, restOfString);
                        pages[correntPageIndex].Text.Remove(pages[correntPageIndex].TextLength - 1);
                    else // there is spaces in the last line
                        restOfString = pages[correntPageIndex].Text.Substring(indexOfLastSpace + 1);
                        pages[correntPageIndex + 1].Text = pages[correntPageIndex + 1].Text.Insert(0, restOfString);
                        pages[correntPageIndex].Text = pages[correntPageIndex].Text.Remove(indexOfLastSpace + 1);

                    if (CursorInEnd)
                        // Move the cursor to next page 
                        pages[correntPageIndex + 1].SelectionStart = restOfString.Length;
                        pages[correntPageIndex + 1].Focus();

            class myRTB : RichTextBox
                public myRTB()
                    this.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.None;
                protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
                    // catch the request resize message
                    if (m.Msg == (WM_REFLECT | WM_NOTIFY)) 
                        REQRESIZE rrs = (REQRESIZE)(Marshal.PtrToStructure(m.LParam, typeof(REQRESIZE)));
                        if (rrs.nmhdr.code == EN_REQUESTRESIZE)
                            if (rrs.rc.ToRectangle().Height > this.ClientRectangle.Height)
                    base.WndProc(ref m);

                public struct NMHDR
                    public IntPtr HWND;
                    public uint idFrom;
                    public int code;
                    public override String ToString()
                        return String.Format("Hwnd: 0, ControlID: 1, Code: 2",
                        HWND, idFrom, code);

                public struct REQRESIZE
                    public NMHDR nmhdr;
                    public RECT rc;

                public struct RECT
                    public int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
                    public override string ToString()
                        return String.Format("0, 1, 2, 3", Left, Top, Right,
                    public Rectangle ToRectangle()
                        return Rectangle.FromLTRB(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);

                public const int WM_USER = 0x400;
                public const int WM_NOTIFY = 0x4E;
                public const int WM_REFLECT = WM_USER + 0x1C00;
                public const int EN_REQUESTRESIZE = 0x701;





Disabling RichTextBox autoscroll


Prevent Autoscrolling in RichTextBox



   static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam); 
   const int WM_USER = 0x400; 
   const int EM_HIDESELECTION = WM_USER + 63;

   void OnAppend(string text)     
   bool focused = richTextBox1.Focused; 
   //backup initial selection 
   int selection = richTextBox1.SelectionStart;         
   int length = richTextBox1.SelectionLength;         
   //allow autoscroll if selection is at end of text         
      bool autoscroll = (selection==richTextBox1.Text.Length);
      if (!autoscroll)         
         //shift focus from RichTextBox to some other control            
        if (focused) 
         //hide selection             
      SendMessage(richTextBox1.Handle, EM_HIDESELECTION, 1, 0);


      if (!autoscroll)         
         //restore initial selection            
         richTextBox1.SelectionStart = selection;             
         richTextBox1.SelectionLength = length;             
         //unhide selection             
         SendMessage(richTextBox1.Handle, EM_HIDESELECTION, 0, 0);             
         //restore focus to RichTextBox             
         if(focused) richTextBox1.Focus();         


在我的示例中,我已经编写了 this.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.None; 它使得滚动条不显示,但文本框仍在滚动。 抱歉,错过了非常重要的代码行 :) 我更新了我的答案,我想它会对你有所帮助。 但是,在你输入之后,如果你将光标移动到第一页的最后一行,文本框会向下滚动一点,并在该行下方显示一个空格。 嗯,也许可以尝试在焦点事件下添加一些代码来检查该页面末尾是否有任何新行,如果是,则删除该行,禁用滚动并获得下一个richtexboxt的焦点?这是一个肮脏的工作,但它可能只是工作。 Focus() 其他一些控件似乎是这里的关键。

以上是关于禁用 RichTextBox 中的滚动(c#)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

C# winform中richTextBox中自动滚至底部




