域对象和数据映射器应如何在使用 MVC 的身份验证系统的服务类中交互



【中文标题】域对象和数据映射器应如何在使用 MVC 的身份验证系统的服务类中交互【英文标题】:How should the domain object and data mapper interact within a service class for an auth system using MVC 【发布时间】:2020-02-25 01:16:15 【问题描述】:

我在后端使用 Slim 3 php 创建身份验证/登录系统,在前端使用 Angular,我试图了解模型层的“域对象”和“数据映射器”部分在 MVC 结构中。我已经阅读了很多关于各种问题的有用答案such as this,从中我了解到模型应该由“域对象”、“数据映射器”和“服务”组成。







注意我不想使用任何框架,我想尝试手动实现一个合适的 MVC 结构,因为我觉得我会学到更多。


我有一个带有 registerUser 方法的 AuthenticationController 来允许用户创建一个帐户:

 class AuthenticationController

    protected $authenticationService;

    public function __construct(AuthenticationService $authenticationService)
        $this->authenticationService = $authenticationService;

    public function registerUser($request, $response)
        $this->authenticationService->registerUser($request, $response);

然后我就有了带有 registerUser 方法的 AuthenticationService 类:

class AuthenticationService

    protected $database;

    public function __construct(PDO $database)
        $this->database = $database;

    public function registerUser ($request, $response)
        $strings = $request→getParsedBody(); // will be sanitised / validated later
        $username = $strings['username'];
        $password = $strings['password'];
        $email = "temp random email";

        $stmt = $this->database->prepare("INSERT INTO users (email, username, password) values (:email, :username, :password)");
        $stmt->bindParam(':email', $email);
        $stmt->bindParam(':username', $username);
        $stmt->bindParam(':password', $password);

稍后我打算将 SQL 放入 AuthenticationRepository 并将 PDO 逻辑放入它自己的类中。此 AuthenticationService 方法还将确保使用 PHP 的内置函数清理用户详细信息。

我不确定提议的 PDO 数据库类或 AuthenticationRepository 是否算作数据映射器。


【参考方案1】: 注册将由服务执行。 服务可以“直接”使用data mapper,以便将实体“传输”到/从数据库中。不过,另外可以实现repository。服务将看到它并与它进行通信,就像与一个或多个实体的集合一样。 由于服务是模型层(域模型)的一部分,它应该对任何 requestresponse 对象一无所知。控制器应该从 request 中提取所需的值,并将 它们 作为参数传递给服务方法。 响应可以由控制器或视图发回,具体取决于您尝试实现的 MVC 变体。 您说 “我打算将 [...] PDO 逻辑放入它自己的类中”。您确实不需要为 PDO 扩展实现包装器。

这里是一个注册示例。我根本没有测试它。有关更多详细信息,请参阅此答案末尾的资源列表。也许从最后一个开始,这 - 我刚刚意识到 - 是你的问题的答案。


a) 扩展的“MyApp/UI”:

b) 扩展的“MyApp/Domain”:



namespace MyApp\UI\Web\Controller\Users;

use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidData;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception\FailedRegistration;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Registration as RegistrationService;

class Registration 

    private $registration;

    public function __construct(RegistrationService $registration) 
        $this->registration = $registration;

    public function register(ServerRequestInterface $request) 
        $username = $request->getParsedBody()['username'];
        $password = $request->getParsedBody()['password'];
        $email = $request->getParsedBody()['email'];

            $user = $this->registration->register($username, $password, $email);
         catch (InvalidData $exc) 
            // Write the exception message to a flash messenger, for example, 
            // in order to be read and displayed by the specific view component.
         catch (FailedRegistration $exc) 
            // Write the exception message to the flash messenger.

        // In the view component, if no exception messages are found in the flash messenger, display a success message.
        var_dump('Successfully registered.');



namespace MyApp\Domain\Service\Users;

use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Email;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Password;
use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception\UserExists;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\UserCollection as UserCollectionInterface;

class Registration 

     * User collection, e.g. user repository.
     * @var UserCollectionInterface
    private $userCollection;

    public function __construct(UserCollectionInterface $userCollection) 
        $this->userCollection = $userCollection;

     * Register user.
     * @param string $username Username.
     * @param string $password Password.
     * @param string $email Email.
     * @return User User.
    public function register(string $username, string $password, string $email) 
        $user = $this->createUser($username, $password, $email);

        return $this->storeUser($user);

     * Create user.
     * @param string $username Username.
     * @param string $password Password.
     * @param string $email Email.
     * @return User User.
    private function createUser(string $username, string $password, string $email) 
        // Create the object values (containing specific validation).
        $email = new Email($email);
        $password = new Password($password);

        // Create the entity (e.g. the domain object).
        $user = new User();


        return $user;

     * Store user.
     * @param User $user User.
     * @return User User.
    private function storeUser(User $user) 
        // Check if user already exists.
        if ($this->userCollection->exists($user)) 
            throw new UserExists();

        return $this->userCollection->store($user);



namespace MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception;

use MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception\FailedRegistration;

class UserExists extends FailedRegistration 

    public function __construct(\Exception $previous = null) 
        $message = 'User already exists.';
        $code = 123;

        parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);


namespace MyApp\Domain\Service\Users\Exception;

abstract class FailedRegistration extends \Exception 

    public function __construct(string $message, int $code = 0, \Exception $previous = null) 
        $message = 'Registration failed: ' . $message;

        parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);



namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users;

use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Email;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Password;

 * User entity (e.g. domain object).
class User 

    private $id;
    private $username;
    private $email;
    private $password;

    public function getId() 
        return $this->id;

    public function setId(int id) 
        $this->id = $id;
        return $this;

    public function getUsername() 
        return $this->username;

    public function setUsername(string $username) 
        $this->username = $username;
        return $this;

    public function getEmail() 
        return $this->email;

    public function setEmail(Email $email) 
        $this->email = $email;
        return $this;

    public function getPassword() 
        return $this->password;

    public function setPassword(Password $password) 
        $this->password = $password;
        return $this;



namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users;

use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidEmail;

 * Email object value.
class Email 

    private $email;

    public function __construct(string $email) 
        if (!$this->isValid($email)) 
            throw new InvalidEmail();

        $this->email = $email;

    private function isValid(string $email) 
        return (isEmpty($email) || !isWellFormed($email)) ? false : true;

    private function isEmpty(string $email) 
        return empty($email) ? true : false;

    private function isWellFormed(string $email) 
        return !filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ? false : true;

    public function __toString() 
        return $this->email;


namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users;

use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidPassword;

 * Password object value.
class Password 

    private const MIN_LENGTH = 8;

    private $password;

    public function __construct(string $password) 
        if (!$this->isValid($password)) 
            throw new InvalidPassword();

        $this->password = $password;

    private function isValid(string $password) 
        return (isEmpty($password) || isTooShort($password)) ? false : true;

    private function isEmpty(string $password) 
        return empty($password) ? true : false;

    private function isTooShort(string $password) 
        return strlen($password) < self::MIN_LENGTH ? true : false;

    public function __toString() 
        return $this->password;



namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception;

use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidData;

class InvalidEmail extends InvalidData 

    public function __construct(\Exception $previous = null) 
        $message = 'The email address is not valid.';
        $code = 123402;

        parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);


namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception;

use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception\InvalidData;

class InvalidPassword extends InvalidData 

    public function __construct(\Exception $previous = null) 
        $message = 'The password is not valid.';
        $code = 123401;

        parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);


namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Exception;

abstract class InvalidData extends \LogicException 

    public function __construct(string $message, int $code = 0, \Exception $previous = null) 
        $message = 'Invalid data: ' . $message;

        parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);



namespace MyApp\Domain\Model\Users;

use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;

 * User collection, e.g. user repository.
interface UserCollection 

     * Find a user by id.
     * @param int $id User id.
     * @return User|null User.
    public function findById(int $id);

     * Find all users.
     * @return User[] User list.
    public function findAll();

     * Check if the given user exists.
     * @param User $user User
     * @return bool True if user exists, false otherwise.
    public function exists(User $user);

     * Store a user.
     * @param User $user User
     * @return User User.
    public function store(User $user);



namespace MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Repository\Users;

use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\Users\UserMapper;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\UserCollection as UserCollectionInterface;

 * User collection, e.g. user repository.
class UserCollection implements UserCollectionInterface 

    private $userMapper;

    public function __construct(UserMapper $userMapper) 
        $this->userMapper = $userMapper;

     * Find a user by id.
     * @param int $id User id.
     * @return User|null User.
    public function findById(int $id) 
        return $this->userMapper->fetchUserById($id);

     * Find all users.
     * @return User[] User list.
    public function findAll() 
        return $this->userMapper->fetchAllUsers();

     * Check if the given user exists.
     * @param User $user User
     * @return bool True if user exists, false otherwise.
    public function exists(User $user) 
        return $this->userMapper->userExists($user);

     * Store a user.
     * @param User $user User
     * @return User User.
    public function store(User $user) 
        return $this->userMapper->saveUser($user);



namespace MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\Users;

use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;

 * User mapper.
interface UserMapper 

     * Fetch a user by id.
     * @param int $id User id.
     * @return User|null User.
    public function fetchUserById(int $id);

     * Fetch all users.
     * @return User[] User list.
    public function fetchAllUsers();

     * Check if the given user exists.
     * @param User $user User.
     * @return bool True if the user exists, false otherwise.
    public function userExists(User $user);

     * Save a user.
     * @param User $user User.
     * @return User User.
    public function saveUser(User $user);



namespace MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\Users;

use PDO;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\User;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Email;
use MyApp\Domain\Model\Users\Password;
use MyApp\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\Users\UserMapper;

 * PDO user mapper.
class PdoUserMapper implements UserMapper 

     * Database connection.
     * @var PDO
    private $connection;

    public function __construct(PDO $connection) 
        $this->connection = $connection;

     * Fetch a user by id.
     * Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
     * @param int $id User id.
     * @return User|null User.
    public function fetchUserById(int $id) 
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1';

        $statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
            'id' => $id,

        $record = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        return ($record === false) ? null : $this->convertRecordToUser($record);

     * Fetch all users.
     * @return User[] User list.
    public function fetchAllUsers() 
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM users';

        $statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);

        $recordset = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        return $this->convertRecordsetToUserList($recordset);

     * Check if the given user exists.
     * Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
     * @param User $user User.
     * @return bool True if the user exists, false otherwise.
    public function userExists(User $user) 
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM users WHERE username = :username';

        $statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
            ':username' => $user->getUsername(),

        $record = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        return ($record['cnt'] > 0) ? true : false;

     * Save a user.
     * @param User $user User.
     * @return User User.
    public function saveUser(User $user) 
        $id = $user->getId();

        if (!isset($id)) 
            return $this->insertUser($user);

        return $this->updateUser($user);

     * Insert a user.
     * @param User $user User.
     * @return User User.
    private function insertUser(User $user) 
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO users (
                ) VALUES (

        $statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
            ':username' => $user->getUsername(),
            ':password' => (string) $user->getPassword(),
            ':email' => (string) $user->getEmail(),


        return $user;

     * Update a user.
     * @param User $user User.
     * @return User User.
    private function updateUser(User $user) 
        $sql = 'UPDATE users 
                    username = :username,
                    password = :password,
                    email = :email 
                WHERE id = :id';

        $statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
            ':id' => $user->getId(),
            ':username' => $user->getUsername(),
            ':password' => (string) $user->getPassword(),
            ':email' => (string) $user->getEmail(),

        return $user;

     * Convert a record to a user.
     * @param array $record Record data.
     * @return User User.
    private function convertRecordToUser(array $record) 
        $user = $this->createUser(

        return $user;

     * Convert a recordset to a list of users.
     * @param array $recordset Recordset data.
     * @return User[] User list.
    private function convertRecordsetToUserList(array $recordset) 
        $users = [];

        foreach ($recordset as $record) 
            $users[] = $this->convertRecordToUser($record);

        return $users;

     * Create user.
     * @param int $id User id.
     * @param string $username Username.
     * @param string $password Password.
     * @param string $email Email.
     * @return User User.
    private function createUser(int $id, string $username, string $password, string $email) 
        $user = new User();

            ->setPassword(new Password($password))
            ->setEmail(new Email($email))

        return $user;


Keynote: Architecture the Lost Years Sandro Mancuso : An introduction to interaction-driven design Unbreakable Domain Models An older answer of mine, for some explanations。


感谢您这样做,这非常有帮助。不过我想知道,将验证移至使用 Angular 的前端是否可行?输入验证似乎是前端的事情。不过,我会在 api 端保留密码哈希和用户输入。 不客气。就个人而言,我会尝试在前端和后端验证用户输入。我不确定您对用户输入卫生的理解。 嗯,我知道卫生会从输入中去除不需要的字符,为此我使用 PHP 的“FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL”和“FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING”。但是关于前端和后端的验证,他们是否都应该说确保电子邮件以相同的方式正确格式化?两者都有它似乎有点毫无意义。难道如果他们打破了前端的验证,后端仍然有一道屏障作为第二道防线? 我的错。让我纠正我之前的评论:“我会尝试在前端和后端验证用户输入,但几乎从不只在客户端”。通过使用“几乎”,我想到,您可能正在为您工作的公司开发一个 Intranet,并且您肯定知道,用户是值得信赖的,并且将始终启用客户端库。但是,即使是这种情况也不能完全保证。 使用 "...后端仍有障碍" 您正确地认识到了同时使用两者的原因。而且,确实,“在两者上都使用它似乎有点毫无意义”。使用特定的客户端库来处理特定的输入数据是没有意义的,而使用另一个服务器端库来验证相同数据的服务器端是没有意义的。简而言之,只需进行彻底的服务器端验证就足够了。

以上是关于域对象和数据映射器应如何在使用 MVC 的身份验证系统的服务类中交互的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



keycloak 从自定义协议映射器抛出身份验证错误

MVC,映射器将 ViewModel 传递给 CreateView 的问题

