


【中文标题】python中文本的n-gram【英文标题】:n-grams from text in python 【发布时间】:2018-08-12 00:20:56 【问题描述】:

对我之前的post 的更新,有一些变化: 假设我有 100 条推文。 在这些推文中,我需要提取:1)食物名称和 2)饮料名称。我还需要为每次提取附加类型(饮料或食物)和一个 ID 号(每个项目都有一个唯一的 ID)。 我已经有一个包含名称、类型和 ID 号的词典:

lexicon = 
'dr pepper': 'type': 'drink', 'id': 'd_123',
'coca cola': 'type': 'drink', 'id': 'd_234',
'cola': 'type': 'drink', 'id': 'd_345',
'banana': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_456',
'banana split': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_567',
'cream': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_678',
'ice cream': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_789'



sentences = [
'dr pepper is better than coca cola and suits banana split with ice cream', 
'coca cola and banana is not a good combo']

我请求的输出(可以是 list 以外的 type):

 [[["dr pepper"], ["drink", "d_124"]],
  [["coca cola"], ["drink", "d_234"]],
  [["banana split"], ["food", "f_567"]],
  [["ice cream"], ["food", "f_789"]]],

 [[["coca cola"], ["drink", "d_234"]],
  [["banana"], ["food", "f_456"]]]]

重要的是输出应该在 ngrams (n>1) 中提取 unigrams:

 [[["dr pepper"], ["drink", "d_124"]],
  [["coca cola"], ["drink", "d_234"]],
  [["cola"], ["drink", "d_345"]],
  [["banana split"], ["food", "f_567"]],
  [["banana"], ["food", "f_456"]],
  [["ice cream"], ["food", "f_789"]],
  [["cream"], ["food", "f_678"]]],

 [[["coca cola"], ["drink", "d_234"]],
  [["cola"], ["drink", "d_345"]],
  [["banana"], ["food", "f_456"]]]]

理想情况下,我希望能够在各种 nltk 过滤器中运行我的句子,例如 lemmatize() 和 pos_tag() BEFORE 提取以获得如下输出。但是使用这个正则表达式解决方案,如果我这样做,那么所有单词都会被拆分为 unigram,或者它们将从字符串“coca cola”中生成 1 个 unigram 和 1 个 bigram,这将生成我不想拥有的输出(如上例)。 理想的输出(同样输出的类型并不重要):

 [[[("dr pepper", "NN")], ["drink", "d_124"]],
  [[("coca cola", "NN")], ["drink", "d_234"]],
  [[("banana split", "NN")], ["food", "f_567"]],
  [[("ice cream", "NN")], ["food", "f_789"]]],

 [[[("coca cola", "NN")], ["drink", "d_234"]],
  [[("banana", "NN")], ["food", "f_456"]]]]


***.com/questions/49064114/… 的副本? 不重复,但非常相似 【参考方案1】:

可能不是最有效的解决方案,但这肯定会让你开始 -

sentences = [
'dr pepper is better than coca cola and suits banana split with ice cream', 
'coca cola and banana is not a good combo']

lexicon = 
'dr pepper': 'type': 'drink', 'id': 'd_123',
'coca cola': 'type': 'drink', 'id': 'd_234',
'cola': 'type': 'drink', 'id': 'd_345',
'banana': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_456',
'banana split': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_567',
'cream': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_678',
'ice cream': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_789'

lexicon_list = list(lexicon.keys())
lexicon_list.sort(key = lambda s: len(s.split()), reverse=True)

chunks = []

for sentence in sentences:
    for lex in lexicon_list:
        if lex in sentence:
                chunks.append(lex: list(lexicon[lex].values()) )
                sentence = sentence.replace(lex, '')



['dr pepper': ['drink', 'd_123'], 'coca cola': ['drink', 'd_234'], 'banana split': ['food', 'f_567'], 'ice cream': ['food', 'f_789'], 'coca cola': ['drink', 'd_234'], 'banana': ['food', 'f_456']]


lexicon_list = list(lexicon.keys()) 获取需要搜索的短语列表并按长度对其进行排序(以便首先找到更大的块)

输出是dict 的列表,其中每个字典都有list 值。



不幸的是,由于我的声誉低下,我无法制作 cmets,但 Vivek 的答案可以通过 1) 正则表达式、2) 包括 pos_tag 标记作为 NN、3) 字典结构来改进,您可以在其中通过推文选择推文结果:

import re
import nltk
from collections import OrderedDict

tweets = "tweet_1": ['dr pepper is better than coca cola and suits banana split with ice cream', 'coca cola and banana is not a good combo']

lexicon = 
'dr pepper': 'type': 'drink', 'id': 'd_123',
'coca cola': 'type': 'drink', 'id': 'd_234',
'cola': 'type': 'drink', 'id': 'd_345',
'banana': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_456',
'banana split': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_567',
'cream': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_678',
'ice cream': 'type': 'food', 'id': 'f_789'

lexicon_list = list(lexicon.keys())
lexicon_list.sort(key = lambda s: len(s.split()), reverse=True)

#regex will be much more faster than "in" operator
pattern = "(" + "|".join(lexicon_list) +  ")"
pattern = re.compile(pattern)

# Here we make the dictionary of our phrases and their tagged equivalents
lexicon_pos_tag = word:nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(word)) for word in lexicon_list
# if you will train model that it recognizes e.g. "banana split" as ("banana split", "NN")
# not as ("banana", "NN") and ("split", "NN") you could use the following
# lexicon_pos_tag = word:nltk.pos_tag(word) for word in lexicon_list

#chunks will register the tweets as the keywords
chunks = OrderedDict()
for tweet in tweets:
    chunks[tweet] = []
    for sentence in tweets[tweet]:
        temp = OrderedDict()
        for word in pattern.findall(sentence):
            temp[word] = [lexicon_pos_tag[word], [lexicon[word]["type"], lexicon[word]["id"]]]


          [OrderedDict([('dr pepper',
                         [[('dr', 'NN'), ('pepper', 'NN')],
                          ['drink', 'd_123']]),
                        ('coca cola',
                         [[('coca', 'NN'), ('cola', 'NN')],
                          ['drink', 'd_234']]),
                        ('banana split',
                         [[('banana', 'NN'), ('split', 'NN')],
                          ['food', 'f_567']]),
                        ('ice cream',
                         [[('ice', 'NN'), ('cream', 'NN')],
                          ['food', 'f_789']])]),
           OrderedDict([('coca cola',
                         [[('coca', 'NN'), ('cola', 'NN')],
                          ['drink', 'd_234']]),
                         [[('banana', 'NN')], ['food', 'f_456']])])])])


感谢您的回复。但是,pos_tag 的重点并不是说每个“香蕉”都应该是 NN,而是在预训练模型中只找到那些属于 NN 类型的香蕉。 当然,但是正如我在 lexicon_pos_tag 上面的评论中指出的那样...如果您在训练 pos_tag 模型后执行上述代码,则代码:lexicon_pos_tag = word:nltk.pos_tag(word) for word in lexicon_list 将创建一个像 "banana split “:(“香蕉分裂”,“NN”)。然后将在代码temp[word] = [lexicon_pos_tag[word],...中正确使用。 谢谢!目前,我正在研究您原来的正则表达式解决方案。但我也会尝试更新!非常好的输入! :)【参考方案3】:

我会用一个 for 循环来过滤 ..

使用 if 语句在键中查找字符串。如果您希望包含 unigram,请删除

len(key.split()) > 1


len(key.split()) == 1

 filtered_list = ['tweet_id_1']

 for k, v in lexicon.items():
     for s in sentences:
         if k in s and len(k.split()) > 1:
             filtered_list.extend((k, v))



这不会在第二句中找到“香蕉”。它应该即将检测到所有 ngram,但不会生成相同字符串的重复。


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