通过 jQuery AJAX 将字符串数组传递给 C# WebMethod



【中文标题】通过 jQuery AJAX 将字符串数组传递给 C# WebMethod【英文标题】:pass string array via jQuery AJAX to C# WebMethod 【发布时间】:2015-06-28 19:11:23 【问题描述】:

我想通过 jQuery (POST) 将 javascript 字符串数组传递给 C# WebMethod:

    type: "POST", // GET or POST or PUT or DELETE verb          
    url: PageURL + 'ChangeColor', // Location of the service
    data: " 'OriginalColorHex': '" + JSON.stringify(clipartOriginalColorsHex) + "','ModifiedColorHex':'" + JSON.stringify(clipartModifiedColorsHex) +
          "','OriginalColorRGB': '" + JSON.stringify(clipartOriginalColorsRGB) + "','ModifiedColorRGB':'" + JSON.stringify(clipartModifiedColorsRGB) +
          "','fileName':'" + clipartFileName + "' ",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", // Content type sent to server
    dataType: "json", // Expected data format from server
    processdata: true, // True or False      
    traditional: true,          
    success: function (result)  // On Successful service call

ajax 调用中的数据如下所示

 'OriginalColorHex': '["#000000","#006565","#cccc99"]', 'ModifiedColorHex': '["#3366CC","#cc5500","#3366cc"]', 'OriginalColorRGB': '["rgb(0,0,0)","rgb(0,101,101)","rgb(204,204,153)"]', 'ModifiedColorRGB': '["rgb(51, 102, 204)","rgb(204, 85, 0)","rgb(51, 102, 204)"]', 'fileName': '179.svg' 


public static string ChangeClipartColor(string[] OriginalColorHex, string[] ModifiedColorHex, string[] OriginalColorRGB, string[] ModifiedColorRGB, string fileName)

    // Code Here


   "Message":"Cannot convert object of type \u0027System.String\u0027 to type \u0027System.String[]\u0027",
   "StackTrace":"   at System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeInternal(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object\u0026 convertedObject)\r\n   at System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeMain(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object\u0026 convertedObject)\r\n   at System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.StrongTypeParameters(IDictionary`2 rawParams)\r\n   at System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.CallMethodFromRawParams(Object target, IDictionary`2 parameters)\r\n   at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.InvokeMethod(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData, IDictionary`2 rawParams)\r\n   at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData)",




JSON 数组不需要用引号引起来。这是有效的 JSON:

    "OriginalColorHex": [

尝试使用JSONLint 之类的工具验证您的 JSON,以确保其有效。 WebMethod 应该能够接受字符串数组就好了。


与其将 JSON 构建为字符串,不如构建一个对象,然后让 JavaScript 为您处理转换:

var clipartOriginalColorsHex = ['#000000','#006565','#cccc99'];
var clipartModifiedColorsHex = ['#3366CC','#cc5500','#3366cc'];
var clipartOriginalColorsRGB = ['rgb(0,0,0)','rgb(0,101,101)','rgb(204,204,153)'];
var clipartModifiedColorsRGB = ['rgb(51, 102, 204)','rgb(204, 85, 0)','rgb(51, 102, 204)'];
var fileName = '179.svg';

var myData = 
    OriginalColorHex: clipartOriginalColorsHex,
    ModifiedColorHex: clipartModifiedColorsHex,
    OriginalColorRGB: clipartOriginalColorsRGB,
    ModifiedColorRGB: clipartModifiedColorsRGB,
    fileName: fileName

    type: "POST",       //GET or POST or PUT or DELETE verb          
    url: PageURL + 'ChangeColor',       // Location of the service
    data:   JSON.stringify(myData),
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",     // content type sent to server
    dataType: "json",   //Expected data format from server
    processdata: true,  //True or False      
    traditional: true,          
    success: function (result) //On Successful service call

更简洁,更不容易出错,更容易测试。这是一个fiddle 来演示。




 'OriginalColorHex': ["#000000","#006565","#cccc99"],'ModifiedColorHex':["#3366CC","#cc5500","#3366cc"],'OriginalColorRGB': ["rgb(0,0,0)","rgb(0,101,101)","rgb(204,204,153)"],'ModifiedColorRGB':["rgb(51, 102, 204)","rgb(204, 85, 0)","rgb(51, 102, 204)"],'fileName':'179.svg' 



您正在将字符串 ('["#000000","#006565","#cccc99"]') 传递给字符串[]。摆脱阵列周围的单引号。应该这样做:

type: "POST",       //GET or POST or PUT or DELETE verb          
url: PageURL + 'ChangeColor',       // Location of the service
data:   " 'OriginalColorHex': " + JSON.stringify(clipartOriginalColorsHex) + ",'ModifiedColorHex':" + JSON.stringify(clipartModifiedColorsHex) +
        ",'OriginalColorRGB': " + JSON.stringify(clipartOriginalColorsRGB) + ",'ModifiedColorRGB':" + JSON.stringify(clipartModifiedColorsRGB) +
        ",'fileName':" + clipartFileName + " ",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",     // content type sent to server
dataType: "json",   //Expected data format from server
processdata: true,  //True or False      
traditional: true,          
success: function (result) //On Successful service call





var data = 
    OriginalColorHex: clipartOriginalColorsHex,
    ModifiedColorHex: clipartModifiedColorsHex,
    OriginalColorRGB: clipartOriginalColorsRGB,
    ModifiedColorRGB: clipartModifiedColorsRGB,
    fileName: clipartFileName

    type: "POST", // GET or POST or PUT or DELETE verb          
    url: PageURL + 'ChangeColor', // Location of the service
    data: JSON.stringify(data),
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", // content type sent to server
    dataType: "json", // Expected data format from server
    processdata: true, // True or False      
    traditional: true,          
    success: function (result)  // On Successful service call


以上是关于通过 jQuery AJAX 将字符串数组传递给 C# WebMethod的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

使用jQuery AJAX将字符串数组传递给具有可变数量参数的webmethod


将 PHP 数组传递给外部 jQuery $.ajax

如何将 JSON 对象内的 JSON 数组传递给 jQuery 自动完成

通过 Ajax 将多个复选框传递给 PHP

使用 Jquery Ajax 将数组传递给 asp.net C# 控制器