


【中文标题】猪拉丁程序不起作用【英文标题】:Pig Latin Program Not Working 【发布时间】:2017-04-26 21:08:51 【问题描述】:


Task 1:是一个单词分隔函数,它接受这样的字符串

FOR EXAMPLE: "ExceedYourExpectations" to "Exceed your expectations"

任务 2:Pig Latin 函数,将单词的第一个字母移动到末尾并添加“ay”

FOR EXAMPLE: "Exceed your expectations" to "xceedEay ouryay xpectationseay"


    要求用户输入一个输入字符串。 以输入字符串为附件调用分词函数 显示结果字符串 以单词分隔函数的结果字符串作为参数调用 Pig Latin 函数 显示结果猪拉丁字符串。


"xceed your expectationsEay" instead of "xceedEay ouryay xpectationseay"

有人可以帮我吗?我已经在这工作了大约 2 天,但我仍然无法正确处理。提前致谢!

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

// function prototype
void wordSep(string&);
string pigLatinString(string);

int main()

string input;
string converted;

//display unformatted sentence
cout << "Enter An Input String: " << endl;
cin >> input;

//seperate the words according to format

// display new formatted sentence
cout << "\nResult String: " << input << endl;


converted += pigLatinString(input) + " ";

cout << "\nPig Latin: " << converted << endl;
converted = "";

return 0;

// ====================================================
// function definition - converts input to a string where words are 
separated by spaces and only the
//first word starts with a capital letter
void wordSep(string &input)

char tempLetter; //temporarily stores a letter from &input
int length;
length = input.size(); // get original length to use in the loop

for (int count = 1; count < length; count++) // count starts at 1 to ignore first word(1st capitalization)
        tempLetter = input[count];
        // if uppercase character is found add a space
        if (isupper(tempLetter))
            input.insert(count, 1 ,' ');
            ++count; //after insertion of a space character we need to add 1 to the index (this makes count go back to the capital letter)

            //set the letter to lowercase (b/c only first word starts with an uppercase letter)
            input[count] = tolower(input[count]);

string pigLatinString(string input)

string firstChar = input.substr(0,1);

string restChar = input.substr(1, input.size()-1);

return restChar + firstChar + "ay";


请改进代码的缩进。 对不起,我已经修好了。现在应该可以正确格式化了。 首先,熟悉您的调试器。了解调试器后,解决一个简单的字符串问题不需要 2 天时间。其次,编写一个简单的main 函数,它只调用pigLatinString,并用硬编码的数据对其进行测试。您不需要 main() 或您的程序中的所有其他内容来测试这样的功能。 yr piglatin 函数完全按照您的要求执行,您将整个字符串传入,然后告诉它将第一个字母移到末尾并添加“ay”。您必须将每个单词传递给它 这意味着 'wordsep' 必须返回一个单词向量 【参考方案1】:

您的 pig latin 函数没有给出您期望的输出的原因是因为您将整个字符串(包含空格和所有字符串)作为输入传递。如果您将输入的单词逐字传递,您将得到您期望的结果,如下所示:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// This is your function
string pigLatinString(const string& input) 
    string firstChar = input.substr(0,1);

    string restChar = input.substr(1, input.size()-1);

    return restChar + firstChar + "ay";

// This function takes your input string and calls 
// your pig latin function once for each word
string callPigLatinStringWordForWord(const string& input) 
    string result = "";

    // Find first word
    size_t startPosition = 0;
    size_t spacePosition = input.find(' ', startPosition);

    while (spacePosition != string::npos) 
        string word = input.substr(startPosition, spacePosition - startPosition);
        result += pigLatinString(word) + " ";

        // Find next word
        startPosition = spacePosition + 1;
        spacePosition = input.find(' ', startPosition);

    // Finally transform the final word
    result += pigLatinString(input.substr(startPosition));

    return result;

int main() 
    string input = "Exceed your expectations";
    string result = callPigLatinStringWordForWord(input);
    cout << result;

    return 0;




std::string pigLatinString(const std::string &source) 
    std::string target;
    char first = '\0';
    for (const auto ch : source) 
        if (first == '\0') 
            if (std::isspace(ch)) 
                target += ch;
                // remember the first char until the end of the word
                first = ch;
            if (std::isspace(ch)) 
                 target += first;
                 target += "ay";
                 first = '\0';
            target += ch;
    if (first != '\0') 
        target += first;
        target += "ay";
    return target;




Pig 的“转储”在 AWS 上不起作用



