PayPal 自适应支付 API - 延迟链支付(PHP、JavaScript)
【中文标题】PayPal 自适应支付 API - 延迟链支付(PHP、JavaScript)【英文标题】:PayPal Adaptive Payments API - Delayed Chain Payments (PHP, JavaScript) 【发布时间】:2018-03-04 20:32:54 【问题描述】:在我的服务器端,我刚刚开始通过 AngelEye php SDK 收到来自自适应支付 API 的积极响应,以实现延迟的链式支付,主要接收方持有长达 90 天的资金,分散到二级接收方帐户。
在客户端,我使用 JSON 编码的 API 响应返回的 RedirectURL 将用户重定向到结帐。所以最坏的情况已经过去,但我不明白 PayPal 的意思是什么?
明确是否暗示我必须登录我的 PayPal 并在他们满足我设置的标准后手动将资金支付到辅助收款人帐户?首先,我想弄清楚如何在延迟链式支付中延迟链。一旦我(应用程序所有者)从二级接收方收到标准(例如跟踪号),我是否可以让资金以某种方式自动发送到我的服务器上
By default, payments to all receivers in a chained payment are immediate.
However, you can choose to delay a payment to a secondary receiver. For
example, as primary receiver, you may require secondary receivers to perform
some action, such as shipping goods or waiting for expiration of a return
period, before making payment. To complete the payment, you must explicitly
execute a payment to secondary receivers after the sender pays you. The
payment must occur within 90 days, after which you cannot complete the payment
as part of the original chained payment.
嗨!您应该将您的解决方案作为答案发布并接受它,以便其他人可以看到您的问题已解决,尤其是如果您自己解决了问题:) 【参考方案1】:已解决
Step 4: Make a Payment to One or More Secondary Receivers
When the time comes to pay secondary receivers, call ExecutePayment,
specifying the pay key from Step 1. For more information on this call, see
the ExecutePayment API Operation.
When the time comes to pay secondary receivers, all secondary receivers must
be paid at once.
PayKey + ExecutePayment = 答案!
以上是关于PayPal 自适应支付 API - 延迟链支付(PHP、JavaScript)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章