在 Material-ui Autocomplete 组件上设置文本颜色、轮廓和填充



【中文标题】在 Material-ui Autocomplete 组件上设置文本颜色、轮廓和填充【英文标题】:Setting text color, outline, and padding on Material-ui Autocomplete component 【发布时间】:2020-03-17 22:41:18 【问题描述】:

我们想更改 Material-ui 自动完成组件上的文本颜色、轮廓和填充。


                label="Please enter desired service:"
                    getOptionLabel=option => option.name
                    style= width: 400, paddingLeft: 20 
                    renderInput=params => (

我们可以通过这样的代码改变 TextInput 颜色

                          className: classes.inputColor

但是以这种方式应用样式会影响自动完成功能(它会失去自动完成功能并且表现得像普通的 TextField)。




我建议使用代码框或类似示例重现该问题,并使用链接编辑您的帖子。 【参考方案1】:


renderInput=params => (
          className: classes.inputColor

上述方法会导致问题,因为Autocomplete 组件passes InputProps 作为params 的一部分传递给TextField,因此显式传递的InputProps 将完全替换params 中的InputProps

相反,您应该利用inputRoot CSS class for the Autocomplete component:

<Autocomplete classes=inputRoot: classes.inputRoot .../>

下面是一个有效的 v4 示例(下方的 v5 示例),它自定义了输入和标签的文本颜色、轮廓颜色和 padding-left。

import React from "react";
import TextField from "@material-ui/core/TextField";
import Autocomplete from "@material-ui/lab/Autocomplete";
import  makeStyles  from "@material-ui/core/styles";

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => (
    "& .MuiInputLabel-outlined:not(.MuiInputLabel-shrink)": 
      // Default transform is "translate(14px, 20px) scale(1)""
      // This lines up the label with the initial cursor position in the input
      // after changing its padding-left.
      transform: "translate(34px, 20px) scale(1);"
    color: "purple",
    // This matches the specificity of the default styles at https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/blob/v4.11.3/packages/material-ui-lab/src/Autocomplete/Autocomplete.js#L90
    '&[class*="MuiOutlinedInput-root"] .MuiAutocomplete-input:first-child': 
      // Default left padding is 6px
      paddingLeft: 26
    "& .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": 
      borderColor: "green"
    "&:hover .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": 
      borderColor: "red"
    "&.Mui-focused .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": 
      borderColor: "purple"

export default function ComboBox() 
  const classes = useStyles();
  return (
      getOptionLabel=(option) => option.title
      style= width: 300 
      renderInput=(params) => 
        return (
            label="Combo box"

// Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. http://www.imdb.com/chart/top
const top100Films = [
   title: "The Shawshank Redemption", year: 1994 ,
   title: "The Godfather", year: 1972 ,
   title: "The Godfather: Part II", year: 1974 ,
   title: "The Dark Knight", year: 2008 ,
   title: "12 Angry Men", year: 1957 ,
   title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 ,
   title: "Pulp Fiction", year: 1994 ,
   title: "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", year: 2003 ,
   title: "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", year: 1966 ,
   title: "Fight Club", year: 1999 ,
   title: "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", year: 2001 ,
   title: "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back", year: 1980 ,
   title: "Forrest Gump", year: 1994 ,
   title: "Inception", year: 2010 ,
   title: "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", year: 2002 ,
   title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 ,
   title: "Goodfellas", year: 1990 ,
   title: "The Matrix", year: 1999 ,
   title: "Seven Samurai", year: 1954 ,
   title: "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope", year: 1977 ,
   title: "City of God", year: 2002 ,
   title: "Se7en", year: 1995 ,
   title: "The Silence of the Lambs", year: 1991 ,
   title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 ,
   title: "Life Is Beautiful", year: 1997 ,
   title: "The Usual Suspects", year: 1995 ,
   title: "Léon: The Professional", year: 1994 ,
   title: "Spirited Away", year: 2001 ,
   title: "Saving Private Ryan", year: 1998 ,
   title: "Once Upon a Time in the West", year: 1968 ,
   title: "American History X", year: 1998 ,
   title: "Interstellar", year: 2014 ,
   title: "Casablanca", year: 1942 ,
   title: "City Lights", year: 1931 ,
   title: "Psycho", year: 1960 ,
   title: "The Green Mile", year: 1999 ,
   title: "The Intouchables", year: 2011 ,
   title: "Modern Times", year: 1936 ,
   title: "Raiders of the Lost Ark", year: 1981 ,
   title: "Rear Window", year: 1954 ,
   title: "The Pianist", year: 2002 ,
   title: "The Departed", year: 2006 ,
   title: "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", year: 1991 ,
   title: "Back to the Future", year: 1985 ,
   title: "Whiplash", year: 2014 ,
   title: "Gladiator", year: 2000 ,
   title: "Memento", year: 2000 ,
   title: "The Prestige", year: 2006 ,
   title: "The Lion King", year: 1994 ,
   title: "Apocalypse Now", year: 1979 ,
   title: "Alien", year: 1979 ,
   title: "Sunset Boulevard", year: 1950 ,
      "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb",
    year: 1964
   title: "The Great Dictator", year: 1940 ,
   title: "Cinema Paradiso", year: 1988 ,
   title: "The Lives of Others", year: 2006 ,
   title: "Grave of the Fireflies", year: 1988 ,
   title: "Paths of Glory", year: 1957 ,
   title: "Django Unchained", year: 2012 ,
   title: "The Shining", year: 1980 ,
   title: "WALL·E", year: 2008 ,
   title: "American Beauty", year: 1999 ,
   title: "The Dark Knight Rises", year: 2012 ,
   title: "Princess Mononoke", year: 1997 ,
   title: "Aliens", year: 1986 ,
   title: "Oldboy", year: 2003 ,
   title: "Once Upon a Time in America", year: 1984 ,
   title: "Witness for the Prosecution", year: 1957 ,
   title: "Das Boot", year: 1981 ,
   title: "Citizen Kane", year: 1941 ,
   title: "North by Northwest", year: 1959 ,
   title: "Vertigo", year: 1958 ,
   title: "Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi", year: 1983 ,
   title: "Reservoir Dogs", year: 1992 ,
   title: "Braveheart", year: 1995 ,
   title: "M", year: 1931 ,
   title: "Requiem for a Dream", year: 2000 ,
   title: "Amélie", year: 2001 ,
   title: "A Clockwork Orange", year: 1971 ,
   title: "Like Stars on Earth", year: 2007 ,
   title: "Taxi Driver", year: 1976 ,
   title: "Lawrence of Arabia", year: 1962 ,
   title: "Double Indemnity", year: 1944 ,
   title: "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", year: 2004 ,
   title: "Amadeus", year: 1984 ,
   title: "To Kill a Mockingbird", year: 1962 ,
   title: "Toy Story 3", year: 2010 ,
   title: "Logan", year: 2017 ,
   title: "Full Metal Jacket", year: 1987 ,
   title: "Dangal", year: 2016 ,
   title: "The Sting", year: 1973 ,
   title: "2001: A Space Odyssey", year: 1968 ,
   title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 ,
   title: "Toy Story", year: 1995 ,
   title: "Bicycle Thieves", year: 1948 ,
   title: "The Kid", year: 1921 ,
   title: "Inglourious Basterds", year: 2009 ,
   title: "Snatch", year: 2000 ,
   title: "3 Idiots", year: 2009 ,
   title: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", year: 1975 

这是使用styled 的 v5 等效示例:

import React from "react";
import TextField from "@mui/material/TextField";
import Autocomplete from "@mui/material/Autocomplete";
import  styled  from "@mui/material/styles";

const StyledAutocomplete = styled(Autocomplete)(
  "& .MuiInputLabel-outlined:not(.MuiInputLabel-shrink)": 
    // Default transform is "translate(14px, 20px) scale(1)""
    // This lines up the label with the initial cursor position in the input
    // after changing its padding-left.
    transform: "translate(34px, 20px) scale(1);"
  "& .MuiAutocomplete-inputRoot": 
    color: "purple",
    // This matches the specificity of the default styles at https://github.com/mui-org/material-ui/blob/v4.11.3/packages/material-ui-lab/src/Autocomplete/Autocomplete.js#L90
    '&[class*="MuiOutlinedInput-root"] .MuiAutocomplete-input:first-child': 
      // Default left padding is 6px
      paddingLeft: 26
    "& .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": 
      borderColor: "green"
    "&:hover .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": 
      borderColor: "red"
    "&.Mui-focused .MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline": 
      borderColor: "purple"

export default function ComboBox() 
  return (
      getOptionLabel=(option) => option.title
      style= width: 300 
      renderInput=(params) => 
        return (
            label="Combo box"

// Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. http://www.imdb.com/chart/top
const top100Films = [
   title: "The Shawshank Redemption", year: 1994 ,
   title: "The Godfather", year: 1972 ,
   title: "The Godfather: Part II", year: 1974 ,
   title: "The Dark Knight", year: 2008 ,
   title: "12 Angry Men", year: 1957 ,
   title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 ,
   title: "Pulp Fiction", year: 1994 ,
   title: "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", year: 2003 ,
   title: "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", year: 1966 ,
   title: "Fight Club", year: 1999 ,
   title: "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", year: 2001 ,
   title: "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back", year: 1980 ,
   title: "Forrest Gump", year: 1994 ,
   title: "Inception", year: 2010 ,
   title: "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", year: 2002 ,
   title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 ,
   title: "Goodfellas", year: 1990 ,
   title: "The Matrix", year: 1999 ,
   title: "Seven Samurai", year: 1954 ,
   title: "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope", year: 1977 ,
   title: "City of God", year: 2002 ,
   title: "Se7en", year: 1995 ,
   title: "The Silence of the Lambs", year: 1991 ,
   title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 ,
   title: "Life Is Beautiful", year: 1997 ,
   title: "The Usual Suspects", year: 1995 ,
   title: "Léon: The Professional", year: 1994 ,
   title: "Spirited Away", year: 2001 ,
   title: "Saving Private Ryan", year: 1998 ,
   title: "Once Upon a Time in the West", year: 1968 ,
   title: "American History X", year: 1998 ,
   title: "Interstellar", year: 2014 ,
   title: "Casablanca", year: 1942 ,
   title: "City Lights", year: 1931 ,
   title: "Psycho", year: 1960 ,
   title: "The Green Mile", year: 1999 ,
   title: "The Intouchables", year: 2011 ,
   title: "Modern Times", year: 1936 ,
   title: "Raiders of the Lost Ark", year: 1981 ,
   title: "Rear Window", year: 1954 ,
   title: "The Pianist", year: 2002 ,
   title: "The Departed", year: 2006 ,
   title: "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", year: 1991 ,
   title: "Back to the Future", year: 1985 ,
   title: "Whiplash", year: 2014 ,
   title: "Gladiator", year: 2000 ,
   title: "Memento", year: 2000 ,
   title: "The Prestige", year: 2006 ,
   title: "The Lion King", year: 1994 ,
   title: "Apocalypse Now", year: 1979 ,
   title: "Alien", year: 1979 ,
   title: "Sunset Boulevard", year: 1950 ,
      "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb",
    year: 1964
   title: "The Great Dictator", year: 1940 ,
   title: "Cinema Paradiso", year: 1988 ,
   title: "The Lives of Others", year: 2006 ,
   title: "Grave of the Fireflies", year: 1988 ,
   title: "Paths of Glory", year: 1957 ,
   title: "Django Unchained", year: 2012 ,
   title: "The Shining", year: 1980 ,
   title: "WALL·E", year: 2008 ,
   title: "American Beauty", year: 1999 ,
   title: "The Dark Knight Rises", year: 2012 ,
   title: "Princess Mononoke", year: 1997 ,
   title: "Aliens", year: 1986 ,
   title: "Oldboy", year: 2003 ,
   title: "Once Upon a Time in America", year: 1984 ,
   title: "Witness for the Prosecution", year: 1957 ,
   title: "Das Boot", year: 1981 ,
   title: "Citizen Kane", year: 1941 ,
   title: "North by Northwest", year: 1959 ,
   title: "Vertigo", year: 1958 ,
   title: "Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi", year: 1983 ,
   title: "Reservoir Dogs", year: 1992 ,
   title: "Braveheart", year: 1995 ,
   title: "M", year: 1931 ,
   title: "Requiem for a Dream", year: 2000 ,
   title: "Amélie", year: 2001 ,
   title: "A Clockwork Orange", year: 1971 ,
   title: "Like Stars on Earth", year: 2007 ,
   title: "Taxi Driver", year: 1976 ,
   title: "Lawrence of Arabia", year: 1962 ,
   title: "Double Indemnity", year: 1944 ,
   title: "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", year: 2004 ,
   title: "Amadeus", year: 1984 ,
   title: "To Kill a Mockingbird", year: 1962 ,
   title: "Toy Story 3", year: 2010 ,
   title: "Logan", year: 2017 ,
   title: "Full Metal Jacket", year: 1987 ,
   title: "Dangal", year: 2016 ,
   title: "The Sting", year: 1973 ,
   title: "2001: A Space Odyssey", year: 1968 ,
   title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 ,
   title: "Toy Story", year: 1995 ,
   title: "Bicycle Thieves", year: 1948 ,
   title: "The Kid", year: 1921 ,
   title: "Inglourious Basterds", year: 2009 ,
   title: "Snatch", year: 2000 ,
   title: "3 Idiots", year: 2009 ,
   title: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", year: 1975 


Change border color on Material-UI TextField


我们对自动完成组件中的 notchedOutline 样式有类似的问题。这可以通过 InputProps 参数进行自定义并且可以工作,但会影响 AutoComplete 功能。我们已经尝试为输入设置这种样式,inputRoot 和 inputSelect 似乎都不起作用。在 AutoComplete 组件上覆盖 notchedOutline 的正确样式是什么? @GregHouse 我添加了自定义大纲。 我希望我能对这个答案进行多次投票。谢谢一百万,@RyanCogswell。 @cyrf 这里的解决方案是为outlined 变体设置样式。如果您尝试设置standard 变体的下划线样式,请在此处查看我的答案:***.com/questions/57778393/…。 @July 在我的示例中已经自定义了文本颜色 (color: "purple")。我刚刚在我的示例中添加了 padding-left 的自定义。【参考方案2】:



  underlineStyle= display: 'none' 
  InputProps= disableUnderline: uderline 
  getOptionLabel=(option) => option.phone
  renderOption=(option) => (
    <div className="w-100">
  renderInput=(params) => (
      // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-props-no-spreading
 InputProps= ...params.InputProps, disableUnderline: true 
        // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-duplicate-props


    InputProps= ...params.InputProps, disableUnderline: true inputProps=...params.inputProps,



以上是关于在 Material-ui Autocomplete 组件上设置文本颜色、轮廓和填充的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

ReactJS + Material-UI:如何在每个 TableRow 中使用 Material-UI 的 FlatButton 和 Dialog?

IconMenu 没有出现在 material-ui 中

ReactJS + Material-UI:如何在 Material-UI <Table/> 的 <TableRow/> 之间交替颜色?

Material-UI 无法解析 '@material-ui/core/styles/createMuiTheme


autoHideDuration 在 Snackbar @material-ui 中不起作用