Objective-C 中的 NSString 标记化
【中文标题】Objective-C 中的 NSString 标记化【英文标题】:NSString tokenize in Objective-C 【发布时间】:2010-09-20 13:43:03 【问题描述】:在 Objective-C 中标记/拆分 NSString 的最佳方法是什么?
NSString *string = @"oop:ack:bork:greeble:ponies";
NSArray *chunks = [string componentsSeparatedByString: @":"];
作为对未来读者的参考,我想注意的是,相反的是[anArray componentsJoinedByString:@":"];
谢谢,但是如何拆分由更多标记分隔的 NSString? (如果你明白我的意思,我的英语不是很好)@Adam
如果您只想拆分字符串,请使用-[NSString componentsSeparatedByString:]
。如需更复杂的标记化,请使用 NSScanner 类。
【参考方案3】:如果您的标记化需求更复杂,请查看我的开源 Cocoa 字符串标记/解析工具包:ParseKit:
对于使用分隔符 char(如 ':')的简单字符串拆分,ParseKit 肯定是矫枉过正。但同样,对于复杂的标记化需求,ParseKit 非常强大/灵活。
另见ParseKit Tokenization documentation。
这还能用吗?我试过了,但遇到了一些错误,我不敢尝试修复自己。 嗯?活? ParseKit 项目得到积极维护,是的。但是,这里的 cmets 不是提交项目错误的正确位置。如果您需要提交错误,它在 Google Code 和 Github 上。 听起来不错,但现在我无法删除我的反对票,除非您以某种方式编辑答案(网站规则)。也许您可以注意它的工作版本,或者它是否使用 ARC 等?或者你可以在某个地方添加一个空间,这取决于你:)【参考方案4】:每个人都提到过componentsSeparatedByString:
而且,在 Mac OS X 10.6 及更高版本中,NSString 具有方法enumerateLinesUsingBlock:
和 enumerateSubstringsInRange:options:usingBlock:
,后者是 CFStringTokenizer 的基于块的版本。 developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/…:developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/…:
方法在 ios 4 及更高版本中也可用。【参考方案5】:
如果你想标记多个字符,你可以使用 NSString 的componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet
。 NSCharacterSet 有一些方便的预制集合,例如 whitespaceCharacterSet
和 illegalCharacterSet
。它有 Unicode 范围的初始化器。
// Tokenize sSourceEntityName on both whitespace and punctuation.
NSMutableCharacterSet *mcharsetWhitePunc = [[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet] mutableCopy];
[mcharsetWhitePunc formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet punctuationCharacterSet]];
NSArray *sarrTokenizedName = [self.sSourceEntityName componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:mcharsetWhitePunc];
[mcharsetWhitePunc release];
如果连续遇到多个 charSet 成员,将生成空白字符串,因此您可能需要测试长度小于 1。
不涉及空格根本不分隔所有逻辑标记的语言。糟糕的解决方案。 @uchuugaka 在这种情况下,您将使用不同的字符集或用于标记化的字符集。我只是用具体的例子来说明一个一般概念。【参考方案6】:我有一个案例,我必须在使用 ldapsearch 进行 LDAP 查询后拆分控制台输出。首先设置并执行 NSTask(我在这里找到了一个很好的代码示例:Execute a terminal command from a Cocoa app)。但后来我不得不拆分和解析输出,以便仅从 Ldap-query-output 中提取打印服务器名称。不幸的是,这是相当乏味的字符串操作,如果我们用简单的 C 数组操作来操作 C 字符串/数组,这根本就没有问题。所以这是我使用可可对象的代码。如果您有更好的建议,请告诉我。
//as the ldap query has to be done when the user selects one of our Active Directory Domains
//(an according comboBox should be populated with print-server names we discover from AD)
//my code is placed in the onSelectDomain event code
//the following variables are declared in the interface .h file as globals
@protected NSArray* aDomains;//domain combo list array
@protected NSMutableArray* aPrinters;//printer combo list array
@protected NSMutableArray* aPrintServers;//print server combo list array
@protected NSString* sLdapQueryCommand;//for LDAP Queries
@protected NSArray* aLdapQueryArgs;
@protected NSTask* tskLdapTask;
@protected NSPipe* pipeLdapTask;
@protected NSFileHandle* fhLdapTask;
@protected NSMutableData* mdLdapTask;
IBOutlet NSComboBox* comboDomain;
IBOutlet NSComboBox* comboPrinter;
IBOutlet NSComboBox* comboPrintServer;
//end of interface globals
//after collecting the print-server names they are displayed in an according drop-down comboBox
//as soon as the user selects one of the print-servers, we should start a new query to find all the
//print-queues on that server and display them in the comboPrinter drop-down list
//to find the shares/print queues of a windows print-server you need samba and the net -S command like this:
// net -S yourPrintServerName.yourBaseDomain.com -U yourLdapUser%yourLdapUserPassWord -W adm rpc share -l
//which dispalays a long list of the shares
- (IBAction)onSelectDomain:(id)sender
static int indexOfLastItem = 0; //unfortunately we need to compare this because we are called also if the selection did not change!
if ([comboDomain indexOfSelectedItem] != indexOfLastItem && ([comboDomain indexOfSelectedItem] != 0))
indexOfLastItem = [comboDomain indexOfSelectedItem]; //retain this index for next call
//the print-servers-list has to be loaded on a per univeristy or domain basis from a file dynamically or from AN LDAP-QUERY
//initialize an LDAP-Query-Task or console-command like this one with console output
ldapsearch -LLL -s sub -D "cn=yourLdapUser,ou=yourOuWithLdapUserAccount,dc=yourDomain,dc=com" -h "yourLdapServer.com" -p 3268 -w "yourLdapUserPassWord" -b "dc=yourBaseDomainToSearchIn,dc=com" "(&(objectcategory=computer)(cn=ps*))" "dn"
//our print-server names start with ps* and we want the dn as result, wich comes like this:
dn: CN=PSyourPrintServerName,CN=Computers,DC=yourBaseDomainToSearchIn,DC=com
sLdapQueryCommand = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: @"/usr/bin/ldapsearch"];
if ([[comboDomain stringValue] compare: @"firstDomain"] == NSOrderedSame)
aLdapQueryArgs = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"-LLL",@"-s", @"sub",@"-D", @"cn=yourLdapUser,ou=yourOuWithLdapUserAccount,dc=yourDomain,dc=com",@"-h", @"yourLdapServer.com",@"-p",@"3268",@"-w",@"yourLdapUserPassWord",@"-b",@"dc=yourFirstDomainToSearchIn,dc=com",@"(&(objectcategory=computer)(cn=ps*))",@"dn",nil];
aLdapQueryArgs = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"-LLL",@"-s", @"sub",@"-D", @"cn=yourLdapUser,ou=yourOuWithLdapUserAccount,dc=yourDomain,dc=com",@"-h", @"yourLdapServer.com",@"-p",@"3268",@"-w",@"yourLdapUserPassWord",@"-b",@"dc=yourSecondDomainToSearchIn,dc=com",@"(&(objectcategory=computer)(cn=ps*))",@"dn",nil];
//prepare and execute ldap-query task
tskLdapTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
pipeLdapTask = [[NSPipe alloc] init];//instead of [NSPipe pipe]
[tskLdapTask setStandardOutput: pipeLdapTask];//hope to get the tasks output in this file/pipe
//The magic line that keeps your log where it belongs, has to do with NSLog (see https://***.com/questions/412562/execute-a-terminal-command-from-a-cocoa-app and here http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?NSTask )
[tskLdapTask setStandardInput:[NSPipe pipe]];
//fhLdapTask = [[NSFileHandle alloc] init];//would be redundand here, next line seems to do the trick also
fhLdapTask = [pipeLdapTask fileHandleForReading];
mdLdapTask = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:512];//prepare capturing the pipe buffer which is flushed on read and can overflow, start with 512 Bytes but it is mutable, so grows dynamically later
[tskLdapTask setLaunchPath: sLdapQueryCommand];
[tskLdapTask setArguments: aLdapQueryArgs];
#ifdef bDoDebug
NSLog (@"sLdapQueryCommand: %@\n", sLdapQueryCommand);
NSLog (@"aLdapQueryArgs: %@\n", aLdapQueryArgs );
NSLog (@"tskLdapTask: %@\n", [tskLdapTask arguments]);
[tskLdapTask launch];
while ([tskLdapTask isRunning])
[mdLdapTask appendData: [fhLdapTask readDataToEndOfFile]];
[tskLdapTask waitUntilExit];//might be redundant here.
[mdLdapTask appendData: [fhLdapTask readDataToEndOfFile]];//add another read for safety after process/command stops
NSString* sLdapOutput = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: mdLdapTask encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];//convert output to something readable, as NSData and NSMutableData are mere byte buffers
#ifdef bDoDebug
NSLog(@"LdapQueryOutput: %@\n", sLdapOutput);
//Ok now we have the printservers from Active Directory, lets parse the output and show the list to the user in its combo box
//output is formatted as this, one printserver per line
//dn: CN=PSyourPrintServer,OU=Computers,DC=yourBaseDomainToSearchIn,DC=com
//so we have to search for "dn: CN=" to retrieve each printserver's name
//unfortunately splitting this up will give us a first line containing only "" empty string, which we can replace with the word "choose"
//appearing as first entry in the comboBox
aPrintServers = (NSMutableArray*)[sLdapOutput componentsSeparatedByString:@"dn: CN="];//split output into single lines and store it in the NSMutableArray aPrintServers
#ifdef bDoDebug
NSLog(@"aPrintServers: %@\n", aPrintServers);
if ([[aPrintServers objectAtIndex: 0 ] compare: @"" options: NSLiteralSearch] == NSOrderedSame)
[aPrintServers replaceObjectAtIndex: 0 withObject: slChoose];//replace with localized string "choose"
#ifdef bDoDebug
NSLog(@"aPrintServers: %@\n", aPrintServers);
//Now comes the tedious part to extract only the print-server-names from the single lines
NSRange r;
NSString* sTemp;
for (int i = 1; i < [aPrintServers count]; i++) //skip first line with "choose". To get rid of the rest of the line, we must isolate/preserve the print server's name to the delimiting comma and remove all the remaining characters
sTemp = [aPrintServers objectAtIndex: i];
sTemp = [sTemp stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];//remove newlines and line feeds
#ifdef bDoDebug
NSLog(@"sTemp: %@\n", sTemp);
r = [sTemp rangeOfString: @","];//now find first comma to remove the whole rest of the line
//r.length = [sTemp lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
r.length = [sTemp length] - r.location;//calculate number of chars between first comma found and lenght of string
#ifdef bDoDebug
NSLog(@"range: %i, %i\n", r.location, r.length);
sTemp = [sTemp stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:r withString: @"" ];//remove rest of line
#ifdef bDoDebug
NSLog(@"sTemp after replace: %@\n", sTemp);
[aPrintServers replaceObjectAtIndex: i withObject: sTemp];//put back string into array for display in comboBox
#ifdef bDoDebug
NSLog(@"aPrintServer: %@\n", [aPrintServers objectAtIndex: i]);
[comboPrintServer removeAllItems];//reset combo box
[comboPrintServer addItemsWithObjectValues:aPrintServers];
[comboPrintServer setNumberOfVisibleItems:aPrintServers.count];
[comboPrintServer selectItemAtIndex:0];
#ifdef bDoDebug
NSLog(@"comboPrintServer reloaded with new values.");
//release memory we used for LdapTask
[sLdapQueryCommand release];
[aLdapQueryArgs release];
[sLdapOutput release];
[fhLdapTask release];
[pipeLdapTask release];
// [tskLdapTask release];//strangely can not be explicitely released, might be autorelease anyway
// [mdLdapTask release];//strangely can not be explicitely released, might be autorelease anyway
[sTemp release];
【参考方案7】:我自己遇到过这样的例子:仅按组件分隔字符串是不够的,许多任务,例如 1) 将令牌分类为类型 2) 添加新令牌 3) 分隔字符串自定义闭包,例如“”和“”之间的所有单词对于任何此类要求,我发现 Parse Kit 可以救命。
我用它成功地解析了 .PGN(prtable 游戏符号)文件,它非常快速且精简。
【参考方案8】:如果您希望将字符串标记为搜索词,同时保留“引用的短语”,这里有一个 NSString
NSArray *terms = [@"This is my \"search phrase\" I want to split" searchTerms];
// results in: ["This", "is", "my", "search phrase", "I", "want", "to", "split"]
@interface NSString (Search)
- (NSArray *)searchTerms;
@implementation NSString (Search)
- (NSArray *)searchTerms
// Strip whitespace and setup scanner
NSCharacterSet *whitespace = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
NSString *searchString = [self stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:whitespace];
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:searchString];
[scanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil]; // we'll handle whitespace ourselves
// A few types of quote pairs to check
NSDictionary *quotePairs = @@"\"": @"\"",
@"'": @"'",
@"\u2018": @"\u2019",
@"\u201C": @"\u201D";
// Scan
NSMutableArray *results = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSString *substring = nil;
while (scanner.scanLocation < searchString.length)
// Check for quote at beginning of string
unichar unicharacter = [self characterAtIndex:scanner.scanLocation];
NSString *startQuote = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", unicharacter];
NSString *endQuote = [quotePairs objectForKey:startQuote];
if (endQuote != nil) // if it's a valid start quote we'll have an end quote
// Scan quoted phrase into substring (skipping start & end quotes)
[scanner scanString:startQuote intoString:nil];
[scanner scanUpToString:endQuote intoString:&substring];
[scanner scanString:endQuote intoString:nil];
// Single word that is non-quoted
[scanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:whitespace intoString:&substring];
// Process and add the substring to results
if (substring)
substring = [substring stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:whitespace];
if (substring.length) [results addObject:substring];
// Skip to next word
[scanner scanCharactersFromSet:whitespace intoString:nil];
// Return non-mutable array
return results.copy;
NSString * string = @" \n word1! word2,%$?'/word3.word4 ";
[string enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, string.length)
^(NSString *substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop)
NSLog(@"Substring: '%@'", substring);
// Logs:
// Substring: 'word1'
// Substring: 'word2'
// Substring: 'word3'
// Substring: 'word4'
此 api 可与空格不总是分隔符的其他语言(例如日语)一起使用。同样使用NSStringEnumerationByComposedCharacterSequences
从ios12开始,也可以考虑NLTokenizer(developer.apple.com/documentation/naturallanguage/…)以上是关于Objective-C 中的 NSString 标记化的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Objective-C 查找 NSString 中最常用的词