错误 c2106:“=”:左操作数必须是 I 值
【中文标题】错误 c2106:“=”:左操作数必须是 I 值【英文标题】:error c2106: '=' : left operand must be I-value 【发布时间】:2015-03-03 22:34:11 【问题描述】:我正在尝试在 for 循环中执行 if 语句,它给了我以下问题:“错误 c2106:'=':左操作数必须是 I 值”在我的每个 if 循环旁边。
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Function of given equation
double function(double x)
double result;
result = 0.2+25*x-200*pow(x,2)+675*pow(x,3)-900*pow(x,4)+400*pow(x,5);
return result;
int main()
double boundup; // Upper bound
double bounddown; // Lower bound
double n; // Number of intervals
double step; // Step size
double fsimp; // Simpson's rule
double ftrap; // Trapezoidal rule
cout << "Enter lower bound: " ;
cin >> bounddown;
cout << "Enter upper bound: " ;
cin >> boundup;
cout << "Number of intervals: " ;
cin >> n;
// Vector class for both x and fx
vector<double> x(n+1);
vector<double> fx(n+1);
// Define first and last values in x and fx because they will not change
step = (boundup-bounddown)/n;
x[0] = bounddown;
x[n] = boundup;
fx[0] = function(x[0]);
fx[n] = function(x[n]);
fsimp = fx[0];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
x[i+1] = x[i]+step;
fx[i+1] = function(x[i+1]);
if (i%2=0)
fsimp = 2*fx[i+1] + fsimp;
if (i%2=1)
fsimp = 4*fx[i+1] + fsimp;
fsimp = fx[n] + fsimp;
cout << "Bounds of integration: " << bounddown << ", " << boundup << endl;
cout << "Number of intervals: " << n << '\n' << endl;
cout << "Integral value of f(x): " << fsimp << endl;
return 0;
我只是想使用辛普森规则进行数值积分。不知道我会怎么做那些 if 语句。
if (i%2=0)
fsimp = 2*fx[i+1] + fsimp;
if (i%2 == 0)
fsimp = 2*fx[i+1] + fsimp;
以上是关于错误 c2106:“=”:左操作数必须是 I 值的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
vc/vs常见报错:/****error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value****/