Spring JDBC RowMapper 用于急切获取



【中文标题】Spring JDBC RowMapper 用于急切获取【英文标题】:Spring JDBC RowMapper usage for eager fetches 【发布时间】:2012-07-12 09:40:30 【问题描述】:

问题是关于 RowMapper 在我们希望使用 spring jdbc 急切获取详细信息的主/详细场景中的最佳实践用法。

假设我们同时拥有 Invoice 和 InvoiceLine 类。

public class Invoice
    private BigDecimal invId;
    private Date invDate;
    private List<InvoiceLine> lines;

public class InvoiceLine
    private int order;
    private BigDecimal price;
    private BigDecimal quantity;

当使用带有行映射器的 Spring Jdbc 时,我们通常有一个

public class InvoiceMapper implements RowMapper<Invoice>
    public Invoice mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException 
         Invoice invoice = new Invoice();
         return invoice;

现在的问题是我想急切地获取与此发票实例相关的 InvoiceLine。 如果我在 rowmapper 类中查询数据库可以吗?还是有人喜欢另一种方式?我使用下面的模式,但对此并不满意。

public class InvoiceMapper implements RowMapper<Invoice>
    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
    private static final String SQLINVLINE=

    public Invoice mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException 
         Invoice invoice = new Invoice();
                          new Object[]invoice.getInvId,new InvLineMapper());

         return invoice;



请在您的代码中写出完整的单词。你不会用完硬盘空间。我保证。 【参考方案1】:

您在这里重新创建了1 + n 问题。

要解决它,您需要使用将外部查询更改为连接,然后手工制作一个循环来将平面连接结果集解析为您的 Invoice 1 -&gt; * InvLine

List<Invoice> results = new ArrayList<>();
jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT * FROM INVOICE inv JOIN INVOICE_LINE line on inv.id = line.invoice_id", null, 
    new RowCallbackHandler() 
    private Invoice current = null;
    private InvoiceMapper invoiceMapper ;
    private InvLineMapper lineMapper ;

    public void processRow(ResultSet rs) 
        if ( current == null || rs.getInt("inv.id") != current.getId() )
            current = invoiceMapper.mapRow(rs, 0); // assumes rownum not important
        current.addInvoiceLine( lineMapper.mapRow(rs, 0) );

我显然还没有编译过这个......希望你明白这一点。还有另一种选择,使用休眠或任何 JPA 实现,它们开箱即用,将为您节省大量时间。

更正:确实应该使用@gkamal 在他的回答中使用的ResultSetExtractor,但总体逻辑仍然存在。


+1 用于休眠/jpa,如果是一次性的情况,可以使用 jdbcTemplate。如果同样的事情出现在很多地方,你最好使用 ORM。【参考方案2】:

ResultSetExtractor 是执行此操作的更好选择。执行一个连接两个表的查询,然后遍历结果集。您将需要一些逻辑来聚合属于同一发票的多行 - 通过按发票 ID 排序并检查 ID 何时更改或使用如下示例所示的映射。

jdbcTemplate.query("SELECT * FROM INVOICE inv JOIN INVOICE_LINE line " +
   + " on inv.id = line.invoice_id", new ResultSetExtractor<List<Invoice>>() 

    public List<Invoice> extractData(ResultSet rs) 
        Map<Integer,Invoice> invoices = new HashMap<Integer,Invoice>();
            Integer invoiceId = rs.getInt("inv.id");
            Invoice invoice = invoces.get(invoiceId);
            if (invoice == null) 
               invoice = invoiceRowMapper.mapRow(rs);
            InvoiceItem item = invLineMapper.mapRow(rs);
        return invoices.values();



感谢您的解决方案。我可以知道您是否建议将此作为替代选项,或者这是正确的做法(避免在 rowmapper/resultsetextractor 类中使用 sql 代码) 是的,这是一种更好的方法。在映射器中执行查询 - 尤其是针对对象列表时会很慢。 @gkamal 你能帮我看看这个问题吗?我需要一些建议***.com/questions/15555163/… 我正在查看你的答案,我试图将它应用到我的场景中我想知道我是否必须使用maprow 和 resultsetextractor 的组合?【参考方案3】:

基于ResultSetExtractor 的公认解决方案可以变得更加模块化和可重用:在我的应用程序中,我创建了一个CollectingRowMapper 接口和一个抽象实现。请参见下面的代码,它包含 Javadoc cmets。

CollectingRowMapper 接口:

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;

 * A RowMapper that collects data from more than one row to generate one result object.
 * This means that, unlike normal RowMapper, a CollectingRowMapper will call
 * <code>next()</code> on the given ResultSet until it finds a row that is not related
 * to previous ones.  Rows <b>must be sorted</b> so that related rows are adjacent.
 * Tipically the T object will contain some single-value property (an id common
 * to all collected rows) and a Collection property.
 * <p/>
 * NOTE. Implementations will be stateful (to save the result of the last call
 * to <code>ResultSet.next()</code>), so <b>they cannot have singleton scope</b>.
 * @see AbstractCollectingRowMapper
 * @author Pino Navato
public interface CollectingRowMapper<T> extends RowMapper<T> 
     * Returns the same result of the last call to <code>ResultSet.next()</code> made by <code>RowMapper.mapRow(ResultSet, int)</code>.
     * If <code>next()</code> has not been called yet, the result is meaningless.
    public boolean hasNext();


import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

 * Basic implementation of @link CollectingRowMapper.
 * @author Pino Navato
public abstract class AbstractCollectingRowMapper<T> implements CollectingRowMapper<T> 

    private boolean lastNextResult;

    public T mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException 
        T result = mapRow(rs, null, rowNum);
        while (nextRow(rs) && isRelated(rs, result)) 
            result = mapRow(rs, result, ++rowNum);
        return result;

     * Collects the current row into the given partial result.
     * On the first call partialResult will be null, so this method must create
     * an instance of T and map the row on it, on subsequent calls this method updates
     * the previous partial result with data from the new row.
     * @return The newly created (on the first call) or modified (on subsequent calls) partialResult.
    protected abstract T mapRow(ResultSet rs, T partialResult, int rowNum) throws SQLException;

     * Analyzes the current row to decide if it is related to previous ones.
     * Tipically it will compare some id on the current row with the one stored in the partialResult.
    protected abstract boolean isRelated(ResultSet rs, T partialResult) throws SQLException;

    public boolean hasNext() 
        return lastNextResult;

    protected boolean nextRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException 
        lastNextResult = rs.next();
        return lastNextResult;

ResultSetExtractor 实现:

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * A ResultSetExtractor that uses a CollectingRowMapper.
 * This class has been derived from the source code of Spring's RowMapperResultSetExtractor.
 * @author Pino Navato
public class CollectingRowMapperResultSetExtractor<T> implements ResultSetExtractor<List<T>> 
    private final CollectingRowMapper<T> rowMapper;
    private final int rowsExpected;

     * Create a new CollectingRowMapperResultSetExtractor.
     * @param rowMapper the RowMapper which creates an object for each row
    public CollectingRowMapperResultSetExtractor(CollectingRowMapper<T> rowMapper) 
        this(rowMapper, 0);

     * Create a new CollectingRowMapperResultSetExtractor.
     * @param rowMapper the RowMapper which creates an object for each row
     * @param rowsExpected the number of expected rows (just used for optimized collection handling)
    public CollectingRowMapperResultSetExtractor(CollectingRowMapper<T> rowMapper, int rowsExpected) 
        Assert.notNull(rowMapper, "RowMapper is required");
        this.rowMapper = rowMapper;
        this.rowsExpected = rowsExpected;

    public List<T> extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException 
        List<T> results = (rowsExpected > 0 ? new ArrayList<>(rowsExpected) : new ArrayList<>());
        int rowNum = 0;
        if (rs.next()) 
                results.add(rowMapper.mapRow(rs, rowNum++));
             while (rowMapper.hasNext());
        return results;

上面的所有代码都可以作为库重用。您只需继承AbstractCollectingRowMapper 并实现这两个抽象方法。



         JOIN INVOICELINES lines
      on inv.INVID = lines.INVOICE_ID
order by inv.INVID


public class InvoiceRowMapper extends AbstractCollectingRowMapper<Invoice> 

    protected Invoice mapRow(ResultSet rs, Invoice partialResult, int rowNum) throws SQLException 
        if (partialResult == null) 
            partialResult = new Invoice();
            partialResult.setLines(new ArrayList<>());

        InvoiceLine line = new InvoiceLine();

        return partialResult;

    /** Returns true if the current record has the same invoice ID of the previous ones. **/
    protected boolean isRelated(ResultSet rs, Invoice partialResult) throws SQLException 
        return partialResult.getInvId().equals(rs.getBigDecimal("INVID"));

最后说明:我主要在 Spring Batch 中使用 CollectingRowMapperAbstractCollectingRowMapper,在 JdbcCursorItemReader 的自定义子类中:我在 another answer 中描述了这个解决方案。使用 Spring Batch,您可以在获取下一组相关行之前处理每组相关行,因此您可以避免加载可能很大的整个查询结果。




您可以简单地使用这个库 - SimpleFlatMapper 已经解决了这个问题。您需要做的就是使用JdbcTemplateMapperFactory 创建一个ResultSetExtractor

import org.simpleflatmapper.jdbc.spring.JdbcTemplateMapperFactory;

private final ResultSetExtractor<List<Invoice>> resultSetExtractor = 
        .addKeys("id") // the column name you expect the invoice id to be on

String query = "SELECT * FROM INVOICE inv JOIN INVOICE_LINE line on inv.id = line.invoice_id"

List<Invoice> results = jdbcTemplate.query(query, resultSetExtractor);




以下是不同用法的示例 - https://github.com/arnaudroger/SimpleFlatMapper/blob/master/sfm-springjdbc/src/test/java/org/simpleflatmapper/jdbc/spring/test/JdbcTemplateMapperFactoryTest.java


以上是关于Spring JDBC RowMapper 用于急切获取的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

一个加速产生 Spring JDBC RowMapper 的工具类

Spring Framework应用中JDBC使用RowMapper的一些疑惑

使用 Spring JDBC Rowmapper 映射分层数据



Spring RowMapper 接口究竟是如何工作的?