


【中文标题】为啥我不能运行程序直到游戏结束【英文标题】:Why I cant run the program until the game is over为什么我不能运行程序直到游戏结束 【发布时间】:2021-04-04 05:07:51 【问题描述】:


我尝试运行它并获得第一轮,然后程序停止 我尝试在 python 导师中运行它并看到他们玩后玩 去理解。 我不知道是什么问题 请睁开我的眼睛,引导我去寻找 如何解决这个问题

可能是循环出了问题,或者我的函数太多了 那些对其他函数的调用


def winner_x(board):
    i = 0  # i = index
    x = ord('X')
    x1 = 0
    x2 = 0
    x3 = 0
    while i <= 2:  # loop to scan the lists
        if board[i].count('X') == 3:
             return True
        elif ord((board[i][0])) == x:
            x1 += 1
            if x1 == 3:
               return True
        elif ord((board[i][1])) == x:
            x2 += 1
            if x2 == 3:
                return True
        elif ord((board[i][2])) == x:
            x3 += 1
            if x3 == 3:
               return True
        if ord((board[0][0])) == x and ord(board[1][1]) == x and ord(board[2][2]) == x:
               return True
        if ord((board[0][2])) == x and ord(board[1][1]) == x and ord(board[2][0]) == x:
               return True
        i += 1

    def winner_o(board):
       i = 0  # i = index
       o = ord('O')
       o1 = 0
       o2 = 0
       o3 = 0
       while i <= 2:  # loop to scan the lists
           if board[i].count('X') == 3:
              return True
           elif ord((board[i][0])) == o:
              o1 += 1
              if o1 == 3:
                 return True
           elif ord((board[i][1])) == o:
              o2 += 1
              if o2 == 3:
                 return True
           elif ord((board[i][2])) == o:
               o3 += 1
               if o3 == 3:
                  return True
           if ord((board[0][0])) == o and ord(board[1][1]) == o and ord(board[2][2]) == o:
                 return True
           if ord((board[0][2])) == o and ord(board[1][1]) == o and ord(board[2][0]) == o:
                 return True
           i += 1

def draw(board):
    if winner_o(board) != True and winner_x(board) != True or board.count('-') == 9:
       return True

def checkboard(board):
   if winner_x(board) == True:
      return "The Winner Is X"
   elif winner_o(board) == True:
      return "The Winner Is O"
   elif draw(board) == True:
      return "Draw"

def check_player(board, player1): #function to place X/O and check if its possible
check = True
line = '-'
while check == True:
    c1 = int(input("Player " + player1 + " Choose line (0-2,0-2):"))
    c2 = int(input("Player " + player1 + " Choose column (0-2,0-2):"))
    if 0 <= c1 <= 2 and 0 <= c2 <= 2:
        if board[c1][c2] == line:
            board[c1][c2] = player1
            check = False
            check = True
        check = True
        return board

def tic_tac_toe(board, player):# 
        counter = 0
        while counter <= 9:
            while draw(board) == True:
                if counter % 2 == 0: # when its true the player O get start
                    player = 'O'
                    check_player(board, player)# check if the cell is empty or avilable
                    counter += 1
                elif counter % 3 == 0: # when its True player X can play is turn
                    player = 'X'
                    check_player(board, player)
                    counter += 1

                checkboard(board) #check the board if we have win or draw    

board = [['-', '-', '-'], ['-', '-', '-'], ['-', '-', '-']]
player = input("Please Choose X/O: ")

tic_tac_toe(board, player)


在你的第一行“def”之后你需要缩进吗? 请更正缩进;就目前而言,此代码不是有效的 Python。 ***.com/help/formatting 【参考方案1】:

在 tic_tac_toe 函数中 你有

 elif counter % 3 == 0: # when its True player X can play is turn


 elif counter % 2 == 1: # when its True player X can play is turn


或者,事实上,else: 也可以。



为啥我的两个 cin 语句没有在程序结束时运行?


为啥我的程序可以在 Xcode 中运行,但不能作为单独的应用程序运行?

