将“为啥函数式编程很重要”翻译成 Haskell
【中文标题】将“为啥函数式编程很重要”翻译成 Haskell【英文标题】:Translating "Why Functional Programming Matters" into Haskell将“为什么函数式编程很重要”翻译成 Haskell 【发布时间】:2009-06-16 08:15:45 【问题描述】:为了丰富文化和知识,我决定学习一点 Haskell。我一直在阅读 Hughes' "Why Functional Programming Matters" 并试图将其代码翻译成真正的 Haskell。我在下面附上了我的一些尝试(对于论文的数字部分;alpha-beta 算法更有趣,但我还必须从头开始编写游戏评估器!)。
在这一点上,它更像是对 Haskell 语法的练习,而不是其他任何东西。我已经完成了一些简单的事情,比如将 repeat
翻译成原生的 Haskell iterate
-- 4.1 Newton-Raphson square roots
next n x = (x + n/x)/2.0
-- -- this is "iterate::(a->a)->a->[a]"
-- repeat f a = a : iterate f (f a)
within eps (a:b:rest) =
if abs(a-b) <= eps
then b
else within eps (b:rest)
sqroot a0 eps n = within eps (iterate (next n) a0)
relative eps (a:b:rest) =
if abs(a-b) <= eps*abs(b)
then b
else relative eps (b:rest)
relativesqrt a0 eps n = relative eps (iterate (next n) a0)
-- 4.2 numerical differentiation
easydiff f x h = (f (x+h) - f x) / h
differentiate h0 f x = map (easydiff f x) (iterate (/2) h0)
-- diff1a h0 eps f x = within eps (differentiate h0 f x)
diff1 h0 eps f = within eps . differentiate h0 f
elimerror n (a:b:rest) = (b*(2**n)-a)/(2**n-1) : elimerror n (b:rest)
-- need fromIntegral to make a non-integer out of the Int which comes out of round
order (a:b:c:rest) = fromIntegral (round (logBase 2 ((a-c)/(b-c)-1)))
improve s = elimerror (order s) s
--diff2a h0 eps f x = within eps (improve (differentiate h0 f x))
diff2 h0 eps f = within eps . improve . differentiate h0 f
--super s = map second (iterate improve s) -- how can we make this point-free?
super :: (RealFrac t, Floating t) => [t] -> [t]
-- w/o this it wants to be [double]->[double]
super = map second . iterate improve
-- second (a:b:rest) = b
second = head . tail
diff3 h0 eps f = within eps . super . differentiate h0 f
-- 4.3 integration
easyintegrate f a b = (f a + f b)*(b-a)/2
-- addpair becomes (uncurry (+))
integrate f a b = integ f a b (f a) (f b)
integ f a b fa fb =
(fa+fb)*(b-a)/2 : map (uncurry (+)) (zip (integ f a m fa fm) (integ f m b fm fb))
where m = (a+b)/2
fm = f m
-- test: following should be about pi
approxpi eps = within eps (improve (integrate (\x -> 4/(1+x*x)) 0 1))
superpi eps = within eps (super (integrate (\x -> 4/(1+x*x)) 0 1))
-- is there any way to keep track of the number of iterations? state monad, but seems like a lot of work...\
@Juliet 的最后一次编辑似乎从 inside (inside :) inside 开始搞砸了这个例子。 是的,已注意到并已修复。我现在删除了“pre”,因为它搞砸了文本;将不得不忍受糟糕的语法着色。这是一个错误??? 是的,*** 的语法高亮在 Haskell 上很烂。查看 Uservoice,似乎像往常一样,codinghorror
(Jeff Atwood) 很快将所有错误报告关闭为“已拒绝”。可能解决此问题的唯一方法是直接向上游报告:code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify
当你在这里完成后,最好将你所做的任何事情发布到(比如说)Haskell 邮件列表——Haskell 版本的“为什么函数式编程很重要”将非常感谢很多!
4.1 牛顿-拉夫森平方根
sqroot a0 eps n = within eps (iterate (next n) a0)
relativesqrt a0 eps n = relative eps (iterate (next n) a0)
sqroot method a0 eps n = method eps (iterate (next n) a0)
relativesqrt = sqroot relative
withinsqrt = sqroot within
4.2 数值微分
限制序列的起点。 (在 Newton-Rhapson 案例中,a0
differentiate rate f x = map (easydiff f x) (iterate rate 1)
differentiate rate h0 f x = map (easydiff f x) (iterate rate h0)
4.2 集成
zipWith (+) (integ f a m fa fm) (integ f m b fm fb)
map (uncurry (+)) (zip (integ f a m fa fm) (integ f m b fm fb))
within eps (a:b:rest)
| abs(a-b)<=eps = b
| otherwise = within eps (b:rest)
,您可以写成!! 1
within :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> [a] -> a
within eps l@(_:xs) = snd. head . filter ((<= eps) . fst) $ zip zs xs
zs = zipWith (\ a b -> abs (a-b)) l xs
【参考方案3】:Roger Costello 编写了 John Hughes paper 将原始 Miranda 代码翻译成 Haskell 的两部分摘要。这是他的文章中的part one 和part two。
以上是关于将“为啥函数式编程很重要”翻译成 Haskell的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
从 Haskell 翻译的 Python 中,Count 懒惰地运行