


【中文标题】调用函数“didUpdateToLocation”而不进行更改【英文标题】:Function "didUpdateToLocation" being called without changes 【发布时间】:2012-09-28 04:03:55 【问题描述】:

我这样初始化 locationManager:

if (!self.locManager) 

    self.locManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
    self.locManager.delegate = self;
    [locManager startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];

我的设备没有移动,并且每次都在调用“didUpdateToLocation”。 可能是什么问题? 谢谢



didUpdateToLocation 可能会因多种原因而更新,处理此问题的一个好策略是根据时间戳逐步过滤结果,然后根据要求的准确性。

苹果在LocateMe sample app中提供了一个很好的例子:

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation

    // test the age of the location measurement to determine if the measurement is cached
    // in most cases you will not want to rely on cached measurements
    NSTimeInterval locationAge = -[newLocation.timestamp timeIntervalSinceNow];
    if (locationAge > 5.0) return;

    // test that the horizontal accuracy does not indicate an invalid measurement
    if (newLocation.horizontalAccuracy < 0) return;

    // test the measurement to see if it is more accurate than the previous measurement
    if (self.bestEffortAtLocation == nil || self.bestEffortAtLocation.horizontalAccuracy > newLocation.horizontalAccuracy)
        // store the location as the "best effort"
        self.bestEffortAtLocation = newLocation;

        // test the measurement to see if it meets the desired accuracy
        // IMPORTANT!!! kCLLocationAccuracyBest should not be used for comparison with location coordinate or altitidue 
        // accuracy because it is a negative value. Instead, compare against some predetermined "real" measure of 
        // acceptable accuracy, or depend on the timeout to stop updating. This sample depends on the timeout.
        if (newLocation.horizontalAccuracy <= locationManager.desiredAccuracy) 
            // we have a measurement that meets our requirements, so we can stop updating the location
            // IMPORTANT!!! Minimize power usage by stopping the location manager as soon as possible.
            [self stopUpdatingLocation:NSLocalizedString(@"Acquired Location", @"Acquired Location")];


谢谢,但如果我希望定位服务保持打开状态怎么办? stopUpdating 可能会停止位置管理器吗? 此代码允许位置管理器根据需要经常更新,以将用户定位到所需的准确性。此时,电源管理停止更新是礼貌和明智的。如果您的应用需要在用户更改位置时对其进行监控,那么您可以注册重大更改:[locationManager startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges]; 请参阅docs【参考方案2】:

您是否检查位置差异? CoreLocation 也会在精度、航向或速度等其他属性发生变化时调用回调





didUpdateToLocation 停止调用

CLLocationManager 委托方法 didUpdateToLocation 没有被调用

didUpdateToLocation 调用了两次,好的。为啥 oldLocation 两次都为零?

一段时间后没有调用 CLLocationManager didUpdateToLocation

CLLocation didupdatetolocation 未调用

didUpdateToLocation 未在我的设备中使用 iOS 4 调用...?