Google App Script Regex exec() 仅在一个函数中返回 null



【中文标题】Google App Script Regex exec() 仅在一个函数中返回 null【英文标题】:Google App Script Regex exec() returns null only in one function 【发布时间】:2018-03-06 19:18:40 【问题描述】:

我正在编写一个 Google Apps 脚本,以根据我收到的工作自动电子邮件创建日历事件。我正在使用正则表达式来提取在 Google 日历中填充事件所需的信息。到目前为止,除了一个函数 getEndTime() 之外,我的一切都按预期运行,它应该找到工作的结束时间,但目前在任何时候调用它都会返回 null。我使用 exec() 的所有其他功能都可以正常工作。

我已经阅读了许多其他关于 exec() 返回 null 的问题,并修复了常见问题,例如在调用 exec() 之前删除“g”标签并将 lastIndex 重置为 0。我还使用带有 javascript 选项的 检查了我的正则表达式,它显示了我期望的文本匹配。

适用于 regex101 但不适用于我的代码的正则表达式是:

/(Substitute\s+Report\s+Times:\s+[0-9_ ]*:[0-9_ ]*\s+[A-Z_ ]*\s+-\s+)([0-9_ ]*:[0-9_ ]*\s+(AM|PM))(\r|\n)/


function findJobs() 
//Searches Gmail for substitute jobs and creates an event on the calendar

  //Gets emails with 'NewJobs' label
  var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("NewJobs");
  var threads = label.getThreads();
  for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++)

    var messages = threads[i].getMessages();
    Logger.log("Thread " + i);

    for (var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) 
      Logger.log("Message " + j);

      //gets email body in plain text
      var body = messages[j].getPlainBody();
      Logger.log("Getting body..." + j);

      //gets school name
      var school = getSchool(body);

      //gets start time
      var starttime = getStartTime(body);

      //gets end time
      var endtime = getEndTime(body);

      //gets teacher name
      var teacher = getTeacher(body);

      //gets school address
      var address = getLocation(body);

      //gets date
      var startdate = getDate(body);

      CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar().createEvent("Subbing - " + school, new Date(startdate + " " + starttime), new Date(startdate + " " + endtime), location: address, description: teacher);

function getSchool(text)
  //Gets the school name from an assignment email

  //Regular expression for school name
  var regex = /(School\s+:\s+)([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*)(\r|\n)/;
  regex.lastIndex = 0;
  var match = regex.exec(text)[2];

  return match;

function getDate(text)
  //Gets the start date from an assignment email

  //Regular expression for start date
  var regex = /(Date:\s+)([0-9_ ]*\/[0-9_ ]*\/[0-9_ ]*)(\r|\n)/;
  regex.lastIndex = 0;
  var match = regex.exec(text)[2];

  return match;

function getStartTime(text)
  //Gets the start time from an assignment email

  //Regular expression for start time
  var regex = /(Substitute\s+Report\s+Times:\s+)([0-9_ ]*:[0-9_ ]*\s+(AM|PM))/;
  regex.lastIndex = 0;
  var match = regex.exec(text)[2];

  return match;

function getEndTime(text)
  //Gets the end time from an assignment email

  //Regular expression for end time
  var regex = /(Substitute\s+Report\s+Times:\s+[0-9_ ]*:[0-9_ ]*\s+[A-Z_ ]*\s+-\s+)([0-9_ ]*:[0-9_ ]*\s+(AM|PM))(\r|\n)/;
  regex.lastIndex = 0;
  Logger.log("End Time reset index...");
  var match = regex.exec(text)[2];
  Logger.log("End Time exec...");

  return match;

function getTeacher(text)
  //Gets the teacher name from an assignment email

  //Regular expression for teacher name
  var regex = /(Teacher\s+:\s+)([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*,[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*)(\r|\n)/;
  regex.lastIndex = 0;
  var match = regex.exec(text)[2];

  return match;

function getLocation(text)
  //Gets the location from an assignment email

  //Regular expression for location
  var regex = /(Address:\s+)(.*)(\r|\n)/;
  regex.lastIndex = 0;
  var match = regex.exec(text)[2];

  return match;


You have been assigned as a substitute for a job starting on 9/21/2017.
 The following are the details of the job:
 Job Summary
Starting On                : 9/21/2017
School                     : School Site
Title                      : Pre School Teacher
Teacher                    : Name, Teacher
Substitute                 : Name, Substitute
Confirmation #             : 123456

 Job Days

School Site
Date: 9/21/2017
Employee Times: 8:00 AM    - 3:30 PM
Substitute Report Times: 8:00 AM    - 3:30 PM

School Contact Information
School Site
Address: 123 Main Ave    Anytown , USA 555555
Phone: 5555555555
 Special Instructions

Please do not reply to this system generated message. If you need help or have additional questions, please send an email to

Thank you for using the substitute assignment system. Powered by Aesop





Substitute Report Times:.+ - (\d1,2:\d1,2 [AP]M)



你的模式奏效了!我确实必须将索引从 2 更改为 1,但它确实有效!只是出于好奇,我尝试将 (\r|\n) 替换为 [\r\n],但仍然遇到相同的错误。我将稍微研究一下您的替换模式,看看我还能从中学到什么。谢谢! 抱歉,我不是说[\r\n] 会解决(\r|\n) 造成的问题;只是就它们将匹配的内容而言它们是同义词,但前者更简单且更便宜,因为它不会创建捕获组。每当您匹配一组单个字符中的一个时,方括号就是要走的路(有一些例外)。 好的,知道了!我仍然无法弄清楚我以前的模式的问题是什么,但至少它现在正在工作,而且我确实学到了一两件事关于格式化正则表达式的更好方法。再次感谢!

以上是关于Google App Script Regex exec() 仅在一个函数中返回 null的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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