【中文标题】如何增加装配图形中的文字大小?【英文标题】:How to increase the text size in assembly graphics? 【发布时间】:2016-03-19 16:11:24 【问题描述】:这是我的代码。
.model small
;setting video mode
mov ah,0
mov al,12h
int 10h
;setting cursor position
mov ah,02h
mov dh,10 ;row
mov dl,40 ;column
int 10h
mov ah,09h
mov bl,0eh ;colour
mov cx,1 ;no.of times
mov al,'B' ;print B
int 10h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
您可以在视频模式为 12h 的情况下在显示屏上看到字符大小。我想知道增加字符大小的函数代码和参数是什么。
00: 40x25 Black and White text (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA)
01: 40x25 16 color text (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA)
02: 80x25 16 shades of gray text (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA)
03: 80x25 16 color text (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA)
04: 320x200 4 color graphics (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA)
05: 320x200 4 color graphics (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA)
06: 640x200 B/W graphics (CGA,EGA,MCGA,VGA)
07: 80x25 Monochrome text (MDA,HERC,EGA,VGA)
08: 160x200 16 color graphics (PCjr)
09: 320x200 16 color graphics (PCjr)
0A: 640x200 4 color graphics (PCjr)
0D: 320x200 16 color graphics (EGA,VGA)
0E: 640x200 16 color graphics (EGA,VGA)
0F: 640x350 Monochrome graphics (EGA,VGA)
10: 640x350 16 color graphics (EGA or VGA with 128K)
640x350 4 color graphics (64K EGA)
11: 640x480 B/W graphics (MCGA,VGA)
12: 640x480 16 color graphics (VGA)
13: 320x200 256 color graphics (MCGA,VGA)