


【中文标题】按条件连接字符串【英文标题】:Concatenate string by a condition 【发布时间】:2021-04-07 14:06:19 【问题描述】:

我想根据与user_id 关联的其他行的条件为新列分配值。

例如当 device 从桌面更改为移动时,然后将 desktop > mobile 分配给该 user_id 的所有记录。 当有两个以上不同的变化时,例如从平板电脑到桌面和桌面到移动设备,那么 tablet > desktop > mobile


| user_id | step  | device  |
| 7bc6de  | step1 | desktop |
| 7bc6de  | step2 | desktop |
| 7bc6de  | step3 | mobile  |
| 7bc6de  | step4 | mobile  |
| 7bc6de  | step5 | desktop |
| 0ee6df  | step1 | tablet  |
| 0ee6df  | step2 | tablet  |
| 0ee6df  | step3 | desktop |
| 0ee6df  | step4 | desktop |
| 0ee6df  | step5 | mobile  |


| user_id | step  | device  |    device_concatenated    |
| 7bc6de  | step1 | desktop | desktop > mobile          |
| 7bc6de  | step2 | desktop | desktop > mobile          |
| 7bc6de  | step3 | mobile  | desktop > mobile          |
| 7bc6de  | step4 | mobile  | desktop > mobile          |
| 7bc6de  | step5 | desktop | desktop > mobile          |
| 0ee6df  | step1 | tablet  | tablet > desktop > mobile |
| 0ee6df  | step2 | tablet  | tablet > desktop > mobile |
| 0ee6df  | step3 | desktop | tablet > desktop > mobile |
| 0ee6df  | step4 | desktop | tablet > desktop > mobile |
| 0ee6df  | step5 | mobile  | tablet > desktop > mobile |



| user_id | step  |     created_at      | device  |
| user1   | step1 | 2021-03-16 14:03:16 | mobile  |
| user1   | step2 | 2021-03-16 14:04:07 | mobile  |
| user1   | step2 | 2021-03-16 14:03:47 | desktop |
| user1   | step3 | 2021-03-16 14:03:55 | mobile  |
| user1   | step3 | 2021-03-16 14:04:00 | mobile  |
| user1   | step1 | 2021-03-16 14:04:02 | desktop |
| user1   | step2 | 2021-03-16 14:03:16 | mobile  |
| user1   | step3 | 2021-03-16 14:04:07 | mobile  |
| user1   | step4 | 2021-03-16 14:04:08 | desktop |
| user1   | step4 | 2021-03-16 14:04:09 | tablet  |


| user_id | step  |     created_at      | device  | device_concatenated |
| user1   | step1 | 2021-03-16 14:03:16 | mobile  | mobile > desktop    |
| user1   | step2 | 2021-03-16 14:03:16 | mobile  | mobile > desktop    |
| user1   | step3 | 2021-03-16 14:03:55 | mobile  | mobile > desktop    |
| user1   | step4 | 2021-03-16 14:04:08 | desktop | mobile > desktop    |




with first_seen_per_user_and_device AS (
select user_id, device, min(step) first_seen_step
from input_data
group by user_id, device
user_to_devices as(
SELECT user_id, array_to_string(
  array_agg(device order by first_seen_step), ' > ') device_concatenated
  from first_seen_per_user_and_device
group by 1
SELECT input_data.*, device_concatenated 
from input_data
join user_to_devices
  ON user_to_devices.user_id = input_data.user_id;

如果可以在多个设备上看到同一个用户和步骤,您需要添加一个额外的 WITH 子句以仅选择您想要的一个(例如,最早的一个),使用 SELECT DISTINCT


WITH input_data as (
  select distinct on (user_id, step) user_id, step, created_at, device
  from input_data_with_created_at
  ORDER BY user_id, step, created_at
(...) -- Rest of the CTEs, same as before but with timestamp included.


你可以使用string_agg 我试过了,但是couldn't get it to work。不知道为什么... @AdamKG 我意识到我的表格中有重复的步骤,即用户可以在不同的时间使用不同的设备看到相同的步骤。将此作为附加问题添加,您介意看一下吗?




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