雅虎财经 API [关闭]



【中文标题】雅虎财经 API [关闭]【英文标题】:Yahoo Finance API [closed] 【发布时间】:2009-11-19 13:30:13 【问题描述】:

问。雅虎是否提供任何金融 API?如果是,该 API 的链接是什么。


另外,请考虑合并财务数据 API:mergent.com/servius 您可以使用免费 API jarloo.com/yahoo_finance获取最多 200 个符号的 CSV 文件 @DaveWebb Google 的 Finance API 已被弃用,将于 2012 年 10 月停止使用:( Google Finance API 现已弃用... :( 不管有什么价值,我都会尝试更新财务 API 的here 列表。截至 2013 年 8 月 26 日,雅虎和谷歌似乎都有可用的 API,尽管我不知道它们的许可。 【参考方案1】:

恕我直言,查找此信息的最佳位置是: http://code.google.com/p/yahoo-finance-managed/

我也曾经使用过“gummy-stuff”,但后来我发现这个页面更有条理,并且充满了易于使用的示例。我现在使用它来获取 CSV 文件中的数据并在我的 C++/Qt 项目中使用这些文件。



这是我在 c# 中创建的一个简单的刮板,用于将流式报价数据打印到控制台。它应该很容易转换为java。基于以下帖子:



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

namespace WebDataAddin

    public class YahooConstants
        public const string AskPrice = "a00";
        public const string BidPrice = "b00";
        public const string DayRangeLow = "g00";
        public const string DayRangeHigh = "h00";
        public const string MarketCap = "j10";
        public const string Volume = "v00";
        public const string AskSize = "a50";
        public const string BidSize = "b60";
        public const string EcnBid = "b30";
        public const string EcnBidSize = "o50";
        public const string EcnExtHrBid = "z03";
        public const string EcnExtHrBidSize = "z04";
        public const string EcnAsk = "b20";
        public const string EcnAskSize = "o40";
        public const string EcnExtHrAsk = "z05";
        public const string EcnExtHrAskSize = "z07";
        public const string EcnDayHigh = "h01";
        public const string EcnDayLow = "g01";
        public const string EcnExtHrDayHigh = "h02";
        public const string EcnExtHrDayLow = "g11";
        public const string LastTradeTimeUnixEpochformat = "t10";
        public const string EcnQuoteLastTime = "t50";
        public const string EcnExtHourTime = "t51";
        public const string RtQuoteLastTime = "t53";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteLastTime = "t54";
        public const string LastTrade = "l10";
        public const string EcnQuoteLastValue = "l90";
        public const string EcnExtHourPrice = "l91";
        public const string RtQuoteLastValue = "l84";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteLastValue = "l86";
        public const string QuoteChangeAbsolute = "c10";
        public const string EcnQuoteAfterHourChangeAbsolute = "c81";
        public const string EcnQuoteChangeAbsolute = "c60";
        public const string EcnExtHourChange1 = "z02";
        public const string EcnExtHourChange2 = "z08";
        public const string RtQuoteChangeAbsolute = "c63";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteAfterHourChangeAbsolute = "c85";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteChangeAbsolute = "c64";
        public const string QuoteChangePercent = "p20";
        public const string EcnQuoteAfterHourChangePercent = "c82";
        public const string EcnQuoteChangePercent = "p40";
        public const string EcnExtHourPercentChange1 = "p41";
        public const string EcnExtHourPercentChange2 = "z09";
        public const string RtQuoteChangePercent = "p43";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteAfterHourChangePercent = "c86";
        public const string RtExtHourQuoteChangePercent = "p44";

        public static readonly IDictionary<string, string> CodeMap = typeof(YahooConstants).GetFields().
            Where(field => field.FieldType == typeof(string)).
            ToDictionary(field => ((string)field.GetValue(null)).ToUpper(), field => field.Name);

    public static class StringBuilderExtensions
        public static bool HasPrefix(this StringBuilder builder, string prefix)
            return ContainsAtIndex(builder, prefix, 0);

        public static bool HasSuffix(this StringBuilder builder, string suffix)
            return ContainsAtIndex(builder, suffix, builder.Length - suffix.Length);

        private static bool ContainsAtIndex(this StringBuilder builder, string str, int index)
            if (builder != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && index >= 0
                && builder.Length >= str.Length + index)
                return !str.Where((t, i) => builder[index + i] != t).Any();
            return false;

    public class WebDataAddin
        public const string ScriptStart = "<script>";
        public const string ScriptEnd = "</script>";

        public const string MessageStart = "tryparent.yfs_";
        public const string MessageEnd = ");catch(e)";

        public const string DataMessage = "u1f(";
        public const string InfoMessage = "mktmcb(";

        protected static T ParseJson<T>(string json)
            // parse json - max acceptable value retrieved from 
            var deserializer = new javascriptSerializer  MaxJsonLength = 2147483647 ;
            return deserializer.Deserialize<T>(json);

        public static void Main()
            const string symbols = "GBPUSD=X,SPY,MSFT,BAC,QQQ,GOOG";
            // these are constants in the YahooConstants enum above
            const string attrs = "b00,b60,a00,a50";
            const string url = "http://streamerapi.finance.yahoo.com/streamer/1.0?s=0&k=1&r=0&callback=parent.yfs_u1f&mktmcb=parent.yfs_mktmcb&gencallback=parent.yfs_gencb&region=US&lang=en-US&localize=0&mu=1";

            var req = WebRequest.Create(string.Format(url, symbols, attrs));
            req.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            var missingCodes = new HashSet<string>();
            var response = req.GetResponse();
            if(response != null)
                var stream = response.GetResponseStream();
                if (stream != null)
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                        var builder = new StringBuilder();
                        var initialPayloadReceived = false;
                        while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                            var c = (char)reader.Read();
                                if (builder.HasSuffix(ScriptStart))
                                    // chop off the first part, and re-append the
                                    // script tag (this is all we care about)
                                    initialPayloadReceived = true;
                                // check if we have a fully formed message
                                // (check suffix first to avoid re-checking 
                                // the prefix over and over)
                                if (builder.HasSuffix(ScriptEnd) &&
                                    var chop = ScriptStart.Length + MessageStart.Length;
                                    var javascript = builder.ToString(chop,
                                        builder.Length - ScriptEnd.Length - MessageEnd.Length - chop);

                                    if (javascript.StartsWith(DataMessage))
                                        var json = ParseJson<Dictionary<string, object>>(

                                        // parse out the data. key should be the symbol

                                        foreach(var symbol in json)
                                            Console.WriteLine("Symbol: 0", symbol.Key);
                                            var symbolData = (Dictionary<string, object>) symbol.Value;
                                            foreach(var dataAttr in symbolData)
                                                var codeKey = dataAttr.Key.ToUpper();
                                                if (YahooConstants.CodeMap.ContainsKey(codeKey))
                                                    Console.WriteLine("\t0: 1", YahooConstants.
                                                        CodeMap[codeKey], dataAttr.Value);
                                                    Console.WriteLine("\t0: 1 (Warning! No Code Mapping Found)", 
                                                        codeKey, dataAttr.Value);

                                     else if(javascript.StartsWith(InfoMessage))
                                        var json = ParseJson<Dictionary<string, object>>(

                                        foreach (var dataAttr in json)
                                            Console.WriteLine("\t0: 1", dataAttr.Key, dataAttr.Value);
                                        throw new Exception("Cannot recognize the message type");


您无需抓取即可获取数据。有一个完整的 API 可以为您提供漂亮的 CSV 文件:jarloo.com/yahoo_finance 据我所知,JarLoo api 使用 Yahoo Finance 的 quotes.csv 端点,它不是流数据。上面的代码专门做实时报价数据的流式传输,没有轮询。 YQL 有一个实验性的流 API,但它在后台进行轮询【参考方案3】:

您可以使用 YQL,但 yahoo.finance.* 表不是核心 yahoo 表。它是一个使用“csv api”并将其转换为 json 或 xml 格式的开放数据表。它使用起来更方便,但并不总是可靠的。我刚才无法使用它,因为它的表达到了存储限制或其他什么...

您可以使用这个 php 库来使用 YQL 获取历史数据/报价 https://github.com/aygee/php-yql-finance



Yahoo 非常易于使用并提供自定义数据。使用以下页面了解更多信息。


警告 - 网络上有一些教程向您展示如何执行此操作,但如果您按照发布的方式使用股票代码所在的区域,则会导致错误。您将获得“缺少格式值”。我发现的教程省略了关于 GOOG 的评论。

GOOG 的示例网址: http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=%40%5EDJI,GOOG&f=nsl1op&e=.csv


以上是关于雅虎财经 API [关闭]的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何从雅虎财经这样的网站获取数据? [关闭]



雅虎财经全币种报价 API 文档

雅虎财经 API 错误 400 在亚洲

雅虎财经 Python API JSON 错误?