如何在 CSS 中将两个文本列居中。



【中文标题】如何在 CSS 中将两个文本列居中。【英文标题】:How to center two text columns in CSS. 【发布时间】:2018-01-11 02:08:10 【问题描述】:



text-align: justify;
position: relative;

text-align: justify;
display: inline;


<div class="container">

<div class="AboutBA">
<h3>About BrandAmb</h3>
<p><i>BrandAmb</i> is a Danish marketing company  whose<br/> goal mission is to help both Danish and foreign<br/> brands expand their brand in Scandinavia through<br/> social marketing. By analyzing and studying your<br/> brand and the audience that you are trying to reach<br/> we, through our database of ambassadors, connects<br/> your brand with one or several of our brandambassadors.<br/> By using their broad platform our brandambassadors<br/> will help your brand reach the audience that is at target<br/> and get your brand the recognition that it deservs in<br/> Scandinavia. <a href="About-us.html">Read more about us.</a></p>

<div class="Position">
<h3>Our position</h3>
<p>When it comes to our position between your brand and<br/> our brandambassors we can have two potions depening<br/> on what your seeking as a brand. The first position is<br/> merely as an intermediary between your brand and our<br/> ambassadors. That means that we create and find the<br/> right connection and make sure it's a match, but the<br/> rest is up to you. Our second position is more hands-on.<br/> By using our cultural knowledge we can, if requested,<br/> help make a stragegy to fit excactly your targeted<br/> audiance in the Scandinavian market. Furthermore we<br/> help with communication between the two parties so any<br/> cultural or communication barriers are avoided.<br/><a href="products.html">Read about our products.</a></p>




为什么不给这两个元素添加一个公共类并displayinline-block,同时设置vertical-align: topwidth 【参考方案1】:

这适用于非响应式网站。如果您希望它具有响应性,您可以使用一些媒体查询来修改它或使用响应式框架(例如基础)来定义不同视口大小的宽度,例如 large-6 / medium-6 / small-12 等

  margin:0 auto;

<div class="container">

<div class="AboutBA content">
<h3>About BrandAmb</h3>
<p><i>BrandAmb</i> is a Danish marketing company  whose<br/> goal mission is to help both Danish and foreign<br/> brands expand their brand in Scandinavia through<br/> social marketing. By analyzing and studying your<br/> brand and the audience that you are trying to reach<br/> we, through our database of ambassadors, connects<br/> your brand with one or several of our brandambassadors.<br/> By using their broad platform our brandambassadors<br/> will help your brand reach the audience that is at target<br/> and get your brand the recognition that it deservs in<br/> Scandinavia. <a href="About-us.html">Read more about us.</a></p>

<div class="Position content">
<h3>Our position</h3>
<p>When it comes to our position between your brand and<br/> our brandambassors we can have two potions depening<br/> on what your seeking as a brand. The first position is<br/> merely as an intermediary between your brand and our<br/> ambassadors. That means that we create and find the<br/> right connection and make sure it's a match, but the<br/> rest is up to you. Our second position is more hands-on.<br/> By using our cultural knowledge we can, if requested,<br/> help make a stragegy to fit excactly your targeted<br/> audiance in the Scandinavian market. Furthermore we<br/> help with communication between the two parties so any<br/> cultural or communication barriers are avoided.<br/><a href="products.html">Read about our products.</a></p>


'.content' 类只是一个可重复使用的类,用于分配适用于两列的 50% 宽度。但是,响应式框架肯定有助于清理代码。我刚刚为您创建了另一个使用基础的示例。这是完全响应的。 codepen.io/anon/pen/dzpwmV【参考方案2】:

您可以使用Bootstrap Grid。

 <div class="container">
  <div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-6">
    <h3>About BrandAmb</h3>
    <p><i>BrandAmb</i> is a Danish marketing company  whose<br/> goal mission is to help both Danish and foreign<br/> brands expand their brand in Scandinavia through<br/> social marketing. By analyzing and studying your<br/> brand and the audience that you are trying to reach<br/> we, through our database of ambassadors, connects<br/> your brand with one or several of our brandambassadors.<br/> By using their broad platform our brandambassadors<br/> will help your brand reach the audience that is at target<br/> and get your brand the recognition that it deservs in<br/> Scandinavia. <a href="About-us.html">Read more about us.</a></p>

    <div class="col-md-6">
    <h3>Our position</h3>
    <p>When it comes to our position between your brand and<br/> our brandambassors we can have two potions depening<br/> on what your seeking as a brand. The first position is<br/> merely as an intermediary between your brand and our<br/> ambassadors. That means that we create and find the<br/> right connection and make sure it's a match, but the<br/> rest is up to you. Our second position is more hands-on.<br/> By using our cultural knowledge we can, if requested,<br/> help make a stragegy to fit excactly your targeted<br/> audiance in the Scandinavian market. Furthermore we<br/> help with communication between the two parties so any<br/> cultural or communication barriers are avoided.<br/><a href="products.html">Read about our products.</a></p>



您也可以使用 display flex。要响应,您必须对容器具有“flex-wrap: wrap”属性和文本的最小宽度。


display: flex;

text-align: center;

text-align: center;
<div class="container">

<div class="AboutBA">
<h3>About BrandAmb</h3>
<p><i>BrandAmb</i> is a Danish marketing company  whose<br/> goal mission is to help both Danish and foreign<br/> brands expand their brand in Scandinavia through<br/> social marketing. By analyzing and studying your<br/> brand and the audience that you are trying to reach<br/> we, through our database of ambassadors, connects<br/> your brand with one or several of our brandambassadors.<br/> By using their broad platform our brandambassadors<br/> will help your brand reach the audience that is at target<br/> and get your brand the recognition that it deservs in<br/> Scandinavia. <a href="About-us.html">Read more about us.</a></p>
<div class="Position">
<h3>Our position</h3>
<p>When it comes to our position between your brand and<br/> our brandambassors we can have two potions depening<br/> on what your seeking as a brand. The first position is<br/> merely as an intermediary between your brand and our<br/> ambassadors. That means that we create and find the<br/> right connection and make sure it's a match, but the<br/> rest is up to you. Our second position is more hands-on.<br/> By using our cultural knowledge we can, if requested,<br/> help make a stragegy to fit excactly your targeted<br/> audiance in the Scandinavian market. Furthermore we<br/> help with communication between the two parties so any<br/> cultural or communication barriers are avoided.<br/><a href="products.html">Read about our products.</a></p>


以上是关于如何在 CSS 中将两个文本列居中。的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何在 CSS 中将网站导航栏中的文本居中对齐?

试图在 CSS 中将内容放在左侧的一列居中 [重复]

如何在 XCode 中将标签的文本居中


如何在 CSS3 站点布局中将图像跨越多个列?

如何在 Apache Royale 的布局中将孩子居中?