使用 3D 类型初始化金属纹理
【中文标题】使用 3D 类型初始化金属纹理【英文标题】:Init a Metal texture with the type of 3D 【发布时间】:2017-07-08 17:38:14 【问题描述】:最近,我在玩 SceneKit,我发现了 colorGrading 属性。医生说
此材质属性的内容值必须是 3D 颜色 查找表,或表示此类表的 2D 纹理图像 横向排列。
并且 3D 颜色查找表可以从金属纹理中读取。
您可以将此立方体格式的数据作为具有 type3D 纹理类型的金属纹理提供。
【参考方案1】:创建 3D 纹理与创建 2D 纹理非常相似,前提是您有一个包含适当布局的图像数据的缓冲区。我假设你已经有了。以下是如何创建纹理本身,将数据复制到其中,并将其设置为颜色分级纹理:
var dim = 16
var values: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float> = ... // alloc and populate 3D array of pixels
let textureDescriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor()
textureDescriptor.textureType = .type3D
textureDescriptor.pixelFormat = .rgba32Float
textureDescriptor.width = dim
textureDescriptor.height = dim
textureDescriptor.depth = dim
textureDescriptor.usage = .shaderRead
let texture = device.makeTexture(descriptor: textureDescriptor)
texture.replace(region: MTLRegionMake3D(0, 0, 0, dim, dim, dim),
bytesPerRow:dim * MemoryLayout<Float>.size * 4,
bytesPerImage:dim * dim * MemoryLayout<Float>.size * 4)
camera.colorGrading.contents = texture
这是一个完整的解析器,可以将 .cube 文件转换为适合与此属性一起使用的 MTLTexture
import Metal
class AdobeLUTParser
static func texture(withContentsOf url: URL, device: MTLDevice) -> MTLTexture?
let lutString = try! NSString(contentsOf: url, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
let lines = lutString.components(separatedBy: "\r\n") as [NSString]
var dim = 2
var values: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>? = nil
var index = 0
for line in lines
if line.length == 0 continue; // skip blanks
let firstChar = line.character(at: 0)
if firstChar < 58 /*':'*/
if values == nil
print("Error: Got data before size in LUT")
let numbers = line.components(separatedBy: " ") as [NSString]
if numbers.count == 3
let r = numbers[0].floatValue
let g = numbers[1].floatValue
let b = numbers[2].floatValue
let a = Float(1)
values![index * 4 + 0] = r
values![index * 4 + 1] = g
values![index * 4 + 2] = b
values![index * 4 + 3] = a
index += 1
if line.hasPrefix("LUT_3D_SIZE")
let sizeString = line.components(separatedBy: " ")[1] as NSString
dim = Int(sizeString.intValue)
if dim < 2 || dim > 512
print("Error: insane LUT size: \(dim)")
let rawPointer = malloc(dim * dim * dim * 4 * MemoryLayout<Float>.size)
values = rawPointer!.bindMemory(to: Float.self, capacity: dim * dim * dim * 4)
else if line.hasPrefix("LUT_1D_SIZE")
print("Error: 1D LUTs not supported")
if values == nil
print("Did not parse LUT successfully")
return nil
let textureDescriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor()
textureDescriptor.textureType = .type3D
textureDescriptor.pixelFormat = .rgba32Float
textureDescriptor.width = dim
textureDescriptor.height = dim
textureDescriptor.depth = dim
textureDescriptor.usage = .shaderRead
let texture = device.makeTexture(descriptor: textureDescriptor)
texture.replace(region: MTLRegionMake3D(0, 0, 0, dim, dim, dim),
bytesPerRow:dim * MemoryLayout<Float>.size * 4,
bytesPerImage:dim * dim * MemoryLayout<Float>.size * 4)
return texture
let mtlDevice = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()
let lutURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "MyGradingTexture", withExtension: "cube")
let lutTexture = AdobeLUTParser.texture(withContentsOf: lutURL!, device: mtlDevice!)
camera.colorGrading.contents = lutTexture
哦不...文档说有两种方法可以设置此属性。一个是给出一个方形图像,一个是 3D 颜色查找表。我搜索 3D 颜色查找表并下载一些 .cube 文件。我想如果我可以将这些文件设置为此颜色分级。但是医生说应该使用金属。我不知道该怎么做。 我总是收到错误Error: Got data before size in LUT Did not parse LUT successfully
谢谢,现在运行良好。但我得到了不好的效果。这似乎是一个错误或 .cube 文件问题。我发布了一个新问题,请检查一下。 Work inside colorGrading Property
因为每个像素有四个分量 (RGBA)。以上是关于使用 3D 类型初始化金属纹理的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章