我的 SQL 查询中需要 HTML 代码来格式化带有千位分隔符的表格编号,并使总列值以粗体显示



【中文标题】我的 SQL 查询中需要 HTML 代码来格式化带有千位分隔符的表格编号,并使总列值以粗体显示【英文标题】:HTML codes needed in my SQL query to format table numbers with thousand separator and make Total column values in bold 【发布时间】:2018-02-25 05:56:09 【问题描述】:

我有以下 T-SQL 查询,它输出用于格式化表格的 html 代码。查询和输出都如下所示。

我现在需要添加所需的 HTML 代码来实现这两件事:

    使用千位分隔符分隔数字 用粗体显示最后一列的值(即:总计)

这是 SQL 查询:

declare @tableHtml nvarchar(max)
declare @style nvarchar(50)
declare @MyTable table
    StayYear nvarchar(10),
    PropertyCode nvarchar(10),
    Jan nvarchar(10),
    Feb nvarchar(10),
    Mar nvarchar(10),
    Apr nvarchar(10),
    May nvarchar(10),
    Jun nvarchar(10),
    Jul nvarchar(10),
    Aug nvarchar(10),
    Sep nvarchar(10),
    Oct nvarchar(10),
    Nov nvarchar(10),
    Dec nvarchar(10),
    Total nvarchar(50)
insert into @MyTable 

select @tableHtml = (

    '1' as '@border',
    '4' as '@cellpadding',
    'font-size:10px; font-family:Arial' as '@style',

        select  (select @style as '@style', 'StayYear' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'PropertyCode' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Jan' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Feb' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Mar' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Apr' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'May' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Jun' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Jul' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Aug' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Sep' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Oct' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Nov' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Dec' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                (select @style as '@style', 'Total' as '*' for xml path('th'), type)

        for xml path('tr'), type
        select 'trclass' as '@class',
                (case when [PropertyCode]='A' then 'background-color:#d9dcf0' 
                      when [PropertyCode]='B' then 'background-color:#ebfadc' 
                      when [PropertyCode]='C' then 'background-color:#d9dcf0' 

                 end) as '@style',

                (select StayYear as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select PropertyCode as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Jan as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Feb as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Mar as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Apr as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select May as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Jun as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Jul as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Aug as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Sep as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Oct as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Nov as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Dec as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                (select Total as '*' for xml path('td'), type)

        from @MyTable
        GROUP BY [StayYear], [PropertyCode], [Jan], [Feb], [Mar], [Apr], [May], [Jun], [Jul], [Aug], [Sep], [Oct], [Nov], [Dec], [Total]
        ORDER BY  [PropertyCode], [StayYear] DESC
        for xml path('tr'), type

for xml path('table')

select @tableHtml

这是输出(当被视为 HTML 文件时)的外观:




请告诉我们SQL server版本和ITB表中列的DataType。 SQL Server 2012。StayYear 和 PropertyCode 列是 nvarchar,列 Jan 到 Total 是 int。 【参考方案1】:

我为千位分隔符添加了Format 函数,并为粗体添加了font-weight 属性。请检查-

 declare @tableHtml nvarchar(max)
 declare @style nvarchar(50)
 declare @FormatStyle nvarchar(10)='#,0.00'
 declare @MyTable table
     StayYear nvarchar(10),
     PropertyCode nvarchar(10),
     Jan nvarchar(10),
     Feb nvarchar(10),
     Mar nvarchar(10),
     Apr nvarchar(10),
     May nvarchar(10),
     Jun nvarchar(10),
     Jul nvarchar(10),
     Aug nvarchar(10),
     Sep nvarchar(10),
     Oct nvarchar(10),
     Nov nvarchar(10),
     Dec nvarchar(10),
     Total nvarchar(50)
 insert into @MyTable ([StayYear],[PropertyCode],[Jan],[Feb],[Mar],[Apr],[May],[Jun],[Jul],[Aug],[Sep],[Oct],[Nov],[Dec],[Total])
 select [StayYear],
 from ITB

 select @tableHtml = (

     '1' as '@border',
     '4' as '@cellpadding',
     'font-size:10px; font-family:Arial' as '@style',

         select  (select @style as '@style', 'StayYear' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'PropertyCode' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Jan' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Feb' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Mar' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Apr' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'May' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Jun' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Jul' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Aug' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Sep' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Oct' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Nov' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Dec' as '*' for xml path('th'), type),
                 (select @style as '@style', 'Total' as '*' for xml path('th'), type)

         for xml path('tr'), type
         select 'trclass' as '@class',
                 (case when [PropertyCode]='A' then 'background-color:#d9dcf0' 
                       when [PropertyCode]='B' then 'background-color:#ebfadc' 
                       when [PropertyCode]='C' then 'background-color:#d9dcf0' 

                  end) as '@style',

                 (select StayYear as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select PropertyCode as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Jan as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Feb as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Mar as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Apr as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select May as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Jun as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Jul as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Aug as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Sep as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Oct as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Nov as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select Dec as '*' for xml path('td'), type),
                 (select 'font-weight:bold' as '@style', Total as '*' for xml path('td'), type)

         from @MyTable
         GROUP BY [StayYear], [PropertyCode], [Jan], [Feb], [Mar], [Apr], [May], [Jun], [Jul], [Aug], [Sep], [Oct], [Nov], [Dec], [Total]
         ORDER BY  [PropertyCode], [StayYear] DESC
         for xml path('tr'), type

 for xml path('table')

 select convert(xml,@tableHtml)



以上是关于我的 SQL 查询中需要 HTML 代码来格式化带有千位分隔符的表格编号,并使总列值以粗体显示的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

我需要 sql 查询来获取所需的格式

sql server 数据库,在查询sql语句中日期格式转换问题,怎么把原数据年月日时分秒转换成年月日


CONCAT sql 查询需要正确的格式。 Codeigniter 活动记录

SQL 查询帮助 - 错误的数据格式解决方法?

使用带参数的 LIKE 时 SQL 引发语法错误 [重复]