【中文标题】在PHP中按数组键的值对字典中的数组进行排序【英文标题】:Sorting an array within a dictionary by the array key's value in PHP 【发布时间】:2014-03-21 21:34:34 【问题描述】:这是一个由两部分组成的问题,但下面是我的 php 代码,我想按天按升序(0,1,...6)对 business_hours 进行排序。这在 PHP 或 ios 中更容易吗(这是为集成到 iOS 应用程序而编写的)?
另外,旁注,我的 iOS 开发人员说他在返回如下所示的位置数组字典时遇到了问题。他宁愿将位置作为编号数组(JSON for [,,...] 而不是我所拥有的 ,,...),但问题是我根本做不到在 PHP 中找到一种方法来满足此应用程序的要求。我特别需要使用数组键将营业时间添加到其相应的位置。我正在连接三个表以获取营业时间和位置 ID,以便营业时间的位置 ID 与位置本身的位置 ID 匹配;这似乎是让两个数组加入以使 JSON 输出数组工作的唯一方法...您可以在下面看到,但如果我错了,或者我的 iOS 开发人员更容易学习,请告诉我如何遍历并返回具有键的多维关联数组的所有数组值。请指教!
if ($stmt = $dbh->prepare($query))
// initialise an array for the results
$result = array();
if ( $stmt->execute(array($lat,$lat,$lng,$rest_price,$eat_in,$take_out,$delivery)) )
// loop through all values
while ( $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) )
// Have we seen this menu before? If not, add it to the array
if ( !isset($result['locations'][$row['rest_id']]) )
$result['locations'][$row['rest_id']] = array(
'rest_id' => $row['rest_id'],
'user_id' => $row['user_id'],
'rest_name' => $row['rest_name'],
'lat' => $row['lat'],
'lng' => $row['lng'],
'rest_price' => $row['rest_price'],
'rest_rating' => $row['rest_rating'],
'rest_genre' => $row['rest_genre'],
'eat_in' => $row['eat_in'],
'take_out' => $row['take_out'],
'delivery' => $row['delivery'],
'rest_img' => $row['rest_img'],
'user_img' => $row['user_img'],
'business_hours' => array()
// Add the ingredient.
// remove all NULL, FALSE and Empty Strings but leave 0 (zero) values
$result['locations'][$row['rest_id']]['business_hours'][] = array_filter(array(
'day' => $row['day'],
'open_time' => $row['open_time'],
'close_time' => $row['close_time']
), 'strlen');
// print results if not null
if( $result != null )
// print success. no error.
$result['error'] .= '';
echo json_encode($result);
echo json_encode(array('error' => 'No locations exist in your area'));
[locations] => Array
[67] => Array
[rest_id] => 67
[user_id] => 19
[rest_name] => The Ninja
[lat] => 34.1516
[lng] => -106.685591
[rest_price] => 2
[rest_rating] => 3.5
[rest_genre] => Japanese
[eat_in] => 1
[take_out] => 1
[delivery] => 1
[rest_img] => 88/image11.png
[user_img] => image595.png
[business_hours] => Array
[0] => Array
[day] => 4
[open_time] => 09:00:00
[close_time] => 16:30:00
[1] => Array
[day] => 1
[open_time] => 10:00:00
[close_time] => 17:00:00
[2] => Array
[day] => 6
[open_time] => 12:00:00
[close_time] => 18:00:00
[3] => Array
[day] => 3
[open_time] => 10:00:00
[close_time] => 17:00:00
[4] => Array
[day] => 0
[open_time] => 00:00:00
[close_time] => 00:00:00
[5] => Array
[day] => 5
[open_time] => 10:00:00
[close_time] => 17:00:00
[6] => Array
[day] => 2
[open_time] => 10:00:00
[close_time] => 17:00:00
)// more arrays occur after this...
[error] =>
"locations":"67":"rest_id":"67","user_id":"19","rest_name":"The Ninja","lat":"","lng":"","rest_price":"2","rest_rating":"3.5","rest_genre":"Japanese","eat_in":"1","take_out":"1","delivery":"1","rest_img":"","user_img":"","business_hours":["day":"6","open_time":"12:00:00","close_time":"18:00:00","day":"3","open_time":"10:00:00","close_time":"17:00:00","day":"0","open_time":"00:00:00","close_time":"00:00:00","day":"5","open_time":"10:00:00","close_time":"17:00:00","day":"2","open_time":"10:00:00","close_time":"17:00:00","day":"4","open_time":"09:00:00","close_time":"16:30:00","day":"1","open_time":"10:00:00","close_time":"17:00:00"],,...,"error":""
贴一个实际的JSON字符串实例,尽量缩短,我来看看。换句话说,我希望看到一个从顶层开始的 JSON 字符串,包括带有[0] => Array
和 [1] => Array
子条目的 [67] => Array
条目,但没有 [67] 的其他子条目,并且没有所有其余条目 [89]、[99] 等。
完成。希望这提供了任何人都需要看到才能理解的所有结果输出。我想当我的 iOS 开发人员看到一个类似"locations":[,,...],"error":""
的数组时,我真的很喜欢它,而且我通常使用 PHP 在服务器端完成所有繁重的工作,但是在按数字天排序营业时间时遇到问题,无论我是否需要特定格式的数组(对与错)
嗯,这需要很长时间(部分原因是 json 字符串无效,因为它有一个 ...
,但是 w/e)。
您的开发人员更喜欢这样的字典数组 "locations":[,,...],"error":""
"locations":"67":,"89":,... ,"error":""
因为字典数组非常适合 iOS 表格视图范例。但是,将字典字典转换为字典数组只需一行代码,例如
NSArray *locationAllValues = [locationDictionary allValues];
解析 JSON 数据时,我建议使用 NSJSONReadingMutableContainers
选项,以便数组和字典是可变的。这样可以更轻松地对 day
数组进行排序。是的,在 iOS 中对数组进行排序很容易。这是从输入 JSON 创建字典数组的完整代码集。代码的输入是一个 NSData
对象,其中包含从网络下载的 JSON 字符串。字典数组按rest_id
- (NSArray *)parseAndSortJsonResponse:(NSData *)data
NSDictionary *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:nil];
if ( !jsonData )
NSLog( @"Invalid JSON string" );
return( nil );
NSMutableDictionary *locationDictionary = jsonData[@"locations"];
NSArray *locationAllValues = [locationDictionary allValues];
NSArray *locationsArray = [locationAllValues sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2)
NSDictionary *d1 = obj1;
NSDictionary *d2 = obj2;
int v1 = [d1[@"rest_id"] intValue];
int v2 = [d2[@"rest_id"] intValue];
if ( v1 < v2 )
return( NSOrderedAscending );
else if ( v1 > v2 )
return( NSOrderedDescending );
return( NSOrderedSame );
for ( NSMutableDictionary *location in locationsArray )
NSArray *array = location[@"business_hours"];
NSArray *sorted = [array sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2)
NSDictionary *d1 = obj1;
NSDictionary *d2 = obj2;
int v1 = [d1[@"day"] intValue];
int v2 = [d2[@"day"] intValue];
if ( v1 < v2 )
return( NSOrderedAscending );
else if ( v1 > v2 )
return( NSOrderedDescending );
return( NSOrderedSame );
[location setObject:sorted forKey:@"business_hours"];
NSLog( @"%@", locationsArray );
return( locationsArray );
@jflay 我已经修改了关于字典数组的评论。以上是关于在PHP中按数组键的值对字典中的数组进行排序的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
按字典键的值对包含 NSMutableDictionary 的 NSMutableArray 进行排序
如何按给定键的值对关联数组进行排序并在php中维护键? [复制]