


【中文标题】根据泛型参数返回函数签名【英文标题】:Returning a function signature based on generic parameters 【发布时间】:2019-10-09 01:48:26 【问题描述】:


function createRequest(method: string, path: string) 
  return function resourceApiCall() 
    // ...additional logic
    return httpCall(path, method) 


const fetchUsers = createRequest('GET', '/users')

await fetchUsers(createdAfter: new Date())


const fetchPayment = createRequest('GET', '/payments')

await fetchPayment('id', createdAfter: new Date())

我的问题是,如何将定义传递给createRequest,以便fetchUsersfetchPayment 在IDE 中显示正确的函数参数和返回值(任何类型检查都正确)?强>


interface FetchPayment 
  (id: string, createdAfter: Date): Promise<id: string>

const fetchPayment = createRequest<FetchPayment>('GET', '/payments')


const fetchPayment = createRequest<Args, Result>('GET', '/payments')

function createRequest<Args, Result>(method: string, path: string) 
  return function resourceApiCall(...args: Args) 
    // ...additional logic
    return httpCall<Result>(path, method) 




// some interfaces you expect httpCall to return
interface User 
  name: string;
  age: number;

interface Payment 
  id: string;

// a mapping of request paths to the function signatures
// you expect to return from createRequest
interface Requests 
  "/users": (clause:  createdAfter: Date ) => Promise<Array<User>>;
  "/payments": (id: string, clause:  createdAfter: Date ) => Promise<Payment>;

// a dummy httpCall function
declare function httpCall<R>(path: string, method: string, payload: any): R;

// for now only GET is supported, and the path must be one of keyof Requests
function createRequest<P extends keyof Requests>(method: "GET", path: P) 
  return (function resourceApiCall(
    ...args: Parameters<Requests[P]> // Parameters<F> is the arg tuple of function type F
  ): ReturnType<Requests[P]>  // ReturnType<F> is the return type of function type F
    return httpCall<ReturnType<Requests[P]>>(path, method, args);
   as any) as Requests[P]; // assertion to clean up createRequest signature

async function foo() 
  const fetchUsers = createRequest("GET", "/users");
  const users = await fetchUsers( createdAfter: new Date() ); // User[]
  const fetchPayment = createRequest("GET", "/payments");
  const payment = await fetchPayment("id",  createdAfter: new Date() ); // Payment

在上面我使用接口Requests 在类型级别指定从请求路径到您希望createRequest() 返回的函数签名的映射。而createRequest() 是一个generic 函数,使用Requests 来强类型化返回的函数。请注意,在resourceApiCall() 的实现中,我还使用一些内置的conditional types 将argument types 和return type 从函数签名中提取出来。这不是绝对必要的,但会使resourceApiCall() 中的类型更加明确。



首先,让您的文件中包含createRequest(),以及最初为空的Requests 接口:


export interface Requests extends Record<keyof Requests, (...args: any[]) => any> 
  // empty here, but merge into this 

// a dummy httpCall function
declare function httpCall<R>(path: string, method: string, payload: any): R;

// for now only GET is supported, and the path must be one of keyof Requests
export function createRequest<P extends keyof Requests>(method: "GET", path: P) 
  return (function resourceApiCall(
    ...args: Parameters<Requests[P]> // Parameters<F> is the arg tuple of function type F
  ): ReturnType<Requests[P]> 
    // ReturnType<F> is the return type of function type F
    return httpCall<ReturnType<Requests[P]>>(path, method, args);
   as any) as Requests[P]; // assertion to clean up createRequest signature

然后你可以为你的 User 东西制作一个模块:


export interface User 
  name: string;
  age: number;

declare module './requests' 
  interface Requests 
    "/users": (clause:  createdAfter: Date ) => Promise<Array<User>>;

还有你的Payment 东西:


export interface Payment 
  id: string;

declare module './requests' 
  interface Requests 
    "/payments": (id: string, clause:  createdAfter: Date ) => Promise<Payment>;

等等。最后,用户可以通过导入 createRequest 以及可能的 userpayment 模块来调用它们(如果它们中有代码,则需要在模块中运行):


import  createRequest  from './Requests/requests';
import './Requests/user'; // maybe not necessary
import './Requests/payment'; // maybe not necessary

async function foo() 
  const fetchUsers = createRequest("GET", "/users");
  const users = await fetchUsers( createdAfter: new Date() ); // User[]
  const fetchPayment = createRequest("GET", "/payments");
  const payment = await fetchPayment("id",  createdAfter: new Date() ); // Payment



这是一个很大的帮助@jcalz!有没有一种方法可以让我在哪里声明预期的 args 并返回内联类型,而不是使用 interface Requests 我不确定我是否理解...您可以使用类型别名 (type Requests = "/users": (clause: createdAfter: Date ) =&gt; Promise&lt;Array&lt;User&gt;&gt;; ...) 但您可能希望为它使用 some 名称,因为 @ 987654347@ 在签名和实现中多次出现,一遍又一遍地编写该类型可能很烦人。如果我更了解您的用例,我可能会提出建议。为什么不想要一个Requests 接口或类型? 我想共同定位各个类型定义,因为我正在创建一个内部客户端 sdk(http 调用的抽象)。我正在遵循大多数大型公司使用的模式,尤其是条纹模式。在这个例子github.com/stripe/stripe-node/blob/master/lib/resources/… 中,他们有一个Charges 资源,它只是创建了一个端点。我希望我的看起来完全像 + 内联预期的 args 和端点的返回值。我的createRequest 相当于 Stripe 的stripeMethod。再次感谢您的帮助! 那么我可以建议保留Requests 接口并使用declaration merging 将端点添加到Requests 吗?让我看看我是否可以重构上面的代码来证明... 更新了我的答案,希望对您有所帮助。【参考方案2】:

您可以结合使用别名和重载来使其正常工作。基本上将这些参数别名为字符串文字类型,然后为您的函数提供多个签名。然后 TypeScript 可以根据传入的参数推断 createRequest 的返回类型

type UserPath = '/users';
type PaymentPath = '/payment';
type CreatedAfter = 
  createdAfter: Date;

function createRequest(
  HttpVerb: string,
  target: UserPath
): (id: string, date: CreatedAfter) => Promise< id: string >;

function createRequest(
  HttpVerb: string,
  target: PaymentPath
  //I'm just guessing the return type here
): (date: CreatedAfter) => Promise< id: string []>; 

function createRequest(HttpVerb: string, target: UserPath | PaymentPath): any 
  //your function implementation doesn't have to be like this, this is just so
  //this example is fully working
  if (target === '/users') 
    return async function(date) 
      return  id: '1' ;
   else if (target === '/payment') 
    return async function(id, date) 
      return [ id: '1' ];

//this signature matches your fetchUsers signature
const fetchUsers = createRequest('GET', '/users'); 

//this signature matches your fetchPayment signature
const fetchPayment = createRequest('GET', '/payment');

总之,这将允许createRequest 函数根据传递的第二个参数返回具有正确签名的函数。 Read more about function signatures here,按 ctrl+f 并搜索“Overloads”以了解有关重载的更多信息。







