


【中文标题】最近邻搜索kdTree【英文标题】:nearest neighbour search kdTree 【发布时间】:2018-06-16 01:02:20 【问题描述】:

N 点列表[(x_1,y_1), (x_2,y_2), ... ] 我试图根据距离找到每个点的最近邻居。我的数据集太大而无法使用蛮力方法,因此 KDtree 似乎最好。

我看到sklearn.neighbors.KDTree 可以找到最近的邻居,而不是从头开始实施。这可以用来找到 each 粒子的最近邻居,即返回一个dim(N) 列表吗?


您想仅使用 sklearn 方法还是通过任何方法找到每个粒子的最近邻? 任何基于 kdtree 的方法都可以,但由于定制范围广泛,这似乎是一个有吸引力的库! 【参考方案1】:

您可以使用sklearn.neighbors.KDTreequery_radius() 方法,它返回一个索引 的最近邻的列表在某个半径内(而不是返回k 最近的邻居)。

from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree

points = [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5)]

tree = KDTree(points, leaf_size=2)
all_nn_indices = tree.query_radius(points, r=1.5)  # NNs within distance of 1.5 of point
all_nns = [[points[idx] for idx in nn_indices] for nn_indices in all_nn_indices]
for nns in all_nns:


[(1, 1), (2, 2)]
[(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]
[(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)]
[(3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5)]
[(4, 4), (5, 5)]


all_nns = [
    [points[idx] for idx in nn_indices if idx != i]
    for i, nn_indices in enumerate(all_nn_indices)


[(2, 2)]
[(1, 1), (3, 3)]
[(2, 2), (4, 4)]
[(3, 3), (5, 5)]
[(4, 4)]




假设您对身份不感兴趣(距离为 0),您可以查询两个最近邻并删除第一列。这可能是这里最简单的方法。


 import numpy as np
 from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
 X = np.random.random((5, 2))  # 5 points in 2 dimensions
 tree = KDTree(X)
 nearest_dist, nearest_ind = tree.query(X, k=2)  # k=2 nearest neighbors where k1 = identity
 print(nearest_dist[:, 1])    # drop id; assumes sorted -> see args!
 print(nearest_ind[:, 1])     # drop id 


 [[ 0.5488135   0.71518937]
  [ 0.60276338  0.54488318]
  [ 0.4236548   0.64589411]
  [ 0.43758721  0.891773  ]
  [ 0.96366276  0.38344152]]
 [ 0.14306129  0.1786471   0.14306129  0.20869372  0.39536284]
 [2 0 0 0 1]


OP 希望最近的邻居基于距离,而不是 k 最近的邻居。 @landogardner 这就是我不和你在一起的地方。恕我直言,他根据距离要求每次观察的每个最近邻居!这也是他的静态输出维度所要求的解释之一。【参考方案3】:

sklearn 应该是最好的。一段时间前我写了以下内容,我需要自定义距离。 (我猜sklearn不支持自定义距离fn 'KD tree' with custom distance metric 。添加以供参考

改编自我的 2D 要点 https://gist.github.com/alexcpn/1f187f2114976e748f4d3ad38dea17e8

# From https://gist.github.com/alexcpn/1f187f2114976e748f4d3ad38dea17e8
# Author alex punnen
from collections import namedtuple
from operator import itemgetter
import numpy as np

def find_nearest_neighbour(node,point,distance_fn,current_axis):
    # Algorith to find nearest neighbour in a KD Tree;the KD tree has done a spatial sort
    # of the given co-ordinates, such that to the left of the root lies co-ordinates nearest to the x-axis
    # and to the right of the root ,lies the co-ordinates farthest from the x axis
    # On the y axis split on the left of the parent/root node lies co-ordinates nearest to the y-axis and to
    # the right of the root, lies the co-ordinates farthest from the y axis
    # to find the nearest neightbour, from the root, you first check left and right node; if distance is closer
    # to the right node,then the entire left node can be discarded from search, because of the spatial split
    # and that node becomes the root node. This process is continued recursively till the nearest is found
    # param:node: The current node
    # param: point: The point to which the nearest neighbour is to be found
    # param: distance_fn: to calculate the nearest neighbour
    # param: current_axis: here assuming only two dimenstion and current axis will be either x or y , 0 or 1

    if node is None:
        return None,None
    current_closest_node = node
    closest_known_distance = distance_fn(node.cell[0],node.cell[1],point[0],point[1])
    print closest_known_distance,node.cell

    x = (node.cell[0],node.cell[1])
    y = point

    new_node = None
    new_closest_distance = None
    if x[current_axis] > y[current_axis]:
        new_node,new_closest_distance= find_nearest_neighbour(node.left_branch,point,distance_fn,
                                                          (current_axis+1) %2)
        new_node,new_closest_distance = find_nearest_neighbour(node.right_branch,point,distance_fn,
                                                           (current_axis+1) %2) 

    if  new_closest_distance and new_closest_distance < closest_known_distance:
        print 'Reset closest node to ',new_node.cell
        closest_known_distance = new_closest_distance
        current_closest_node = new_node

    return current_closest_node,closest_known_distance

class Node(namedtuple('Node','cell, left_branch, right_branch')):
    # This Class is taken from wikipedia code snippet for  KD tree

def create_kdtree(cell_list,current_axis,no_of_axis):
    # Creates a KD Tree recursively following the snippet from wikipedia for KD tree
    # but making it generic for any number of axis and changes in data strucure
    if not cell_list:
    # get the cell as a tuple list this is for 2 dimensions
    k= [(cell[0],cell[1])  for cell  in cell_list]
    # say for three dimension
    # k= [(cell[0],cell[1],cell[2])  for cell  in cell_list]
    k.sort(key=itemgetter(current_axis)) # sort on the current axis
    median = len(k) // 2 # get the median of the list
    axis = (current_axis + 1) % no_of_axis # cycle the axis
    return Node(k[median], # recurse 

def eucleaden_dist(x1,y1,x2,y2):
    a= np.array([x1,y1])
    b= np.array([x2,y2])
    dist = np.linalg.norm(a-b)
    return dist

#cell_list = np.random.random((2, 2))
#cell_list = cell_list.tolist()
cell_list = [[2,2],[4,8],[10,2]]
tree = create_kdtree(cell_list,0,2)

node,distance = find_nearest_neighbour(tree,(1, 1),eucleaden_dist,0)
print 'Nearest Neighbour=',node.cell,distance

node,distance = find_nearest_neighbour(tree,(8, 1),eucleaden_dist,0)
print 'Nearest Neighbour=',node.cell,distance



我实现了this problem 的解决方案,我认为它可能会有所帮助。

from collections import namedtuple
from operator import itemgetter
from pprint import pformat
from math import inf

def nested_getter(idx1, idx2):
    def g(obj):
        return obj[idx1][idx2]
    return g

class Node(namedtuple('Node', 'location left_child right_child')):
    def __repr__(self):
        return pformat(tuple(self))

def kdtree(point_list, depth: int = 0):
    if not point_list:
        return None

    k = len(point_list[0])  # assumes all points have the same dimension
    # Select axis based on depth so that axis cycles through all valid values
    axis = depth % k

    # Sort point list by axis and choose median as pivot element
    point_list.sort(key=nested_getter(1, axis))
    median = len(point_list) // 2

    # Create node and construct subtrees
    return Node(
        left_child=kdtree(point_list[:median], depth + 1),
        right_child=kdtree(point_list[median + 1:], depth + 1)

def nns(q, n, p, w, depth: int = 0):
    NNS = Nearest Neighbor Search
    :param depth:
    :param q: point
    :param n: node
    :param p: ref point
    :param w: ref distance
    :return: new_p, new_w

    new_w = distance(q[1], n.location[1])
    # below we test if new_w > 0 because we don't want to allow p = q
    if (new_w > 0) and new_w < w:
        p, w = n.location, new_w

    k = len(p)
    axis = depth % k
    n_value = n.location[1][axis]
    search_left_first = (q[1][axis] <= n_value)
    if search_left_first:
        if n.left_child and (q[1][axis] - w <= n_value):
            new_p, new_w = nns(q, n.left_child, p, w, depth + 1)
            if new_w < w:
                p, w = new_p, new_w
        if n.right_child and (q[1][axis] + w >= n_value):
            new_p, new_w = nns(q, n.right_child, p, w, depth + 1)
            if new_w < w:
                p, w = new_p, new_w
        if n.right_child and (q[1][axis] + w >= n_value):
            new_p, new_w = nns(q, n.right_child, p, w, depth + 1)
            if new_w < w:
                p, w = new_p, new_w
        if n.left_child and (q[1][axis] - w <= n_value):
            new_p, new_w = nns(q, n.left_child, p, w, depth + 1)
            if new_w < w:
                p, w = new_p, new_w
    return p, w

def main():
    """Example usage of kdtree"""
    point_list = [(7, 2), (5, 4), (9, 6), (4, 7), (8, 1), (2, 3)]
    tree = kdtree(point_list)

def city_houses():
    Here we compute the distance to the nearest city from a list of N cities.
    The first line of input contains N, the number of cities.
    Each of the next N lines contain two integers x and y, which locate the city in (x,y),
    separated by a single whitespace.
    It's guaranteed that a spot (x,y) does not contain more than one city.
    The output contains N lines, the line i with a number representing the distance
    for the nearest city from the i-th city of the input.
    n = int(input())
    cities = []
    for i in range(n):
        city = i, tuple(map(int, input().split(' ')))
    # print(cities)
    tree = kdtree(cities)
    # print(tree)
    ans = [(target[0], nns(target, tree, tree.location, inf)[1]) for target in cities]
    ans = [item[1] for item in ans]
    print('\n'.join(map(str, ans)))

def distance(a, b):
    # Taxicab distance is used below. You can use squared euclidean distance if you prefer
    k = len(b)
    total = 0
    for i in range(k):
        total += abs(b[i] - a[i])
    return total

if __name__ == '__main__':






KdTree && Octree 原理学习对比以及可视化分析--"索引树"

