Pandas - Groupby 多索引级别,获取可能的组合,然后转换数据



【中文标题】Pandas - Groupby 多索引级别,获取可能的组合,然后转换数据【英文标题】:Pandas - Groupby a multiindex level, get the possible combinations, then transform the data 【发布时间】:2018-07-24 21:00:36 【问题描述】:


df = df.groupby(level='lvl_2').transform(lambda x: x[0]/x[1])



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
today =
today_1 = - datetime.timedelta(1)
today_2 = - datetime.timedelta(2)
ticker_date = [('first', 'a',today), ('first', 'a',today_1), ('first', 'a',today_2),
               ('first', 'c',today), ('first', 'c',today_1), ('first', 'c',today_2),
               ('first', 'b',today), ('first', 'b',today_1), ('first', 'b',today_2),
               ('first', 'd',today), ('first', 'd',today_1), ('first', 'd',today_2)]
index_df = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(ticker_date,names=['lvl_1','lvl_2','lvl_3'])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(12), index_df, ['idx'])


lvl_1 lvl_2 lvl_3               
first a     2018-02-14  0.421075
            2018-02-13  0.278418
            2018-02-12  0.117888
      c     2018-02-14  0.716823
            2018-02-13  0.241261
            2018-02-12  0.772491
      b     2018-02-14  0.681738
            2018-02-13  0.636927
            2018-02-12  0.668964
      d     2018-02-14  0.770797
            2018-02-13  0.11469
            2018-02-12  0.877965


    使用可能的 lvl_2 元素组合获取新的多索引数据帧。 转换我的数据以获得每个元素的比率



lvl_1   lvl_2       lvl_3   
first   a/c     2018-02-14  0.587418372
                2018-02-13  1.154011631
                2018-02-12  0.152607603
        a/b     2018-02-14  0.617649302
                2018-02-13  0.437127018
                2018-02-12  0.17622473
        a/d     2018-02-14  0.546285209
                2018-02-13  2.427569971
                2018-02-12  0.134274145
        c/b     2018-02-14  1.051464052
                2018-02-13  0.378789092
                2018-02-12  1.154757207
        c/d     2018-02-14  0.929976375
                2018-02-13  2.103592292
                2018-02-12  0.87986537
        b/d     2018-02-14  0.884458554
                2018-02-13  5.553465865
                2018-02-12  0.761948369


    lvl_1   lvl_2       lvl_3   
    first   a/c     2018-02-14  0.587418372
                    2018-02-13  1.154011631
                    2018-02-12  0.152607603


0.587418 = 0.421075/0.716823
1.154012 = 0.278418/0.241261
0.152608 = 0.117888/0.772491

我尝试了 groupby 和 transform 方法,例如:

df = df.groupby(level='lvl_2').transform(lambda x: x[0]/x[1])

但很明显,这只会转换每个特定级别的第一个和第二个值。另外,我不知道如何使用组合建立新的多索引。 (a/c, a/b, a/d, c/b, c/d, b/d)



附言。下次请提供一组随机种子(np.random.seed = x),以便我们都可以使用相同的数据并比较结果 感谢@jezrael 指出它应该是np.randome.seed(x) 确实!没有考虑。谢谢指出 【参考方案1】:

如果第一级与示例中的其他级别的组合相同,则可以在具有div 的列中使用reindexMultiIndex

#same as Maarten Fabré answer

from  itertools import combinations

#get combination of second level values
c = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(combinations(df.index.levels[1], 2)))

#reshape to unique columns of second level
print (df['idx'].unstack(1))
lvl_2                    a         b         c         d
lvl_1 lvl_3                                             
first 2018-02-12  0.731994  0.601115  0.155995  0.969910
      2018-02-13  0.950714  0.866176  0.156019  0.020584
      2018-02-14  0.374540  0.058084  0.598658  0.708073

#reindex by both levels
df1 = df['idx'].unstack(1).reindex(columns=c, level=0)
print (df1)
                         a                             b                   c
                         b         c         d         c         d         d
lvl_1 lvl_3                                                                 
first 2018-02-12  0.731994  0.731994  0.731994  0.601115  0.601115  0.155995
      2018-02-13  0.950714  0.950714  0.950714  0.866176  0.866176  0.156019
      2018-02-14  0.374540  0.374540  0.374540  0.058084  0.058084  0.598658

df2 = df['idx'].unstack(1).reindex(columns=c, level=1)
print (df2)
                         a                             b                   c
                         b         c         d         c         d         d
lvl_1 lvl_3                                                                 
first 2018-02-12  0.601115  0.155995  0.969910  0.155995  0.969910  0.969910
      2018-02-13  0.866176  0.156019  0.020584  0.156019  0.020584  0.020584
      2018-02-14  0.058084  0.598658  0.708073  0.598658  0.708073  0.708073

#divide with flatten MultiIndex    
df3 = df1.div(df2)
df3.columns ='/'.join)
#reshape back and change order of levels, sorting indices
df3 = df3.stack().reorder_levels([0,2,1]).sort_index()

print (df3)
lvl_1       lvl_3     
first  a/b  2018-02-12     1.217727
            2018-02-13     1.097599
            2018-02-14     6.448292
       a/c  2018-02-12     4.692434
            2018-02-13     6.093594
            2018-02-14     0.625632
       a/d  2018-02-12     0.754703
            2018-02-13    46.185944
            2018-02-14     0.528957
       b/c  2018-02-12     3.853437
            2018-02-13     5.551748
            2018-02-14     0.097023
       b/d  2018-02-12     0.619764
            2018-02-13    42.079059
            2018-02-14     0.082031
       c/d  2018-02-12     0.160834
            2018-02-13     7.579425
            2018-02-14     0.845476
dtype: float64


我喜欢你和 Maarteen 的两个答案。我将两者结合起来,但我明白了。喜欢 unstack/stack 方法!谢谢 reindex(level=) 的绝妙技巧。我曾想过stack/unstack @MaartenFabré - 谢谢。还有np.random.seed(42)【参考方案2】:
from itertools import combinations
def calc_ratios(data):
    comb = combinations(data.index.get_level_values('lvl_2').unique(), 2)

    ratios = 
            data.xs(i, level='lvl_2') / 
            data.xs(j, level='lvl_2')
        for i, j in comb
#     print(ratios)
    if ratios:
        return pd.concat(ratios)
result = pd.concat(calc_ratios(data) for group, data in df.groupby('lvl_1'))
    lvl_1 lvl_3   idx
a/b   first   2018-02-14  6.448292467809392
a/b   first   2018-02-13  1.0975992712883451
a/b   first   2018-02-12  1.2177269366284045
a/c   first   2018-02-14  0.6256323575698127
a/c   first   2018-02-13  6.093594353302192
a/c   first   2018-02-12  4.692433684425558
a/d   first   2018-02-14  0.5289572433565499
a/d   first   2018-02-13  46.185944271838835
a/d   first   2018-02-12  0.7547030687230791
b/d   first   2018-02-14  0.08203059119870332
b/d   first   2018-02-13  42.07905879677424
b/d   first   2018-02-12  0.6197637959891664
c/b   first   2018-02-14  10.306839775450461
c/b   first   2018-02-13  0.18012345549282302
c/b   first   2018-02-12  0.25950860865015657
c/d   first   2018-02-14  0.8454761601705119
c/d   first   2018-02-13  7.579425474360648
c/d   first   2018-02-12  0.16083404038888807



那么在你的答案中使用np.random.seed() 怎么样? ;) 感谢马蒂恩!很有用!

以上是关于Pandas - Groupby 多索引级别,获取可能的组合,然后转换数据的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Pandas 中的多索引排序

具有多索引列的 Pandas groupby

如何在 Pandas 中创建多索引

Pandas groupby(),agg() - 如何在没有多索引的情况下返回结果?


pandas 多索引切片“级别类型不匹配”