unisharp 文件管理器不适用于 laravel 5.6



【中文标题】unisharp 文件管理器不适用于 laravel 5.6【英文标题】:unisharp filemanager not working on laravel 5.6 【发布时间】:2018-03-27 06:18:54 【问题描述】:

我已经在我的项目中完全安装了新的unisharp filemanager 1.8


<script src="//cdn.tinymce.com/4/tinymce.min.js"></script>
<textarea name="content" class="form-control my-editor"></textarea>
   var editor_config = 
                        path_absolute: "/",
        selector: "textarea.my-editor",
        plugins: [
            "advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak",
            "searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen",
            "insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality",
            "emoticons template paste textcolor colorpicker textpattern"
        toolbar: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image media",
        relative_urls: false,
        file_browser_callback: function (field_name, url, type, win) 
            var x = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth;
            var y = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight;

            var cmsURL = editor_config.path_absolute + 'laravel-filemanager?field_name=' + field_name;
            if (type == 'image')
                cmsURL = cmsURL + "&type=Images";
                cmsURL = cmsURL + "&type=Files";
                file: cmsURL,
                title: 'Filemanager',
                width: x * 0.8,
                height: y * 0.8,
                resizable: "yes",
                close_previous: "no"

当我尝试通过 ckeditor 浏览图像/文件时,文件管理器弹出错误如下:

找不到对象! 在此服务器上找不到请求的 URL。


我的lmf 文件:


return [
    | Routing

    // Include to pre-defined routes from package or not. Middlewares
    'use_package_routes' => true,

    // Middlewares which should be applied to all package routes.
    // For laravel 5.1 and before, remove 'web' from the array.
    'middlewares' => ['web', 'auth'],

    // The url to this package. Change it if necessary.
    'url_prefix' => 'laravel-filemanager',

    | Multi-User Mode

    // If true, private folders will be created for each signed-in user.
    'allow_multi_user' => true,
    // If true, share folder will be created when allow_multi_user is true.
    'allow_share_folder' => true,

    // Flexible way to customize client folders accessibility
    // If you want to customize client folders, publish tag="lfm_handler"
    // Then you can rewrite userField function in App\Handler\ConfigHander class
    // And set 'user_field' to App\Handler\ConfigHander::class
    // Ex: The private folder of user will be named as the user id.
    'user_field' => Unisharp\Laravelfilemanager\Handlers\ConfigHandler::class,

    | Working Directory

    // Which folder to store files in project, fill in 'public', 'resources', 'storage' and so on.
    // You should create routes to serve images if it is not set to public.
    'base_directory' => 'public',

    'images_folder_name' => 'photos',
    'files_folder_name'  => 'files',

    'shared_folder_name' => 'shares',
    'thumb_folder_name'  => 'thumbs',

    | Startup Views

    // The default display type for items.
    // Supported: "grid", "list"
    'images_startup_view' => 'grid',
    'files_startup_view' => 'list',

    | Upload / Validation

    // If true, the uploaded file will be renamed to uniqid() + file extension.
    'rename_file' => false,

    // If rename_file set to false and this set to true, then non-alphanumeric characters in filename will be replaced.
    'alphanumeric_filename' => false,

    // If true, non-alphanumeric folder name will be rejected.
    'alphanumeric_directory' => false,

    // If true, the uploading file's size will be verified for over than max_image_size/max_file_size.
    'should_validate_size' => false,

    'max_image_size' => 50000,
    'max_file_size' => 50000,

    // If true, the uploading file's mime type will be valid in valid_image_mimetypes/valid_file_mimetypes.
    'should_validate_mime' => false,

    // available since v1.3.0
    'valid_image_mimetypes' => [

    // If true, image thumbnails would be created during upload
    'should_create_thumbnails' => true,

    // Create thumbnails automatically only for listed types.
    'raster_mimetypes' => [

    // permissions to be set when create a new folder or when it creates automatically with thumbnails
    'create_folder_mode' => 0755,

    // permissions to be set on file upload.
    'create_file_mode' => 0644,

    // available since v1.3.0
    // only when '/laravel-filemanager?type=Files'
    'valid_file_mimetypes' => [

    | Image / Folder Setting

    'thumb_img_width' => 200,
    'thumb_img_height' => 200,

    | File Extension Information

    'file_type_array' => [
        'pdf'  => 'Adobe Acrobat',
        'doc'  => 'Microsoft Word',
        'docx' => 'Microsoft Word',
        'xls'  => 'Microsoft Excel',
        'xlsx' => 'Microsoft Excel',
        'zip'  => 'Archive',
        'gif'  => 'GIF Image',
        'jpg'  => 'JPEG Image',
        'jpeg' => 'JPEG Image',
        'png'  => 'PNG Image',
        'ppt'  => 'Microsoft PowerPoint',
        'pptx' => 'Microsoft PowerPoint',

    'file_icon_array' => [
        'pdf'  => 'fa-file-pdf-o',
        'doc'  => 'fa-file-word-o',
        'docx' => 'fa-file-word-o',
        'xls'  => 'fa-file-excel-o',
        'xlsx' => 'fa-file-excel-o',
        'zip'  => 'fa-file-archive-o',
        'gif'  => 'fa-file-image-o',
        'jpg'  => 'fa-file-image-o',
        'jpeg' => 'fa-file-image-o',
        'png'  => 'fa-file-image-o',
        'ppt'  => 'fa-file-powerpoint-o',
        'pptx' => 'fa-file-powerpoint-o',

    | php.ini override
    | These values override your php.ini settings before uploading files
    | Set these to false to ingnore and apply your php.ini settings
    | Please note that the 'upload_max_filesize' & 'post_max_size'
    | directives are not supported.
    'php_ini_overrides' => [
        'memory_limit'        => '256M',






 Route::group(['prefix' => 'laravel-filemanager', 'middleware' => ['web', 'auth']], function () 


然后我运行 php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfm_config 并输出:

Copied File [/vendor/unisharp/laravel-filemanager/src/config/lfm.php] To [/config/lfm.php] Publishing complete.

还跑了php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfm_public,输出:

Copied Directory [/vendor/unisharp/laravel-filemanager/public] To [/public/vendor/laravel-filemanager] Publishing complete.

那么你需要php artisan route:clear 并且还运行 php artisan config:clear


很抱歉在您回答这个问题很久之后打扰您。我遇到了同样的问题,按照您的说明在本地解决了。但是在我的网络服务器上,laravel 应用程序位于从 webroot 向下的 2 个子文件夹中,我仍然遇到同样的问题(其他一切都是相同的)。当我在 CKeditor 中单击“在服务器上浏览”以上传图像时,我收到与上述相同的错误消息。你能帮忙吗? 我不确定 CKeditor 是如何工作的。您可以在某处发布代码以查看发生了什么。我认为 CKeditor 获得的路径不知何故看不到所做的更改。【参考方案2】:

替换这个 path_absolute : "", 和: path_absolute : " url('/') /",



以上是关于unisharp 文件管理器不适用于 laravel 5.6的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Unisharp laravel 文件管理器 NotFoundHttpException

用于 laravel 问题的 unisharp 文件管理器

UniSharp/Laravel Filemanager 和 TinyMCE 集成

在页面内显示 UniSharp/laravel-filemanager(无编辑器)

Laravel UniSharp 文件管理器已上传,但未显示图像

Laravel 文件管理器 UniSharp 不正确的图像 URL