性能提升 - 使用 Get 方法循环



【中文标题】性能提升 - 使用 Get 方法循环【英文标题】:Perfomance improvement - Looping with Get Method 【发布时间】:2016-07-12 01:20:11 【问题描述】:

我已经构建了一个程序来填充数据库,并且到那时,它正在运行。基本上,程序向我正在使用的应用程序发出请求(通过 REST API)返回我想要的数据,然后将其操作为数据库可接受的形式。

问题是:GET 方法使算法太慢,因为我正在访问特定条目的详细信息,因此对于每个条目,我必须发出 1 个请求。我有将近 15000 个请求要做,而银行中的每一行都需要 1 秒。




# Retrieving all the IDs I want to get the detailed info
abc_ids = serializers.serialize('json', modelExample.objects.all(), fields=('id'))
abc_ids = json.loads(abc_ids)
abc_ids_size = len(abc_ids)

# Had to declare this guys right here because in the end of the code I use them in the functions to create and uptade the back
# And python was complaining that I stated before assign. Picked random values for them.
age = 0
time_to_won = 0
data = '2016-01-01 00:00:00'

# First Loop -> Request to the detailed info of ABC
for x in range(0, abc_ids_size):

id = abc_ids[x]['fields']['id']
url = requests.get(
    'https://api.example.com/v3/abc/' + str(
        id) + '?api_token=123123123')

info = info.json()
dealx = dict(info)

# Second Loop -> Picking the info I want to uptade and create in the bank
for key, result in dealx['data'].items():
    # Relevant only for ModelExample -> UPTADE
    if key == 'age':
        result = dict(result)
        age = result['total_seconds']
    # Relevant only For ModelExample -> UPTADE
    elif key == 'average_time_to_won':
        result = dict(result)
        time_to_won = result['total_seconds']

    # Relevant For Model_Example2 -> CREATE
    # Storing a date here to use up foward in a datetime manipulation
    if key == 'add_time':
        data = str(result)

    elif key == 'time_stage':

        # Each stage has a total of seconds that the user stayed in.
        y = result['times_in_stages']
        # The user can be in any stage he want, there's no rule about the order.
        # But there's a record of the order he chose.
        z = result['order_of_stages']

        # Creating a list to fill up with all stages info and use in the bulk_create.
        data_set = []
        index = 0

        # Setting the number of repititions base on the number of the stages in the list.
        for elemento in range(0, len(z)):
            data_set_i = 
            # The index is to define the order of the stages.
            index = index + 1

            for key_1, result_1 in y.items():
                if int(key_1) == z[elemento]:
                    data_set_i['stage_id'] = int(z[elemento])
                    data_set_i['index'] = int(index)
                    data_set_i['abc_id'] = id

                    # Datetime manipulation
                    if result_1 == 0 and index == 1:
                        data_set_i['add_date'] = data

                    # I know that I totally repeated the code here, I was trying to get this part shorter
                    # But I could not get it right.
                    elif result_1 > 0 and index == 1:
                        data_t = datetime.strptime(data, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                        data_sum = data_t + timedelta(seconds=result_1)
                        data_sum += timedelta(seconds=3)
                        data_nova = str(data_sum.year) + '-' + str(formaters.DateNine(
                            data_sum.month)) + '-' + str(formaters.DateNine(data_sum.day)) + ' ' + str(
                            data_sum.hour) + ':' + str(formaters.DateNine(data_sum.minute)) + ':' + str(
                        data_set_i['add_date'] = str(data_nova)

                        data_t = datetime.strptime(data_set[elemento - 1]['add_date'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                        data_sum = data_t + timedelta(seconds=result_1)
                        data_sum += timedelta(seconds=3)
                        data_nova = str(data_sum.year) + '-' + str(formaters.DateNine(
                            data_sum.month)) + '-' + str(formaters.DateNine(data_sum.day)) + ' ' + str(
                            data_sum.hour) + ':' + str(formaters.DateNine(data_sum.minute)) + ':' + str(
                        data_set_i['add_date'] = str(data_nova)


Model_Example2_List = [Model_Example2(**vals) for vals in data_set]

ModelExample.objects.filter(abc_id=id).update(age=age, time_to_won=time_to_won)


有人需要更新该 API 以批量检索信息,而不仅仅是一次检索一项。这将显着提高性能。 【参考方案1】:

如果瓶颈出现在您的网络请求中,您无能为力,只能使用 gzip 或 deflate 但使用 requests ..

gzip 和 deflate 传输编码会自动解码 你。

如果你想更加确定,可以在 get 请求中添加以下标头。

 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate'


最后,有很多不同的方式来分析 python,包括 cprofile + kcachegrind 组合。


非常感谢您的回答 =) 我尝试在我的请求标头中添加 gzip 和 deflate,但我没有感觉到任何变化。我会尝试更深入地了解这两个参数,以了解我是否遗漏了什么。但无论如何,并行处理将是目前最好的选择。我想我必须对这段特殊的代码有点耐心。

以上是关于性能提升 - 使用 Get 方法循环的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


JS 性能提升 -- 1

JS 性能提升 -- 1

是否建议在 Oracle 中循环执行查询与一次性执行查询以获得显着的性能提升?

