如何分析java,eclipse,junit中哪个方法消耗的时间更多? [复制]
【中文标题】如何分析java,eclipse,junit中哪个方法消耗的时间更多? [复制]【英文标题】:How do I analyze which method consumed more time in java,eclipse,junit? [duplicate] 【发布时间】:2013-01-28 09:11:54 【问题描述】:对于一些专业的 Java 程序员来说,这可能是一个愚蠢的问题,但我现在要疯了,所以我还在问。请有人指导我正确的方向。
如何分析在我的 java 程序中哪个方法/partOfMethod 消耗更多时间?
(我正在使用 Eclipse 和 Junit)
我自己没有做过,但是这样的事情叫做 profiling,可能有助于你的谷歌搜索 ;) profiling tutorial 不再需要对此进行投票/评论/回答,我已经找到了解决方案。谢谢大家。 【参考方案1】:使用 jvisualvm。它现在与 JDK 捆绑在一起,但也有一个独立版本,它是最新的。 通常,当您启动它时,您可以选择要连接到哪个正在运行的 java 进程(这很可能是我们正在运行的单元测试)。您可以指定需要跟踪的合格类名过滤器。通常,一些类检测会随之而来,您将能够跟踪分配给每个方法的处理时间(以及累积时间)。
非常感谢您的及时回复,jvisualvm 似乎是答案,但仍在探索中......【参考方案2】:您需要获得Java profiler。 Some of them integrate well in Eclipse.
* Small helper class to profile the code, take timing, ...
* To use this, simply call the start method with an identifier. When you want to measure the time, call the stop method
* with the same identifier. To output statistics, simply call the toString method or the toCsv method to create a CSV
* file with the profiler information.
* @author Vincent Prat @ MarvinLabs
public class Profiler
private static final int THEORETICAL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 50;
private static Profiler singletonInstance = null;
private Map<String, Profile> profiles; // Fast access to profiles by name
private List<Profile> profilesStack; // Profiles as created chronologically
* Get access to the singleton instance (create it if necessary)
public static Profiler getInstance()
if (singletonInstance == null)
singletonInstance = new Profiler();
return singletonInstance;
* Protected constructor for singleton
protected Profiler()
profiles = new HashMap<String, Profiler.Profile>();
profilesStack = new ArrayList<Profile>();
* Start a profile. If the profile does not exist, it will be created. If it exists, a new round of measure is
* taken.
* @param name
* The name of the profile. If possible, less than Profiler.THEORETICAL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH characters
public void start(String name)
Profile p = profiles.get(name);
if (p == null)
p = new Profile(name);
profiles.put(name, p);
* Stop a profile and compute some statistics about it.
* @param name
* The name of the profile as declared in the corresponding start method
public void stop(String name)
Profile p = profiles.get(name);
if (p == null)
throw new RuntimeException("The profile " + name + " has not been created by a call to the start() method!");
* Clear all the current measures. Not to be called within any start/stop pair.
public void reset()
* Build a string containing all the information about the measures we have taken so far.
public String toString()
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (Profile p : profilesStack)
return sb.toString();
* Output the measures to an output string
public void toCsvFile(OutputStream os) throws IOException
for (Profile p : profilesStack)
* Profile information. It stores statistics per named profile.
* @author Vincent Prat @ MarvinLabs
private static class Profile
private static final String CSV_HEADERS = "Name, Call Count, Total Time (ms), Average Time (ms), Min Time (ms), Max Time (ms), Delta Time (ms), Delta Ratio (%)\n";
private static final String FORMAT_STRING = "%-" + THEORETICAL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + "."
+ "s: %3d calls, total %5d ms, avg %5d ms, min %5d ms, max %5d ms, delta %5d ms (%d%%)";
private static final String CSV_FORMAT_STRING = "%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n";
private String name;
private long startTime;
private long callCount;
private long totalTime;
private long minTime;
private long maxTime;
public Profile(String name)
this.name = name;
this.callCount = 0;
this.totalTime = 0;
this.startTime = 0;
this.minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
this.maxTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
public void start()
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public void stop()
final long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
if (elapsed < minTime) minTime = elapsed;
if (elapsed > maxTime) maxTime = elapsed;
totalTime += elapsed;
private String getFormattedStats(String format)
final long avgTime = callCount == 0 ? 0 : (long) totalTime / callCount;
final long delta = maxTime - minTime;
final double deltaRatio = avgTime == 0 ? 0 : 100.0 * ((double) 0.5 * delta / (double) avgTime);
return String
.format(format, name, callCount, totalTime, avgTime, minTime, maxTime, delta, (int) deltaRatio);
public String toString()
return getFormattedStats(FORMAT_STRING);
public static void writeCsvHeader(OutputStream os) throws IOException
public void writeCsvLine(OutputStream os) throws IOException
// Do something...
// Something else...
// And some more...
// Output the profiling result
这个类也有一个严重的缺陷,它依赖于使用系统时钟来测量时间顺序,而不是测量进程消耗的实际CPU时间。当方法执行时有后台进程占用CPU时间时,会影响结果。 这个类确实有利有弊,它是为了简单易用。只要您了解它们并且要进行的分析非常简单,它应该可以让您大致了解您在哪里花费时间。就我而言,我在开发时将它用于 android 应用程序的一些基本分析。【参考方案3】:你可以看看Yourkit(商业软件),它可以监控内存、CPU 等等。它有特殊的视图显示方法花费了多少时间(例如你可以看到 40% 的执行时间花费在方法 xyz()
不知道为什么不赞成,yourkit 是目前最好的工具之一,但大多数分析问题都可以用 jvisualvm 处理【参考方案4】:称我为老式,但这是我认为最简单的方法:
long a, b, c, d;
a = System.currentTimeMillis();
// some code 1
b = System.currentTimeMillis();
// some code 2
c = System.currentTimeMillis();
// some code 3
d = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Some code 1 took "+(b-a)+"mil to execute. ("+((b-a)/1000)+" seconds)");
System.out.println("Some code 2 took "+(c-b)+"mil to execute. ("+((c-b)/1000)+" seconds)");
System.out.println("Some code 3 took "+(d-c)+"mil to execute. ("+((d-c)/1000)+" seconds)");
是的,这很简单,但是当执行是多线程的并且我正在寻找的差异在几毫秒内时,那么在这个过程中,我查看了所有控制台输出。 Jvisualvm 似乎是一个正确的解决方案,有助于快速直观地找到问题!【参考方案5】:测量程序的哪个部分需要多少运行时间的过程称为“分析”。
eclipse 有很多分析插件。一个is described here。
以上是关于如何分析java,eclipse,junit中哪个方法消耗的时间更多? [复制]的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
当依赖于 EBean 增强模型时,如何在 Eclipse 中运行 JUNIT?
第八章:Junit——selnium IDE 录制完成以后 导入 Eclipse 中 分析
使用 plexus-compiler-eclipse 编译 java 类并将其作为 JUnit 测试运行