使用 SevenZipSharp 压缩多卷?



【中文标题】使用 SevenZipSharp 压缩多卷?【英文标题】:Using SevenZipSharp to compress in multi volumes? 【发布时间】:2013-04-15 13:34:00 【问题描述】:

我想使用 SevenZipsharp 以卷压缩文件,例如将 100 mb 的文件压缩成 10 个每个 10 mb 的文件。我们可以使用 7zip.exe -volume 参数来做同样的事情...

例如,当我使用 7Zip 压缩多卷时,我会得到以下文件结构:



我想用 SevenZipSharp 做同样的事情(如果可能的话)。


   Imports SevenZip

   Dim dll As String = "7z.dll"

   Private Function SevenZipSharp_Compress(ByVal Input_DirOrFile As String, _
                                      Optional ByVal OutputFileName As String = Nothing, _
                                      Optional ByVal Format As OutArchiveFormat = OutArchiveFormat.SevenZip, _
                                      Optional ByVal CompressionMode As CompressionMode = CompressionMode.Create, _
                                      Optional ByVal CompressionMethod As CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Lzma, _
                                      Optional ByVal CompressionLevel As CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel.Normal, _
                                      Optional ByVal Password As String = Nothing) As Boolean
           ' Set library path

       ' Create compressor and specify the file or folder to compress
       Dim Compressor As SevenZipCompressor = New SevenZipCompressor()

       ' Set compression parameters
       Compressor.CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel ' Archiving compression level.
       Compressor.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod ' Append files to compressed file or overwrite the compressed file.
       Compressor.ArchiveFormat = Format ' Compression file format
       Compressor.CompressionMode = CompressionMode ' Compression mode
       Compressor.DirectoryStructure = True ' Preserve the directory structure.
       Compressor.IncludeEmptyDirectories = True ' Include empty directories to archives.
       Compressor.ScanOnlyWritable = False ' Compress files only open for writing.
       Compressor.EncryptHeaders = False ' Encrypt 7-Zip archive headers
       Compressor.TempFolderPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() ' Temporary folder path
       Compressor.FastCompression = False ' Compress as fast as possible, without calling events.
       Compressor.PreserveDirectoryRoot = True ' Preserve the directory root for CompressDirectory.
       Compressor.ZipEncryptionMethod = ZipEncryptionMethod.ZipCrypto ' Encryption method for zip archives.
       Compressor.DefaultItemName = "File.7z" ' Item name used when an item to be compressed has no name, for example, when you compress a MemoryStream instance

       ' Get File extension
       Dim CompressedFileExtension As String = Nothing
       Select Case Compressor.ArchiveFormat
           Case OutArchiveFormat.SevenZip : CompressedFileExtension = ".7z"
           Case OutArchiveFormat.BZip2 : CompressedFileExtension = ".bz"
           Case OutArchiveFormat.GZip : CompressedFileExtension = ".gzip"
           Case OutArchiveFormat.Tar : CompressedFileExtension = ".tar"
           Case OutArchiveFormat.XZ : CompressedFileExtension = ".xz"
           Case OutArchiveFormat.Zip : CompressedFileExtension = ".zip"
       End Select

       ' Add Progress Handler
       'AddHandler Compressor.Compressing, AddressOf SevenZipSharp_Compress_Progress

       ' Removes the end slash ("\") if given for a directory
       If Input_DirOrFile.EndsWith("\") Then Input_DirOrFile = Input_DirOrFile.Substring(0, Input_DirOrFile.Length - 1)

       ' Generate the OutputFileName if any is given.
       If OutputFileName Is Nothing Then _
           OutputFileName = (My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(Input_DirOrFile).DirectoryName & "\" & (Input_DirOrFile.Split("\").Last) & CompressedFileExtension).Replace("\\", "\")

       ' Check if given argument is Dir or File ...then start the compression
       If IO.Directory.Exists(Input_DirOrFile) Then ' Is a Dir
           If Not Password Is Nothing Then
               Compressor.CompressDirectory(Input_DirOrFile, OutputFileName, True, Password)
               Compressor.CompressDirectory(Input_DirOrFile, OutputFileName, True)
           End If
       ElseIf IO.File.Exists(Input_DirOrFile) Then ' Is a File
           If Not Password Is Nothing Then
               Compressor.CompressFilesEncrypted(OutputFileName, Password, Input_DirOrFile)
               Compressor.CompressFiles(OutputFileName, Input_DirOrFile)
           End If
       End If

   Catch ex As Exception
       'Return False ' File not compressed
       Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
   End Try

   Return True ' File compressed

   End Function


   SevenZipSharp_Compress("C:\File or folder", _
                           "Optional: Output dir", _
                           OutArchiveFormat.SevenZip, _
                           CompressionMode.Create, _
                           CompressionMethod.Lzma, _
                           CompressionLevel.Ultra, _
                           "Optional: Password")



在您的Compressor 对象上,将VolumeSize 设置为所需的输出文件大小(以字节为单位)。使用下面的示例代码,在源目录中包含大约 72MB 的 mp3 文件,压缩器创建了 8 个输出文件,名为 zipped.7z.001、zipped.7z.002 等。

查看SevenZipExtractor 类的当前源代码,似乎只有将OutArchiveFormat.SevenZip 用作ArchiveFormat 时才可以使用多卷压缩。

string dll = @"C:\Users\WarrenG\Desktop\7z.dll";
string source = @"C:\Users\WarrenG\Desktop\source";
string output = @"C:\Users\WarrenG\Desktop\output\zipped.7z";

SevenZipCompressor compressor = new SevenZipCompressor();
compressor.ArchiveFormat = OutArchiveFormat.SevenZip;
compressor.CompressionMode = CompressionMode.Create;
compressor.TempFolderPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
compressor.VolumeSize = 10000000;   // output file size in bytes
compressor.CompressDirectory(source, output);


我在询问之前使用过 VolumeSize 属性,但由于某些奇怪的原因不起作用,也许原因是您所说的仅适用于 7zip 格式,在至少现在可以使用 7zip 格式,谢谢!

以上是关于使用 SevenZipSharp 压缩多卷?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

SevenZipSharp - 压缩内存流


如何使用 SevenZipSharp 创建压缩的 SFX 文件?

SevenZipSharp - 如何使用 c# 将多个目录压缩成一个文件?

如何使用 Squid-Box.SevenZipSharp 在 C# 上压缩和解压缩文件 执行失败错误
