【中文标题】使绝对定位的孩子随他们的上级动态调整大小【英文标题】:Make absolute-positioned children dynamically resize with their ascendants 【发布时间】:2021-02-13 16:26:44 【问题描述】:(请忽略空格。)
没有 CSS
view height: 45em;
使用 CSS view height: 45em;
如何在第二种情况下正确定位蓝色 <span>
<view style="height: 45em;">
<pdf-page> <!-- position: relative -->
<text class="textLayer"> <!-- position: absolute -->
<span style="left: 417.34px; top: 37.8391px; ..."></span> <!-- position: absolute -->
<svg preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 595 842" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
<g ⋯><g ⋯><text><tspan></tspan></text></g></g>
这是 *** 中的完整案例(点击 Show code sn-p 后在第二个窗格中查看 /* ← */
@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
@namespace svg url(http://www.w3.org/2000/svg);
--pdf-page-outline-color: #aaa;
--pdf-page-background-color: #fcfcfc;
pdf-file display: contents;
display: inline-block;
outline: 1px solid var(--pdf-page-outline-color);
background-color: var(--pdf-page-background-color);
pdf-page position: relative;
/* text.css */
position: absolute;
left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
width: 100%; height: 100%;
-overflow: hidden;
opacity: 1;
-line-height: 1;
.textLayer > span
color: transparent;
position: absolute;
white-space: pre;
cursor: text;
-webkit-transform-origin: 0% 0%;
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
view background: green;
.textLayer background: rgba(0, 255, 0, .1);
svg|svg background: rgba(255, 0, 0, .1);
height: 45em; /* ← */
display: flex;
overflow: auto;
flex-direction: column;
place-items: center;
scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;
overflow: auto;
pdf-page height: 100%; scroll-snap-align: start;
svg height: 100%; width: auto;
text overflow: visible; background: rgb(0, 0, 0, .1);
text > span background: rgba(0,0,255,.1);
<view -onclick="this.requestFullscreen()">
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" svg="">
<text class="textLayer">
<span style="left: 417.34px; top: 37.8391px; font-size: 12px; font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(1.07482);">Plenarprotokoll 16/3</span>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 595 842">
<g transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 -8 850)">
<g transform="">
<text transform="matrix(12 0 0 12 425.34 801.2976) scale(1, -1)" xml:space="preserve">
<tspan x="0 0.6672 0.9454 1.5016 2.1128 2.669 3.0582 3.6694 4.0586 4.6698 5.003 5.6142 6.1704 6.7816 7.0598 7.6132 8.1694 8.7256 9.0038" y="0" font-family="g_d0_f1" font-size="1px" fill="rgb(0,0,0)"></tspan>
(也可在 codepen 上查看:https://codepen.io/cetinsert/pen/MWeVxLe?editors=1100)
你能解释一下你想要做什么吗?您想让灰色框与蓝色框重叠吗? 为清楚起见编辑了问题。我希望在第二种情况下以与第一种情况完全相同的方式保留黑色 - 蓝色框重叠。 【参考方案1】:给定视口width
,从<span style>
const px2pc = ( width, height ) => s =>
const c = s.style;
const l = +c.getPropertyValue('left' ).slice(0, -2); // drop px
const t = +c.getPropertyValue('top' ).slice(0, -2);
const f = +c.getPropertyValue('font-size').slice(0, -2);
c.setProperty ('left', `$(l / width) * 100%`);
c.setProperty ('top', `$(t / height) * 100%`);
c.setProperty ('font-size', `$(f / height) * 100%`);
并在 <text>
const t = document.querySelector('text');
const r = new ResizeObserver(textFontResize(t));
const textFontResize = t => ([ a ]) =>
const i = t.parentNode.lastElementChild; // <svg> | <canvas>
t.style.setProperty('font-size', `$i.clientHeightpx`);
点击⤤ Full page
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<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdf.js/2.6.347/pdf.min.js" integrity="sha512-Z8CqofpIcnJN80feS2uccz+pXWgZzeKxDsDNMD/dJ6997/LSRY+W4NmEt9acwR+Gt9OHN0kkI1CTianCwoqcjQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
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<script src="//shin.glitch.me/pdf.q1.js"></script>
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<style>:root max-width: 50em; margin: auto; </style>
<style>html, body padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: system-ui; </style>
class CodeEditElement extends ShinElement
<style>:host display: block; overflow: hidden; pre height: 100%; margin: 0; </style>
<pre contenteditable spellcheck=false inputmode=text></pre>`, _: QS: T: [ 'pre' ] );
const e = this;
e.ph = v => const e = v.target; if (!e.childElementCount) return; e.textContent = e.textContent; ;
connectedCallback() this._.pre. addEventListener('input', this.ph);
disconnectedCallback() this._.pre.removeEventListener('input', this.ph);
get textContent() return this._.pre.textContent;
set textContent(v) this._.pre.textContent = v;
class CodeLiveElement extends ShinElement
constructor() super(`<live></live>`, _: QS: T: [ 'live' ] );
get textContent() return this._.live.textContent;
set textContent(v) this._.live.textContent = v;
get innerHTML() return this._.live.innerHTML;
set innerHTML(v) this._.live.innerHTML = v; this.evalScripts();
evalScripts() this._.QA('script').forEach(s => eval(s.textContent));
class CodePlayElement extends ShinElement
:host(:not([open])) > code-edit display: none;
:host > div display: flex; justify-content: stretch; align-items: stretch;
::slotted(select) flex: 1;
* border-color: var(--bd);
<div part=controls>
<button id=reset><slot name=reset></slot></button>
<button id=open><slot name=open></slot></button>
<code-edit id=pre part=edit></code-edit>`,
_: QS: S: '#pre': 'pre', '#reset': 'reset', '#open': 'open'
const e = this;
e.sc = v => const tx = e.tx; e.px = tx; ;
e.pi = v => e.t.ux = e.px; ;
e.rc = v => e.tr(); ;
e.oc = v => e.open =!e.open; ;
Shin.IPA(e, 'open', t: Shin.Boolean );
connectedCallback() setTimeout(() => this._init());
disconnectedCallback() this._dest();
static cleanCode(t = "")
return t.trim().replace(/^[\n]+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, '').split('\n').map(l => l.trimEnd()).join('\n');
get s() return this.QS('select');
get S() const o = this.QA('option'); return o.filter(o => o.selected);
get t() return [].concat(...this.S.map(o => Shin.QA('template', o)));
get tx() return this.t.map(t => t.ux || this.constructor.cleanCode(t.innerHTML)).join('\n');
tr() this.t.ux = undefined; this.sc();
get r() return this._.reset;
get o() return this._.open;
get p() return this._.pre;
get P() return this._.QA('pre');
get px() return this.p.textContent;
set px(v) this.p.textContent = v; this.oninput();
const e = this; e.sc();
e.s.addEventListener('change', e.sc);
e.p.addEventListener('input', e.pi);
e.r.addEventListener('click', e.rc);
e.o.addEventListener('click', e.oc);
const e = this;
e.s.removeEventListener('change', e.sc);
e.p.removeEventListener('input', e.pi);
e.p.removeEventListener('click', e.rc);
e.p.removeEventListener('click', e.oc);
body padding: 1em; overflow: scroll; font-family: system-ui;
--list-bg: #eee;
--code-bg: #fefefe;
--live-bg_: #ccc;
--bd: #ccc;
code-play display: flex; width: 100%; flex-direction: row-reverse;
code-play:not(:first-of-type) margin-top: 1em;
::part(edit) min-height: 1em; min-width: 1em; overflow-x: auto; background-color: var(--code-bg);
x[undo]:before, x[undo]:after content: var(--fa-undo);
x[open]:before, x[open]:after content: var(--fa-eye-slash);
[open] x[open]:before,
[open] x[open]:after content: var(--fa-eye);
select background: var(--list-bg); border-color: var(--bd); overflow: auto;
live background: var(--live-bg); display: block; bordxer: 1px solid var(--bd);
code-play:not([open]) + live _display: none;
::part(edit) border: 1px solid var(--bd); flex: 1;
::part(controls) flex-direction: column-reverse;
::part() border-radius: 3px;
code-play:not([open]) height: 2.7em; _outline: 1px solid;
code-play:not([open]) > select display: none;
<code-live id="cl"></code-live><script>cl.innerHTML = "";</script>
const pes = 'previousElementSibling';
const n = (p, N = 1) => e => let j = e[p]; for (let i = 1; i < N; i++) j = j[p]; return j; ;
const c = n(pes, 2);
const l = n(pes, 1);
const _ = () => document.currentScript;
<code-play open>
<select multiple size="1">
<option selected>file<template>
<pdf-file id="f" src="//pdf.systems/16003.pdf"></pdf-file>
<pdf-file id="g" src="//pdf.systems/16004.pdf"></pdf-file>
<x open slot="open"></x>
<x undo slot="reset"></x>
const _ = document.currentScript;
c(_).oninput = () =>
l(_).innerHTML = c(_).px;
<code-play open style="min-height: 11em;">
<select multiple size="6">
<optgroup label="File Reference">
<option>by attribute<!-- !!!!!!!!! --><template>
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" scale=".1"></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" scale=".2"></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" scale=".3"></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" scale=".4"></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" scale=".5"></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" scale=".5" svg=""></pdf-page>
<option>by ancestry<!-- !!!!!!!!! --><template>
<pdf-file src="//pdf.systems/16008.pdf">
<pdf-page no="+1" scale=".4" svg></pdf-page>
<pdf-page no="+3" scale=".4" svg></pdf-page>
<pdf-page no="-1" scale=".4" svg></pdf-page>
<optgroup label="Embed Mode">
<option selected>Sized Container ⭤<!-- !!!!!!!!! --><template>
view width: 10em; height: 25em; /* ← */
display: block; background: white; overflow: auto;
pdf-page width: 100%;
::part(layer) width: 100%; height: auto;
<view onclick="this.requestFullscreen()">
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" xvg="" scale=".2"></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" xvg="" scale="1"></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" xvg="" scale="2"></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" svg=""></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="f" no="-1" xvg=""></pdf-page>
<pdf-page of="g" no="-1" svg=""></pdf-page>
<x open slot="open"></x>
<x undo slot="reset"></x>
<script> const _ = document.currentScript; c(_).oninput = () => l(_).innerHTML = c(_).px; </script>
<style>live display: flex; align-items: flex-end; flex-wrap: wrap; pdf-file display: contents; </style>
<p>Styles can be easily applied. (Try <strong><kbd>Ctrl</kbd></strong> + <i class="fa fa-mouse-pointer"></i> to unselect / select multiple.)</p>
<code-play open>
<select multiple size="8">
<optgroup label="Page">
<option>outline <template><style>pdf-page outline: 1px dotted; </style></template></option>
<option>background<template><style>pdf-page background-color: rgb(200, 200, 255, .1); </style></template></option>
<optgroup label="Text">
<option selected>mark<template><style>::part(span) background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0, .1); </style></template></option>
<optgroup label="Image">
<option>hidden <template><style>::part(image) opacity: 0; </style></template></option>
<option>pixelated <template><style>::part(image) image-rendering: pixelated; </style></template></option>
<option>crisp-edges<template><style>::part(image) image-rendering: crisp-edges; </style></template></option>
<x open slot="open"></x>
<x undo slot="reset"></x>
<script> const _ = document.currentScript; c(_).oninput = () => l(_).innerHTML = c(_).px; </script>
document.addEventListener( 'load', e => console.warn('l', e.target));
document.addEventListener('unload', e => console.warn('u', e.target));
<p style="margin-bottom: 10em;"><a href="https://shin.glitch.me/pa.html">Documentation (WIP)</a></p>
如果你问,"Can CSS read current values, and transform them into other values?"
,那么不,CSS 不能这样做,你需要 javascript。 (您已经完成了。)。因此,如果您想使用纯 CSS,则需要自己手动计算数字,因为您试图在图像上的“任意”点上放置一个块。
@EliezerBerlin - 在接受了ResizeObserver
通过 CSS 以一种干净的方式进行操作实际上是不可能的。例如,这会起作用,但是因为您将跨度定位在图片之上,所以所有数字都是硬编码的:
.textLayer > span
right: 10% !important;
left: auto !important;
top: 0 !important;
margin-top: 6%;/*margin-top uses 6% of the WIDTH, not 6% of the height. It's very useful when trying to place something on top of an image.*/
width: 20%;
height: 2%;
这是您的 sn-p 的复制品,其中添加了 CSS:
@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
@namespace svg url(http://www.w3.org/2000/svg);
--pdf-page-outline-color: #aaa;
--pdf-page-background-color: #fcfcfc;
pdf-file display: contents;
display: inline-block;
outline: 1px solid var(--pdf-page-outline-color);
background-color: var(--pdf-page-background-color);
pdf-page position: relative;
/* text.css */
position: absolute;
left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
width: 100%; height: 100%;
-overflow: hidden;
opacity: 1;
line-height: 1;
.textLayer > span
color: transparent;
position: absolute;
white-space: pre;
cursor: text;
-webkit-transform-origin: 0% 0%;
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
.textLayer > span
right: 10% !important;
left: auto !important;
top: 0 !important;
margin-top: 6%;/*margin-top uses 6% of the WIDTH, not the height. It's sometimes more useful than ordinary top:6%.*/
width: 20%;
height: 2%;
view background: green;
.textLayer background: rgba(0, 255, 0, .1);
svg|svg background: rgba(255, 0, 0, .1);
height: 45em; /* ← */
display: flex;
overflow: auto;
flex-direction: column;
place-items: center;
scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;
overflow: auto;
pdf-page height: 100%; scroll-snap-align: start;
svg height: 100%; width: auto;
text overflow: visible; background: rgb(0, 0, 0, .1);
text > span background: rgba(0,0,255,.1);
<view -onclick="this.requestFullscreen()">
<pdf-page of="f" no="+1" svg="">
<text class="textLayer">
<span style="left: 417.34px; top: 37.8391px; font-size: 12px; font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(1.07482);">Plenarprotokoll 16/3</span>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" viewBox="0 0 595 842">
<g transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 -8 850)">
<g transform="">
<text transform="matrix(12 0 0 12 425.34 801.2976) scale(1, -1)" xml:space="preserve">
<tspan x="0 0.6672 0.9454 1.5016 2.1128 2.669 3.0582 3.6694 4.0586 4.6698 5.003 5.6142 6.1704 6.7816 7.0598 7.6132 8.1694 8.7256 9.0038" y="0" font-family="g_d0_f1" font-size="1px" fill="rgb(0,0,0)"></tspan>
我们希望将框放在文本的顶部。用于文本位置和宽度/高度的数字可能看起来是任意的,但这仅仅是因为我们试图覆盖的项目的位置也具有任意位置/宽度/高度。 (如果你愿意,我们可以讨论如何使用 GIMP 来检查图像的纵横比,但是..
一个。我认为使用 GIMP 测量正确值不在此答案的范围内(您可以通过计算图像的宽度和图像的高度来找到纵横比,然后使用该纵横比)使用起点的 X/Y 坐标和终点的 X/Y 坐标来确定您需要使用的百分比......但是,好吧....)
b.在 Chrome 的开发工具中摆弄 15 分钟通常会明显更快,
作为一般规则,当使用position: absolute
margin-top:W%; //The reason we use margin instead of top is because margin is based off width, which allows us to maintain aspect ratio on our positioning.
left:X%; // Or right
。另外,您如何计算那些任意选择的 CSS 属性的值(right
vs left
更精确的方法是在调整大小时只对 transform: scale(x, y)
层进行一次调整,而不需要重新计算 <span style>
– https://WebPDF.pro
零依赖,真正的 HTML 原生 PDF Web 组件。
const t = document.querySelector('text');
const r = new ResizeObserver(textResize(t));
const textResize = t => ([ a ]) =>
const e = t.parentNode.lastElementChild; // <svg> | <canvas>
const i = PDFPageElement.image(e); // height, width ;
const h = e.clientHeight;
const x = h / i. height;
const w = e.clientWidth;
const y = w / i. width;
t.style.setProperty('transform', `scale($x, $y)`);
PDFPageElement.image = i => if (!i) return;
switch (i.tagName)
case 'CANVAS': return height: i.height, width: i.width ;
default: /*SVG*/ return height: i.height.baseVal.value, width: i.width.baseVal.value ;
附加 1 条 CSS 规则
.textLayer overflow: visible;
CSS DIV绝对定位 后 页面的大小改变 div层位置如何保持不变