


【中文标题】使用php脚本检查一个表中的重复记录并重复记录插入到另一个表中【英文标题】:Check duplication record from one table and duplication record insert to another table using php script 【发布时间】:2020-12-05 14:04:49 【问题描述】:



EmployeeId  FirstName       LastName    Mobile          Email     BatchId
1           fn1             ln1         123456789       Email1      75
2           fn2             ln2         123456790       Email2      75
3           fn3             ln3         123456791       Email3      75
4           fn4             ln4         123456792       Email4      75


EmployeeId  FirstName       LastName    Mobile          Email     BatchId

我的要求是,如果 CandidateDetails 表中已经有 EmployeeId,则复制记录以插入 DuplicateCandidate

以下是仅用于将数组插入 CandidateDetails 表的 php 脚本,但我无法检查员工 ID 是否重复的条件,然后将该记录插入另一个 DuplicateCandidate强>表。

header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:4200");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true ");
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS');
header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Custom-Header, Origin, Content-Type , Authorisation , X-Requested-With");
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 ");

$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$decoded = json_decode($json, true);


function conn() 
  $dbhost = "xxxx";
  $user = "xxx";
  $pass = "xxx";
  $db = "xxxx";
  $conn = new PDO('mysql:host=xxx;dbname=xxx', $user, $pass);
  return $conn;

$db = conn();
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);                  
$p = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO CandidateDetails(EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, Mobile,Email,BatchId)VALUES(:EmployeeId,:FirstName,:LastName,:Mobile,:Email,'$id')");
foreach ($decoded as $item) 

echo json_encode(true);



header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:4200");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true ");
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS');
header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Custom-Header, Origin, Content-Type , Authorisation , X-Requested-With");
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 ");

$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$decoded = json_decode($json, true);

$id = $_GET['id'];

function conn()

    $dbhost = "x.x.x.x";
    $user = "x";
    $pass = "x";
    $db = "x";
    $conn = new PDO('mysql:host=x;dbname=x', $user, $pass);
    return $conn;

$db = conn();
foreach ($decoded as $item)

    echo $item['EmployeeId'];

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM CandidateDetails WHERE EmployeeId = " . $item['EmployeeId'];
    //$result = $conn-                         >query($sql);
    echo $item['EmployeeId'];
    echo $sql;
    $result = $db->query($sql);
    //echo $result;
    //echo $result->num_rows;
    $count = $result->rowCount();
    echo $count;
    if ($count > 0)
        echo "duplicte results";
        //$p = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO CandidateDetailsLog(EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, Mobile,Email,BatchId)VALUES(:EmployeeId,:FirstName,:LastName,:Mobile,:Email,'$id')");
        $p = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO CandidateDetailsLog(EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, Mobile,Email,BatchId)
                                      VALUES ('" . $item['EmployeeId'] . "', '" . $item['FirstName'] . "',
                                                      '" . $item['LastName'] . "', '" . $item['Mobile'] . "', '" . $item['Email'] . "',
                                                       '" . $id . "')");

        echo "0 results";
        //$p = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO CandidateDetails(EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, Mobile,Email,BatchId)VALUES(:EmployeeId,:FirstName,:LastName,:Mobile,:Email,'$id')");
        $p = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO CandidateDetails(EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, Mobile,Email,BatchId)
                                      VALUES ('" . $item['EmployeeId'] . "', '" . $item['FirstName'] . "',
                                                      '" . $item['LastName'] . "', '" . $item['Mobile'] . "', '" . $item['Email'] . "',
                                                       '" . $id . "')");


$o = $db->prepare("UPDATE BatchDetailsInfo SET BatchStatus='B2' WHERE BatchId='$id'");

echo json_encode(true);



从这里获得帮助:w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_select.asp 这段代码很危险,包含SQL injection漏洞【参考方案2】:

虽然接受的答案可能会起作用,但它有几个SQL injection 漏洞,包括$_GET['id'](不应该被信任 - 恶意行为者可以在此处放置任何内容,包括用于清除数据库的 SQL 命令),以及从php://input 获取的 JSON(同样 - 即使它是有效的 JSON,您也可以在此处隐藏删除数据的命令)。参数转义(作为您的原始示例)是要走的路。


/* Your headers etc here*/

///Build a database connection
function db_conn() 
    /* Your Mysql setup with user/pass/db etc in a PDO object here*/
    $db=new PDO('mysql:host=x;dbname=x', $user, $pass);
    //You might want to set this here (for all connections:)
    return $db;

///Search the candidate table for an entry for the given ID
function db_employeeCandidateExists($db,$dangerEmployeeId) 
    $stmt=$db->prepare('SELECT EmployeeId FROM CandidateDetails WHERE EmployeeId=?');
    $result=$stmt->fetchAll();//We're expecting 0 rows (not found) or 1 row with the ID if it's a dup
    return count($result)>0;

///Add a row to the DuplicateCandidate table
function db_addDuplicate($db,$dangerRow,$dangerBatchId) 
    //All columns you want to fill out - layed out to be visually obvious how many there are
    //Values for the above columns - layed out to be visually equal to above
    // don't forget
    //The parameters can use a count of the cols (above)

    $stmt=$db->prepare('INSERT INTO DuplicateCandidate ('.
        ') VALUES ('.

    //todo: You might want to check there are no SQL errors reported here

///Add a row to the CandidateDetails table
function db_addCandiate($db,$dangerRow,$dangerBatchId) 
    //All columns you want to fill out - layed out to be visually obvious how many there are
    //Values for the above columns - layed out to be visually equal to above
    // don't forget
    //The parameters can use a count of the cols (above)

    $stmt=$db->prepare('INSERT INTO CandidateDetails ('.
        ') VALUES ('.

    //todo: You might want to check there are no SQL errors reported here

///Get JSON from input and decode it into an associative array
function getJson() 
    $json = file_get_contents('php://input');
    return json_decode($json, true);

$db = db_conn();
//You might want to set this inside the `conn()` method for all usage?

// *** *** Dangerous CONTENT *** ***
// Both $id (presuambly an integer) and $json (an associative array of data)
// are user-provided and therefore the cannot be trusted - you NEED to escape these
// values before using them in SQL
$dangerBatchId = $_GET['id'];
$dangerJson = getJson();

foreach($dangerJson as $dangerItem)

    if (db_employeeCandidateExists($db,$dangerItem['EmployeeId'])) 
        echo 'Applicant '.$dangerItem['EmployeeId']." was a duplicate\n";
        echo 'Applicant '.$dangerItem['EmployeeId']." added\n";

// Further processing

我使用了位置参数转义 (?),它也应该适用于 MySQL。命名位置转义 (:id) 可能更好,但不允许我快速生成所有参数(构建 $params 字符串),并且我测试的数据库不支持它们。

在将组件分离为函数之后(就像我所做的那样),您会注意到我们有一些以db_ 开头的函数...您可以改为配置将它们捆绑到一个类中。那时您可以避免将$db 作为第一个参数传递,因为您可以在课程内部共享它。 但是这是一个完全不同的主题,超出了您最初问题的范围。





插入并返回插入的行数(非重复)和记录 ID(新的或重复的)


