

【中文标题】ROBOTFRAMEWORK 的摘要式身份验证【英文标题】:Digest Authentication for ROBOTFRAMEWORK 【发布时间】:2015-03-20 13:45:38 【问题描述】:

下面是在设备上测试 rest 接口的脚本的开头,该设备有一个带有摘要式身份验证的 https 服务器。 这是我在下面遇到问题的地方我已经设置了我没有收到错误所以我假设 设置 Digest Auth 管理员密码有效


*** Settings ***
Resource        variablesreal.txt
Library         HttpLibrary.HTTP
Library         PycURLLibrary
Library         OperatingSystem
Test Setup      Create HTTP Context  $HOST    https

*** Variables ***
$HEADER1  Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8

*** Test Cases ***
Set Digest Auth
    Log Variables
    Add Header  $HEADER1
    Add Header  version:1
    Next Request Should Not Succeed
    GET                                 https://$HOST/views

    Set Digest Auth                      admin        secret
    GET                                 https://$HOST/views
    Response Status Code Should Equal   200
    Response Body Should Contain        views
    Log Response Status
    Log Response

here is the out put from pybot hls.txt
Set Digest Auth                                                       | FAIL |
Request should have succeeded, but was "401 Unauthorized".
Hls                                                                   | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed

Output:  /home/robm/code/BDD/pycurl/hl/output.xml
Log:     /home/robm/code/BDD/pycurl/hl/log.html
Report:  /home/robm/code/BDD/pycurl/hl/report.html



bump...有人使用 RobotFramework 进行过 Digest 身份验证吗? 【参考方案1】:


def create_digest_session(self, alias, url, auth, headers=, cookies=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False):

    """ Create Session: create a HTTP session to a server

    `url` Base url of the server

    `alias` Robot Framework alias to identify the session

    `headers` Dictionary of default headers

    `auth` List of username & password for HTTP Digest Auth

    `timeout` connection timeout

    `proxies` proxy server url

    `verify` set to True if Requests should verify the certificate
    digest_auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(*auth) if auth else None
    return self._create_session_local(alias, url, headers, cookies, digest_auth, timeout, proxies, verify)


以上是关于ROBOTFRAMEWORK 的摘要式身份验证的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

为啥在 Django 中需要基本或摘要式身份验证?

使用 HttpURLConnection 进行摘要式身份验证

您如何将 JMeter 与摘要式身份验证一起使用?

使用 URLConnection 进行摘要式身份验证

.Net Core HttpClient 摘要式身份验证

摘要式身份验证后的 XML 变量