【中文标题】无法在文本字段中获取文本输入以解析为双精度【英文标题】:Unable to get text input in text field to parse to double 【发布时间】:2018-07-04 21:26:15 【问题描述】:我无法从流窗格的文本字段中的用户输入中获取文本。这似乎非常基本,我已经尝试过其他类似帖子的建议,但它们没有帮助。我需要访问输入以将其转换为双精度,以便对其进行计算。我的按钮设置为在单击时获取用户输入,这就是我遇到错误消息的时候:
Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread"
java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String
任何其他建议表示赞赏;我是一个新程序员。该问题首先出现在 getLoanAmount 方法中,但也出现在需要获取我使用的其他文本字段中的文本的其他方法上。
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.FlowPane;
//this class sets up the GUI and casts the data collected to variables for usage elsewhere
public class loanWithFeatures extends Application
//define my constants
final int MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12;
TextField loanAmountTF = new TextField();
TextField termTF = new TextField();
TextField interestRateTF = new TextField();
//main method
public static void main(String[] args)
public void start(Stage primaryStage)
//define my button
Button btGo = new Button("Calculate Total Interest Cost");
btGo.setOnAction(new Calculate());
//make my flowpane
FlowPane flow = new FlowPane();
flow.setPadding(new Insets(11, 12, 13, 14));
//for some reason this has to be in this method. It didn't work above
flow.getChildren().addAll(new Label("Loan Amount:"), loanAmountTF);
flow.getChildren().addAll(new Label("Term"), termTF);
flow.getChildren().addAll(new Label("Rate"), interestRateTF);
//make the scene, put scene in flowpane
Scene scene = new Scene(flow);
//stage title
primaryStage.setTitle("Total Interest Cost");
//add scene to the stage
//show the stage
class Calculate implements EventHandler<ActionEvent>
public void handle(ActionEvent e)
//define my variables
double loanAmount = 0, term = 0, rate = 0, monthlyPayment = 0, monthlyInterest = 0, monthlyPrincipal =0, totalRepaid = 0, totalInterest =0, totalInterestPercentage =0;
double periodicInterestRate = 0, remainingPrincipal =0;
loanWithFeatures newLoan = new loanWithFeatures();
loanAmount = newLoan.getLoanAmount();
term = newLoan.getTerm(term);
rate = newLoan.getRate(rate);
periodicInterestRate = newLoan.periodicInterestRate(rate);
monthlyPayment = newLoan.monthlyPayment(loanAmount, periodicInterestRate, term);
remainingPrincipal = newLoan.remainingPrincipal(loanAmount, monthlyPayment, monthlyInterest);
monthlyInterest = newLoan.monthlyInterest(monthlyPayment, remainingPrincipal, periodicInterestRate);
monthlyPrincipal = newLoan.monthlyPrincipal(monthlyPayment, monthlyInterest);
totalRepaid = newLoan.totalRepaid(monthlyPayment, term);
totalInterest = newLoan.totalInterest(totalRepaid, loanAmount);
totalInterestPercentage = newLoan.totalInterestPercentage(loanAmount, totalInterest);
//method to get loan amount
public double getLoanAmount()
double loanAmountDouble = Double.parseDouble(loanAmountTF.getText());
return loanAmountDouble;
//method to get term
public int getTerm(double term)
//define a string var, assign the value from textfield to that, cast to int, return int
String termInput;
termInput = termTF.getText();
int termIntYear = Integer.parseInt(termInput);
int termIntMonths = termIntYear * MONTHS_IN_YEAR;
return termIntMonths;
//method to get rate
public double getRate(double rate)
String rateInput;
rateInput = interestRateTF.getText();
double rateDouble = Integer.parseInt(rateInput);
return rateDouble;
//method to define balloon payment, when it occurs
//come back to this, I want it to be a checkbox, I don't know how to do that yet
//method, get interest only or no?
/*public boolean getInterestOnly(boolean interestOnly)
Boolean interestOnlyBool = false;
String interestOnlyString = "uninitialized";
interestOnlyString = interestOnlyTF.getText();
//this only works if they input true, not something like yes
//TODO redo this with a radio list or dropdown that shows only true or false as selections
interestOnlyBool = Boolean.parseBoolean(interestOnlyString);
return interestOnlyBool;
//method, type of amortization
//TODO come do this later when I know other types of amortization, just make it do full amortization right now
//method early repayment penalty?
//TODO do this after I do the math of the prepayment penalty
//this method calculates the monthly payment
public double monthlyPayment(double loanAmount, double periodicInterestRate, double term)
double monthlyPaymentDenominator = (Math.pow(1 + periodicInterestRate, term) -1) / (periodicInterestRate * Math.pow(1 + periodicInterestRate, term));
double monthlyPayment = loanAmount / monthlyPaymentDenominator;
return monthlyPayment;
public double remainingPrincipal(double loanAmount, double monthlyPayment, double monthlyInterest )
double remainingPrincipal = loanAmount - (monthlyPayment - monthlyInterest);
return remainingPrincipal;
public double monthlyInterest(double monthlyPayment, double remainingPrincipal, double periodicIntRate)
double monthlyInterest = remainingPrincipal * periodicIntRate;
return monthlyInterest;
//this method calculates monthly principal payment
public double monthlyPrincipal(double monthlyPayment, double monthlyInterest)
double monthlyPrincipal = monthlyPayment - monthlyInterest;
return monthlyPrincipal;
public double periodicInterestRate(double rate)
double periodicIntRate = rate / MONTHS_IN_YEAR;
return periodicIntRate;
public double totalRepaid(double monthlyPayment, double term)
double totalRepaid = monthlyPayment * term;
return totalRepaid;
//this method calculates the total interest paid on the loan
public double totalInterest(double totalRepaid, double loanAmount)
double totalInterest = totalRepaid - loanAmount;
return totalInterest;
//this method calculates total interest percentage
public double totalInterestPercentage(double loanAmount, double totalInterest)
double totalInterestPercentage = totalInterest/loanAmount;
return totalInterestPercentage;
“我无法从文本字段访问用户输入” -- 请edit您的问题并解释是什么阻止您访问输入,请访问@ 987654322@ 尤其是阅读How to Ask 以了解如何有效地使用本网站。 谢谢,吉姆。我做了改变。希望这能让它更清楚。感谢您的建议 - 我是社区的新手。 为什么要加倍 rateDouble = Integer.parseInt(rateInput);不是双倍 rateDouble = Double.parseDouble(rateInput); ? 该字段是否也已实际填写?见***.com/questions/37817311/… 【参考方案1】:Java 中的实例和类存在一个基本问题。你正在做的是调用你的类的一个新实例loanWithFeatures
loanWithFeatures newLoan = new loanWithFeatures();
loanAmount = newLoan.getLoanAmount();
class Calculate implements EventHandler<ActionEvent>
public void handle(ActionEvent e)
//define my variables
double loanAmount = 0, term = 0, rate = 0, monthlyPayment = 0, monthlyInterest = 0, monthlyPrincipal =0, totalRepaid = 0, totalInterest = 0, totalInterestPercentage = 0;
double periodicInterestRate = 0, remainingPrincipal = 0;
loanAmount = newLoan.getLoanAmount();
term = getTerm(term);
rate = getRate(rate);
periodicInterestRate = periodicInterestRate(rate);
monthlyPayment = monthlyPayment(loanAmount, periodicInterestRate, term);
remainingPrincipal = remainingPrincipal(loanAmount, monthlyPayment, monthlyInterest);
monthlyInterest = monthlyInterest(monthlyPayment, remainingPrincipal, periodicInterestRate);
monthlyPrincipal = monthlyPrincipal(monthlyPayment, monthlyInterest);
totalRepaid = totalRepaid(monthlyPayment, term);
totalInterest = totalInterest(totalRepaid, loanAmount);
totalInterestPercentage = totalInterestPercentage(loanAmount, totalInterest);
您忘记添加此行:loanAmount = getLoanAmount();
如何在 vs code 上的 jupyter 中获取输入,我尝试运行 input() 函数以从弹出文本字段中获取输入,但它进入无限循环,