通过 linq 到 xml 的复杂类型映射



【中文标题】通过 linq 到 xml 的复杂类型映射【英文标题】:Complex type mapping via linq to xml 【发布时间】:2013-08-14 21:20:02 【问题描述】:

我在 XML 文件中有一个联系人列表。 每个联系人都有一些属性和mdpr:connection。 连接是单独的对象。 我阅读了这个列表并将所有联系人都添加到一个具有标准属性的列表中,但是如何将此连接映射到对象。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mdpr:Data xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:mdpr="http://...">
    <mdpr:contact ID="123456" classID="Customer">
      <mdpr:connection connectionIndex="0" fromID="12345" toID="123456">
public class Contact
        public string Name  get; set; 
        public string TransportCode  get; set; 
        public Connection Connection  get; set; 

        public TransportPlan()
            this.Connection = new Connection();
public class Connection
        public string status get; set; 
        public string startDate get; set; 
        public string endDate  get; set; 


XNamespace mdpr = "http://...";
var contacts = from c in xdoc.Root.Element(mdpr + "contactList")
                                  .Elements(mdpr + "contact")
               select new Contact 
                   TransportCode = (string)c.Element(mdpr + "TransportCode"),
                   Name = (string)c.Element(mdpr + "Name")





var contacts = from c in xdoc.Element(mdpr + "Data")
                             .Element(mdpr + "contactList")
                             .Elements(mdpr + "contact")
               let contact = c
               let connection = contact.Element(mdpr + "connection")
               select new Contact
                   TransportCode = (string)contact.Element(mdpr + "TransportCode"),
                   Name = (string)contact.Element(mdpr + "Name"),
                   Connection = new Connection
                       status = (string)connection.Element(mdpr + "status"),
                       startDate = (string) connection.Element(mdpr + "startDate"),
                       endDate = (string)connection.Element(mdpr + "endDate"),


public class Contact

    public string Name  get; set; 
    public string TransportCode  get; set; 
    public List<Connection> Connections  get; set; 


var contacts = from c in xdoc.Element(mdpr + "Data")
                             .Element(mdpr + "contactList")
                             .Elements(mdpr + "contact")
               let contact = c
               let connections = contact.Elements(mdpr + "connection")
               select new Contact
                   TransportCode = (string)contact.Element(mdpr + "TransportCode"),
                   Name = (string)contact.Element(mdpr + "Name"),
                   Connections = connections.Select( connection => 
                       new Connection
                           status = (string)connection.Element(mdpr + "status"),
                           startDate = (string) connection.Element(mdpr + "startDate"),
                           endDate = (string)connection.Element(mdpr + "endDate"),


以上是关于通过 linq 到 xml 的复杂类型映射的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何将复杂的 linq 映射到对象


用于 XML 文件持久性的 LINQ to SQL 等效项

如何在 Linq 2 SQL 映射中定义类型?

通过子类结构在 nHibernate 表上使用 Linq 按类型查询

DozerBeanMapper + 对象转Map方法