


【中文标题】单击新按钮时如何关闭所有其他div?【英文标题】:How to close all other divs when a new button is clicked? 【发布时间】:2019-09-12 00:16:52 【问题描述】:

我有一个包含 5 个按钮的按钮组。我想要按钮的 onclick 事件来切换 5 个不同的 div。单击按钮 1 打开/关闭 div 1,单击按钮 2 打开/关闭 div 2,依此类推。 div 在这里只是文本。

第一次点击按钮 --> 显示 div 第二次点击按钮 --> 隐藏 div

但是,当我只单击一个按钮并显示它的 div 并单击另一个按钮时,另一个 div 堆叠在第一个 div 之上。如果我单击它的按钮两次,我可以关闭第一个 div,但我希望即使单击不同的按钮也能关闭 div。我怎样才能做到这一点?

到目前为止,我已经附加了 jsfiddle。


  function togglediv(id) 
            var div = document.getElementById(id);
            div.style.display = div.style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none";
<div class="myButtons">
  <div class="btn-group" id="MatchingEntitiesButtons">

  <button id="Button1" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('NamesTable')" type="button" > List of Names </button>

  <button id="Button2" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('PhoneTable')" type="button"> List of Address </button>

  <button  id="Button3" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('AddressTable')" type="button" > List of Phone#</button>

  <button id="Button4" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('GradesTable')" type="button"> List of Grades</button>

  <button id="Button5" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('SchoolTable')" type="button"> List of Schools </button>  


<div id ="NamesTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">Names </div>
<div id ="PhoneTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">Address </div>
<div id ="AddressTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">Phone# </div>
<div id ="GradesTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">Grades </div>                  
<div id ="SchoolTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">School </div>


使用类会容易很多。 How to close multiple divs independed from each other. javascript的可能重复 【参考方案1】:


function togglediv(id) 

  var div = document.getElementById(id);

    if (elem !== div) elem.classList.remove("active");

  // toggle the class to the section that was clicked.

  display: none;

  display: block;
<div class="myButtons">
  <div class="btn-group" id="MatchingEntitiesButtons">

    <button id="Button1" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('NamesTable')" type="button"> List of Names </button>

    <button id="Button2" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('PhoneTable')" type="button"> List of Address </button>

    <button id="Button3" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('AddressTable')" type="button"> List of Phone#</button>

    <button id="Button4" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('GradesTable')" type="button"> List of Grades</button>

    <button id="Button5" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('SchoolTable')" type="button"> List of Schools </button>


<div id="NamesTable" class="TableBody">Names </div>
<div id="PhoneTable" class="TableBody">Address </div>
<div id="AddressTable" class="TableBody">Phone# </div>
<div id="GradesTable" class="TableBody">Grades </div>
<div id="SchoolTable" class="TableBody">School </div>


  .forEach(function (elem) 
    elem.style.display = "none";


var active = doucument.getElementById(id);
  .forEach(function (elem) 
    if (elem !== active) 
      elem.style.display = "none";


如果您再次单击该项目,您的解决方案不会关闭它。 @CodeBreaker 是不是点了两次DIV就不该隐藏了? 所以他们调用toggle并使用与上一个示例相同的想法 上述代码有效,但就像@Barmar 所说,当我单击它两次时它并没有隐藏 div。不过非常感谢。我明白我错过了什么。 编辑它来切换....移动一行代码,切换添加到切换,并添加一个if检查。,【参考方案2】:

循环遍历所有 DIV。如果是指定的DIV,则切换,否则隐藏。

function togglediv(id) 
    if (div.id == id) 
      // Toggle specified DIV
      div.style.display = div.style.display == "none" ? "block" : "none";
      // Hide other DIVs
      div.style.display = "none";
<div class="myButtons">
  <div class="btn-group" id="MatchingEntitiesButtons">

    <button id="Button1" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('NamesTable')" type="button"> List of Names </button>

    <button id="Button2" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('PhoneTable')" type="button"> List of Address </button>

    <button id="Button3" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('AddressTable')" type="button"> List of Phone#</button>

    <button id="Button4" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('GradesTable')" type="button"> List of Grades</button>

    <button id="Button5" class="roundBtns" onclick="togglediv('SchoolTable')" type="button"> List of Schools </button>


<div id="NamesTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">Names </div>
<div id="PhoneTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">Address </div>
<div id="AddressTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">Phone# </div>
<div id="GradesTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">Grades </div>
<div id="SchoolTable" class="TableBody" style="display:none">School </div>



当点击任何按钮时隐藏所有div 元素,然后只显示需要显示的元素。


不要使用内联 html 事件属性,例如 onclick。有 a bunch of reasons 不要使用这个 25 岁以上的技术 不会死。 使用Event Delegation 可以设置单个事件处理程序,但是 根据点击了哪个特定按钮做出反应。 摆脱ids。使用ids 会使你的代码变得脆弱,因为你 需要不断更新代码以适应新元素。 不要使用内联样式 - - 改用 CSS 类。这消除了 冗余代码,更容易覆盖应用的样式。

var clickedBtnIndex = null;
var shownDiv = null;

// Get all the buttons and divs into Arrays:
let buttons = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(".roundBtns"));
let divs = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(".TableBody"));

// Set up a single click event handler on the parent element of the buttons
document.querySelector(".btn-group").addEventListener("click", function(evt) 

  // evt.target is a reference to the specific button that triggered the event
  clickedBtnIndex = buttons.indexOf(evt.target); // Get the index of the clicked button within its group

  // If a button was clicked
     // Loop over the divs
        // Check to see if it is currently being shown
           shownDiv = div;
     hideAll();  // Hide all the divs
     // Show/hide just the one that was clicked
     if(divs[clickedBtnIndex] === shownDiv)
       shownDiv = null;
     // Store a reference to the index of the button within its group that was clicked
     clickedBtnIndex = buttons.indexOf(evt.target);


// This will hide all the divs
function hideAll()
  // Loop over the array
    div.classList.add("hidden");  // Add the hidden class
.hidden  display:none; 
<div class="myButtons">
  <div class="btn-group" id="MatchingEntitiesButtons">
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Names</button>
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Address</button>
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Phone#</button>
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Grades</button>
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Schools</button>  

<div class="TableBody hidden">Names</div>
<div class="TableBody hidden">Address</div>
<div class="TableBody hidden">Phone#</div>
<div class="TableBody hidden">Grades</div>                  
<div class="TableBody hidden">School</div>

但要真正让这变得更简单,请去掉要显示或隐藏的单独 div,只使用一个 div 作为占位符。然后,只需更改该单个 div 的内容即可。

// Store the data that will need to be displayed in an object that
// has properties that store the arrays of actual data
var data = 
  names: ["Scott","Mary","Tom"],
  addresses: ["10 Main", "23 Elm", "43 Standish"],
  phoneNums: ["555-555-5555","123-456-7890"],
  grades: ["C", "B-", "A+"],
  schools: ["District 1", "District 2", "District 3"]

// These map to the object properties and will be used to extract the right data
var keyNames = ["names", "addresses", "phoneNums", "grades", "schools"];

var output = document.querySelector(".output"); // The output element

// Get all the buttons and divs into Arrays:
let buttons = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(".roundBtns"));

// Set up a single click event handler on the parent element of the buttons
document.querySelector(".btn-group").addEventListener("click", function(evt)

  // Get the index of the button that was clicked within its group
  var clickedIndex = buttons.indexOf(evt.target);
  // Inject the string into the output div
  output.innerHTML = data[keyNames[clickedIndex]].join("<br>");;
<div class="myButtons">
  <div class="btn-group" id="MatchingEntitiesButtons">
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Names</button>
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Address</button>
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Phone#</button>
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Grades</button>
    <button class="roundBtns" type="button">List of Schools</button>  

<div class="output"></div>






Jquery 再次单击时无法关闭 div


