为啥 fastlane 比赛让我输入密码,即使我已经输入



【中文标题】为啥 fastlane 比赛让我输入密码,即使我已经输入【英文标题】:why the fastlane match make me input the Passphrase even I already input为什么 fastlane 比赛让我输入密码,即使我已经输入 【发布时间】:2021-08-18 07:13:11 【问题描述】:

现在我正在使用此命令在 macOS Big Sur 中使用 fastlane match 生成分发证书:

fastlane match adhoc

我运行这个命令后,它告诉我输入Passphrase for Match storage:

[✔] ????
[15:03:31]: fastlane detected a Gemfile in the current directory
[15:03:31]: However, it seems like you didn't use `bundle exec`
[15:03:31]: To launch fastlane faster, please use
[15:03:31]: $ bundle exec fastlane match adhoc
[15:03:31]: Get started using a Gemfile for fastlane https://docs.fastlane.tools/getting-started/ios/setup/#use-a-gemfile
[15:03:32]: In the config file './fastlane/Matchfile' you have the line git_url, but didn't provide any value. Make sure to append a value right after the option name. Make sure to check the docs for more information
[15:03:32]: In the config file './fastlane/Matchfile' you have the line username, but didn't provide any value. Make sure to append a value right after the option name. Make sure to check the docs for more information
[15:03:32]: Successfully loaded '/Users/dolphin/Documents/GitHub/flutter-netease-music/ios/fastlane/Matchfile' ????

| Detected Values from './fastlane/Matchfile' |
| git_branch      | master                    |
| storage_mode    | git                       |
| type            | adhoc                     |
| app_identifier  | ["com.reddwarf.musicapp"] |

|                 Summary for match 2.187.0                  |
| type                           | adhoc                     |
| readonly                       | false                     |
| generate_apple_certs           | true                      |
| skip_provisioning_profiles     | false                     |
| app_identifier                 | ["com.reddwarf.musicapp"] |
| username                       | 343735881@qq.com          |
| team_id                        | 6JP4P88ZJB                |
| storage_mode                   | git                       |
| git_branch                     | master                    |
| shallow_clone                  | false                     |
| clone_branch_directly          | false                     |
| keychain_name                  | login.keychain            |
| force                          | false                     |
| force_for_new_devices          | false                     |
| skip_confirmation              | false                     |
| skip_docs                      | false                     |
| platform                       | ios                       |
| derive_catalyst_app_identifier | false                     |
| fail_on_name_taken             | false                     |
| skip_certificate_matching      | false                     |
| skip_set_partition_list        | false                     |
| verbose                        | false                     |

[15:03:32]: To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'git_url'
[15:03:32]: URL to the git repo containing all the certificates: https://github.com/jiangxiaoqiang/music-certificate.git
[15:03:45]: Cloning remote git repo...
[15:03:45]: If cloning the repo takes too long, you can use the `clone_branch_directly` option in match.
[15:03:48]: Checking out branch master...
[15:03:48]: Enter the passphrase that should be used to encrypt/decrypt your certificates
[15:03:48]: This passphrase is specific per repository and will be stored in your local keychain
[15:03:48]: Make sure to remember the password, as you'll need it when you run match on a different machine
[15:03:48]: Passphrase for Match storage: ******
[15:03:55]: Type passphrase again: ******
[15:03:59]: wrong final block length
[15:03:59]: Couldn't decrypt the repo, please make sure you enter the right password!
keychain: "/Users/dolphin/Library/Keychains/jiangxiaoqiang-db"
version: 512
class: "inet"
    0x00000007 <blob>="match_https://github.com/jiangxiaoqiang/music-certificate.git"
    0x00000008 <blob>=<NULL>
    "cdat"<timedate>=0x32303231303831383037303335395A00  "20210818070359Z\000"
    "mdat"<timedate>=0x32303231303831383037303335395A00  "20210818070359Z\000"
password has been deleted.
[15:03:59]: Enter the passphrase that should be used to encrypt/decrypt your certificates
[15:03:59]: This passphrase is specific per repository and will be stored in your local keychain
[15:03:59]: Make sure to remember the password, as you'll need it when you run match on a different machine
[15:03:59]: Passphrase for Match storage:





[15:03:32]: In the config file './fastlane/Matchfile' you have the line git_url, but didn't provide any value. Make sure to append a value right after the option name. Make sure to check the docs for more information
[15:03:32]: In the config file './fastlane/Matchfile' you have the line username, but didn't provide any value. Make sure to append a value right after the option name. Make sure to check the docs for more information

您是否为fastlane match 提供了git repository

我记得我通过fastlane match appstore生成分发证书。很难让它发挥作用....




通过命令fastlane match nuke distribution,它可以清除匹配存储库中的所有内容。然后fastlane match appstore 可以重新分配一个新的密码短语密码。

脚本简介 ....

## Clean all
fastlane match nuke distribution
## Remake certifications / provisioning profiles, and a new passphrase password
fastlane match appstore


## No `match nuke distribution`. 
## Renew certifications / provisioning profiles, for TestFlight
fastlane match appstore

如果与 CI 系统(例如:Jenkins)集成,MATCH_PASSWORD 环境变量对我有很大帮助。


以上是关于为啥 fastlane 比赛让我输入密码,即使我已经输入的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

即使我已将 geckodriver 粘贴到正确的位置,为啥还会出现 geckodriver.log 错误?

为啥 ssh 不要求时 git 要求输入密钥密码?

即使使用 API 密钥,Fastlane 上传到 App Store 也会在非交互模式下失败


为啥ubuntu控制台输入用户名和密码后登录不进去显示login incorrect?

安装好linux系统后,提示localhost login:,我输入root后回车,弹出password:后为啥不能输入密码。