【中文标题】如何将numpy.ndarray分配给cython中nogil循环下的临时变量?【英文标题】:How to assign numpy.ndarray to temporary variable under nogil loop in cython? 【发布时间】:2019-01-09 14:36:13 【问题描述】:我正在尝试实现implicit 推荐模型,但在计算向约 11 万个用户超过约 10 万个项目的前 5 条建议时,代码运行时存在问题。
我能够通过 numpy 和一些 cython sparkles 部分解决问题(在 jupyter notebook 中)。使用 numpy 排序的行仍然使用单核:
%%cython -f
# cython: language_level=3
# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: wraparound=False
# cython: linetrace=True
# cython: binding=True
# distutils: define_macros=CYTHON_TRACE_NOGIL=1
from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
def test(users_items=np.random.rand(11402139//1000, 134751//100)
, int N=5, show_progress=True, int num_threads=1):
# Define User count and loops indexes
cdef int users_c = users_items.shape[0], u, i
# Predefine zero 2-D C-ordered array for recommendations
cdef int[:,::1] users_recs = np.zeros((users_c, N), dtype=np.intc)
for u in tqdm(range(users_c), total=users_c, disable=not show_progress):
# numpy .dot multiplication using multiple cores
scores = np.random.rand(134751//1000, 10).dot(np.random.rand(10))
# numpy partial sort
ids_partial = np.argpartition(scores, -N)[-N:]
ids_top = ids_partial[np.argsort(scores[ids_partial])]
# Fill predefined 2-D array
for i in range(N):
users_recs[u, i] = ids_top[i]
return np.asarray(users_recs)
# Working example
tmp = test()
我对其进行了分析 - np.argpartition 消耗 60% 的函数时间并使用 onde 内核。我试图让它并行,因为我有一个 80 核的服务器。因此,我对用户子集(使用多个核心)执行 .dot 操作,并计划通过 numpy 排序结果(使用单核)并行填充空的预定义数组,但我遇到了问题标题中的错误:
%%cython -f
# cython: language_level=3
# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: wraparound=False
# cython: linetrace=True
# cython: binding=True
# distutils: define_macros=CYTHON_TRACE_NOGIL=1
from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from math import ceil
def test(int N=10, show_progress=True, int num_threads=1):
# Define User and Item count and loops indexes
cdef int users_c = 11402139//1000, items_c = 134751//100, u, i, u_b
# Predefine zero 2-D C-ordered array for recommendations
cdef int[:,::1] users_recs = np.zeros((users_c, N), dtype=np.intc)
# Define memoryview var
cdef float[:,::1] users_items_scores_mv
progress = tqdm(total=users_c, disable=not show_progress)
# For a batch of Users
for u_b in range(5):
# Use .dot operation which use multiple cores
users_items_scores = np.random.rand(num_threads, 10).dot(np.random.rand(134751//100, 10).T)
# Create memory view to 2-D array, which I'm trying to sort row wise
users_items_scores_mv = users_items_scores
# Here it starts, try to use numpy sorting in parallel
for u in prange(num_threads, nogil=True, num_threads=num_threads):
ids_partial = np.argpartition(users_items_scores_mv[u], items_c-N)[items_c-N:]
ids_top = ids_partial[np.argsort(users_items_scores_mv[u][ids_partial])]
# Fill predefined 2-D array
for i in range(N):
users_recs[u_b + u, i] = ids_top[i]
return np.asarray(users_recs)
得到了这个 (full error):
Error compiling Cython file:
# Create memory view to 2-D array,
# which I'm trying to sort row wise
users_items_scores_mv = users_items_scores
# Here it starts, try to use numpy sorting in parallel
for u in prange(num_threads, nogil=True, num_threads=num_threads):
ids_partial = np.argpartition(users_items_scores_mv[u], items_c-N)[items_c-N:]
/datascc/enn/.cache/ipython/cython/_cython_magic_201b296cd5a34240b4c0c6ed3e58de7c.pyx:31:12: Assignment of Python object not allowed without gil
我阅读了有关内存视图和 malloc-ating 的信息,但没有找到适用于我的情况的示例。
请看minimal reproducible example。 “最小”是一个相当重要的部分! 您正在尝试在 nogil 块中调用 Python 函数 (np.argpartition)。尽管您收到的第一条消息是关于分配变量的,但我认为这不是根本问题。我很确定这永远不会奏效。 @ead 编辑的问题更加紧凑和可重复。 @DavidW 你是对的,有一个errors 的列表,尤其是 np.argpartition 导致“Calling gil-requiring function not allowed without gil”。我想知道是否有没有 gil 的替代方案,可能在 numpy C-API 中? 我认为np.argpartition
应该能够在内部释放 GIL,因此如果你将它放在 with gil:
块中,那么它可能仍然可以在某些时候设法运行多线程。问题在于,如果没有 GIL,您的大部分代码似乎都无法运行,这可能使其不适合简单的并行化。您必须重新实现 argpartition
和 argsort
我最终得到了自定义 C++ 函数,它通过 openmp 与 nogil 并行填充 numpy 数组。它需要用 cython 重写 numpy 的 argpartition 部分排序。算法是这样的(可以循环3-4个):
定义空数组A[i,j]和memory viewB_mv[i,k];其中“i”是批量大小,“j”是一些列,“k”是排序后要返回的所需项目数
在 A&B 的内存上创建指针
运行一些计算并用数据填充 A
在 i-s 上并行迭代并填充 B
topnc.h - 自定义函数实现的头文件:
/* "Copyright [2019] <Tych0n>" [legal/copyright] */
extern void fargsort_c(float A[], int n_row, int m_row, int m_cols, int ktop, int B[]);
topnc.cpp - 函数体:
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include "topnc.h"
struct target int index; float value;;
bool targets_compare(target t_i, target t_j) return (t_i.value > t_j.value);
void fargsort_c ( float A[], int n_row, int m_row, int m_cols, int ktop, int B[] )
std::vector<target> targets;
for ( int j = 0; j < m_cols; j++ )
target c;
c.index = j;
c.value = A[(n_row*m_cols) + j];
std::partial_sort( targets.begin(), targets.begin() + ktop, targets.end(), targets_compare );
std::sort( targets.begin(), targets.begin() + ktop, targets_compare );
for ( int j = 0; j < ktop; j++ )
B[(m_row*ktop) + j] = targets[j].index;
ctools.pyx - 示例用法
# distutils: language = c++
# cython: language_level=3
# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: wraparound=False
# cython: nonecheck=False
from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cdef extern from "topnc.h":
cdef void fargsort_c ( float A[], int n_row, int m_row, int m_cols, int ktop, int B[] ) nogil
A = np.zeros((1000, 100), dtype=np.float32)
A[:] = np.random.rand(1000, 100).astype(np.float32)
float[:,::1] A_mv = A
float* A_mv_p = &A_mv[0,0]
int[:,::1] B_mv = np.zeros((1000, 5), dtype=np.intc)
int* B_mv_p = &B_mv[0,0]
int i
for i in prange(1000, nogil=True, num_threads=10, schedule='dynamic'):
fargsort_c(A_mv_p, i, i, 100, 5, B_mv_p)
B = np.asarray(B_mv)
compile.py - 编译文件;在终端中通过命令“python compile.py build_ext --inplace -f”运行它(这将生成文件 ctools.cpython-*.so,然后您将其用于导入):
from os import path
import numpy
from setuptools import setup, Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
from Cython.Build import cythonize
ext_utils = Extension(
, sources=['ctools.pyx', 'topnc.cpp']
, include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()]
, extra_compile_args=['-std=c++0x', '-Os', '-fopenmp']
, extra_link_args=['-fopenmp']
, language='c++'
, 'cython'
, 'numpy'
, cmdclass='build_ext': build_ext
, ext_modules=cythonize([ext_utils]),
它用于adding“推荐所有”功能到implicit ALS 模型中。