如何在 Visual Studio 中将 pjsip 构建为 DLL?



【中文标题】如何在 Visual Studio 中将 pjsip 构建为 DLL?【英文标题】:How to build pjsip as DLL in Visual studio? 【发布时间】:2014-11-20 07:57:49 【问题描述】:

我按照此处的说明进行操作 http://www.pjsip.org/pjlib/docs/html/group__pj__dll__target.htm



I managed to build pjsua.dll some time ago and wrote down a simple 
how-to. Maybe you will be lucky with that. It is in doxygen:

 <at> subsubsection subsubsec-pjsip-1x Building PJSIP version 1.x
-# Download sources from http://www.pjsip.org/.
-# Open solution in Visual Studio.
    If you use VS2010 (and maybe newer), do not open the  <at> c .sln file, but
     <at> c .dsw file for older Visual C++ since it does not contain mobile targets
    preventing from import.
-# Create empty file  <at> c pjlib/include/pj/config_site.h
    or copy it from  <at> c config_site_sample.h and add following code:
 <at> code
#define PJ_DLL  1
#ifdef _LIB
#   define PJ_EXPORTING 1
 <at> endcode
    This will build PJProject using shared libraries.
-# Choose configuration according to your needs: statically or dynamically
    linked release or debug LIBC. Recommended: <b>Release-Dynamic</b>. Do 
not forget
    to set Win32 platform.
-# At project  <at> c pjsua_lib, set Configuration type to DLL and check 
    to the same values as in  <at> c libpjproject.
    Add  <at> c ws2_32.lib into linker input libraries. Put  <at> c 
    into Linker > Input > Force Symbol References and
     <at> c pjsua_lib.dll into Linker > General > Output file.
    (Otherwise some symbols would not be exported... ask me why.)
-# Build  <at> c pjsua_lib.
-# Copy  <at> c .lib and  <at> c .dll from  <at> c pjsip/bin to  <at> c 
    and  <at> c pjsua_lib.dll. Note that  <at> c .dll may have  <at> c .exe extension by 
-# Copy (merge) all contents of  <at> c include directories of projects
     <at> c pjlib,  <at> c pjlib-util,  <at> c pjmedia,  <at> c pjnath,  <at> c pjsip into
     <at> c your/location/sip/include.

Process to build branch 2.x should be similar I guess, but there is no 
.dsw any more. I can provide you with a php script that removes mobile 
targets from .sln and .vcproj files which are then readable by Visual 
Studio, even 2010.

Good luck!
- Vali

我遵循了所有步骤。但是我遇到了 600 多个错误。我使用的是最新的 pjsip 版本 2.x。



github.com/siniypin/pjsip4net/issues/15 我认为我们必须按照pjsip构建准备来构建pjsua.dll。trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/Getting-Started/Windows 【参考方案1】:

在 VS2015 中:右键单击项目 -> 构建依赖项 -> 添加依赖项。 另外在VS 2013中:右键单击项目->属性->通用属性->参考->添加新参考 可以复制需要引用的项目列表,例如来自 libproject PJSIP 项目。


以上是关于如何在 Visual Studio 中将 pjsip 构建为 DLL?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何在 Visual Studio 2010 中将数据保存到本地数据库?

如何在 Visual Studio 中将 pjsip 构建为 DLL?

如何在 Visual Studio 中将源附加到引用的程序集

如何在 Visual Studio for Mac 中将参数传递给 Main() C#

如何在 Visual Studio 2015 调试中将“%”符号作为命令行参数 (argv) 传递?

如何在 Visual Studio 2012 中将数据添加到 Access 数据库