【中文标题】如何处理谷歌表格脚本中的重复项?【英文标题】:How to deal with duplicates in google sheets script? 【发布时间】:2020-05-20 03:04:43 【问题描述】:所以在我想做的项目中,我有一个谷歌表,其中包含时间戳和电子表格中这些时间戳旁边的名称。我在计算重复项并在另一个 Google 表格中为名称提供多个时间戳时遇到了麻烦。
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++)//for loop 1
if(currentCell.isBlank())//current cell is blank
daySheet.getRange(i+10, 2).setValue(fullName);//set name to first cell
else if(counter > 1 )//the index of the duplicate in the sheet month
//if counter is > 1 then write duplicates
for(var t = 1; t <= sheetLength ; t++)//loop through sign in sheet
//current index i
if(signInLN == signInSheet.getRange(t+1,3).getValue())
//if there is a match
//day is equal to the day I spliced from the timestamp
//at this point I am confused on how to get the second date that has the same
//name and add to the row with the original name.
//when i splice the timestamp based on the row of index i, with duplicates I get
//the day number from the first instance where the name is read
//for loop 1
我怎样才能让它与重复项一起使用,以便我可以考虑日期,但要确保如果有 任何重复的它们都将被添加到原始名称的行中
Google Sheet EX:
12/10/2020 test1
12/11/202 test2
12/15/2020 test1
name 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
test1 1 1
test2 1
使用 Apps 脚本 完成代码 sn-p,根据您的需要进行调整。
function main()
var inputRange = "A2:B";
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheets()[0]
var input = sheet.getRange(inputRange).getValues(); //Read data into array
var minDate, maxDate;
var presentDates = input.map(function(row) return row[0];); //Turns input into an array of only the element 0 (the date)
minDate = presentDates.reduce(function(a,b) return a<b?a:b); //For each value, if its the smallest: keep; otherwise: skip;
maxDate = presentDates.reduce(function(a,b) return a>b?a:b); //Same as above, but largest.
var dates = [];
for (var currentDate = minDate; currentDate <= maxDate; currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate()+1))
dates.push(getFormattedDate(currentDate)); //Insert each unique date from minDate to maxDate (to leave no gaps)
var uniqueNames = input.map(function(row) return row[1];) //Turns input into an array of only the element at 1 (the names)
.filter(function (value, index, self) return self.indexOf(value) === index;); //Removes duplicates from the array (Remove the element if the first appearence of it on the array is not the current element's index)
var output = ; //Temporary dictionary for easier counting later on.
for (var i=0; i< dates.length; i++)
var dateKey = dates[i];
for (var userIndex = 0; userIndex <= uniqueNames.length; userIndex++)
var mapKey = uniqueNames[userIndex]+dateKey; //Match each name with each date
input.map(function(row) return row[1]+getFormattedDate(row[0])) //Translate input into name + date (for easier filtering)
.filter(function (row) return row === mapKey) //Grab all instances where the same date as dateKey is present for the current name
.forEach(function(row)output[mapKey] = (output[mapKey]||0) + 1;); //Count them.
var toInsert = []; //Array that will be outputted into sheets
var firstLine = ['names X Dates'].concat(dates); //Initialize with header (first element is hard-coded)
toInsert.push(firstLine); //Insert header line into output.
var newLine = [name];
for (var i=0; i< dates.length; i++) //For each name + date combination, insert the value from the output dictionary.
var currentDate = dates[i];
toInsert.push(newLine); //Insert into the output.
sheet.getRange(1, 5, toInsert.length, toInsert[0].length).setValues(toInsert); //Write the output to the sheet
// Returns a date in the format MM/dd/YYYY
function getFormattedDate(date)
var year = date.getFullYear();
var month = (1 + date.getMonth()).toString();
month = month.length > 1 ? month : '0' + month;
var day = date.getDate().toString();
day = day.length > 1 ? day : '0' + day;
return month + '/' + day + '/' + year;
变量 currentDate 在哪里实例化为 new Date()?这会产生在 object 中找不到函数 getFullYear 和 getMonth 的错误。 @Gabriel,currentDate
已声明并在循环中使用,但您始终可以使用快捷键 Ctrl+F 来搜索内容。如果您想获得与我提供的相同的结果,只需在列 A 中填写日期(MM/dd/YYYY)并在 B 中填写名称,然后将源代码复制粘贴到脚本中,然后运行它。你会得到同样的结果。当您看到它可以工作时,开始将代码调整到您的项目中。以上是关于如何处理谷歌表格脚本中的重复项?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章