从 Typescript 文件导入时,Javascript 代码在 react-scripts 构建中出现“尝试导入错误:”



【中文标题】从 Typescript 文件导入时,Javascript 代码在 react-scripts 构建中出现“尝试导入错误:”【英文标题】:Javascript code gets "Attempted import error:" in react-scripts build when importing from Typescript file 【发布时间】:2019-06-30 04:24:54 【问题描述】:

react-scripts V2.1.3 出现错误。我们刚刚从 V1.x 迁移到此。在 react-scripts 升级之前,这一切都运行良好。


export const NAVIGATION = 'Navigation';

引用 const 的文件是 javascript,如下:

import  WIDGET_TREE, NAVIGATION, metadataScan  from './universal/metadataAccess';
const scanNavigation = await metadataScan(dynamoClient, NAVIGATION);


Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.

Attempted import error: 'NAVIGATION' is not exported from './universal/metadataAccess'.

如果我要修复这个错误(上图),我会在另一个 const 上遇到同样的问题。可悲的是,一次报告一个错误。我也在导出的枚举上得到它。全部来自 Typescript 文件。我将引用文件的扩展名更改为 .tsx(来自 .jsx),没有区别。

我在Typescript compile、webpack和babel的源代码中搜索了字符串“Attempted import”,没有找到任何东西,所以我什至不知道是哪个代码导致了这个错误。


exports.NAVIGATION = 'Navigation';




你确定 './universal/metadataAccess' 是正确的路径并且没有错别字吗? 是的,我尝试更改路径,但出现了不同的错误。这在以前也有效。 出现类似错误。它在第一个库中运行良好。添加第二个后它不会构建 【参考方案1】:

以下是 react-native-web 的,包括“尝试导入错误”的解决方案,也许对你也有帮助。

npm install --save-dev react-app-rewired


// used by react-app-rewired

const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');

module.exports = 
  webpack: function (config, env) 
    config.module.rules[1].use[0].options.baseConfig.extends = [

    // To let alias like 'react-native/Libraries/Components/StaticRenderer'
    // take effect, must set it before alias 'react-native'
    delete config.resolve.alias['react-native'];
    config.resolve.alias['react-native/Libraries/Components/StaticRenderer'] =
    config.resolve.alias['react-native'] = path.resolve(

    // Let's force our code to bundle using the same bundler react native does.
      new webpack.DefinePlugin(
        __DEV__: env === 'development',

    // Need this rule to prevent `Attempted import error: 'SOME' is not exported from` when `react-app-rewired build`
    // Need this rule to prevent `TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'exports' of object` when `react-app-rewired start`
      test: /\.(js|tsx?)$/,
      // You can exclude the exclude property if you don't want to keep adding individual node_modules
      // just keep an eye on how it effects your build times, for this example it's negligible
      // exclude: /node_modules[/\\](?!@react-navigation|react-native-gesture-handler|react-native-screens)/,
        loader: 'babel-loader',

    return config;
  paths: function (paths, env) 
    paths.appIndexJs = path.resolve('index.web.js');
    paths.appSrc = path.resolve('.');
    return paths;


// ref to https://levelup.gitconnected.com/react-native-typescript-and-react-native-web-an-arduous-but-rewarding-journey-8f46090ca56b

import Text as RNText, Image as RNImage from 'react-native-web';
// Let's export everything from react-native-web
export * from 'react-native-web';

// And let's stub out everything that's missing!
export const ViewPropTypes = 
  style: () => ,
RNText.propTypes = 
  style: () => ,
RNImage.propTypes = 
  style: () => ,
  source: () => ,

export const Text = RNText;
export const Image = RNImage;
// export const Toolbarandroid = ;
export const requireNativeComponent = () => ;

现在您可以运行 react-app-rewired start 而不是 react-scripts start


以上是关于从 Typescript 文件导入时,Javascript 代码在 react-scripts 构建中出现“尝试导入错误:”的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

打字稿:使用 ts-node-dev 导入表达意外的标识符

将数组从 JSON 文件导入 Typescript 文件

在 TypeScript 和 Next.js 中使用绝对导入解析模块

如何从 javascript/typescript 模块文件(导入/导出)访问 Vuex 商店?

Typescript 从节点模块导入 ts 文件

将 Svelte 组件导入 TypeScript 文件时是不是可以保留 prop 类型信息?