时间:2019-05-10 标签:c++threadeddbclassmemorymixup



【中文标题】时间:2019-05-10 标签:c++threadeddbclassmemorymixup【英文标题】:c++ threaded db class memory mixup 【发布时间】:2014-09-02 09:37:22 【问题描述】:

我一直在从事一个项目,该项目接受来自不同主机的数据并将其注入数据库。该项目通过 boost::thread 进行线程化,并使用 mysql++ 执行实际的数据库注入。

最近,我的线程抓取不正确的信息时遇到了严重问题。 例如: 线程 A 将从服务器 foo.b.bar.foobar.com 接收数据,并将正确确定它的主机名,它的主机短名称为 foo.bar,线程 B 将从服务器 fi.b.ban.foobar.com 接收数据并正确确定它的主机名,并且它的主机短名称是 fi.ban。这一切都会发生,没问题。

然后它被移交给数据库模块,接下来我看到的是“INSERT INTO foo_servers VALUES('foo.b.bar.foobar.com', 'fi.ban',...”作为字符串传递给mysql。

所有服务器每五分钟发送一次数据,因此每五分钟创建大约 1k 左右的线程,而这总是我开始看到问题发生的时候。


// db.h
// MySQL database connections and DB search/parsing.
#ifndef __DBASE_H
#define __DBASE_H
// database conection details go here
class dbase
    void runQuery();
    bool runDriveQuery( const std::vector<std::string> &qvec );
    bool getQueryData( const std::string &Frstate, const std::string &Fstype, const std::string &Fsite, const std::string &Fhost, const std::string &Fatype, const std::string &Fsstate, const std::string &Fanum, const std::string &Fshanme, const std::string &Fmac, const int &vfill, const int &dnum );
    void updateServer();
    void inServer();
    bool checkExists( const std::string &data, const std::string &table, const std::string &field, const std::string &f2, const std::string &d2 );
    void storeQueryData( const std::string &fsval, const int &posid ); // written
    std::vector<std::string> inval;
    std::string getLocFromSite( const std::string &site );
    void insert( const std::string &qstring );
    void update( const std::string &qquery );
extern dbase thread;

这里是 dbase.cpp:

// db.h
// MySQL database connections and DB search/parsing.
// the final step of the data flow - everything ends up in an indexable mysql database in this module.
bool dbase::runDriveQuery( const std::vector<std::string> &qvec ) 
bool ex = checkExists( qvec[0], "gd_drives", "host_shortname", "drive_label", qvec[1]);
std::stringstream qqquery;
if( ex ) 
qqquery << "UPDATE `" << dbname << "`.`gd_drives` SET spool_number=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[2];
qqquery << ", drive_status=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[3] <<", spool_status=" <<mysqlpp::quote_only;
qqquery << ", pending_sectors=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[6];
qqquery << ", reallocated_sectors=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[7];
qqquery << ";";
std::string fquery = qqquery.str();
GDLogger.log( fquery, 1 );
update( fquery );
return true;

qqquery << "INSERT INTO `" << dbname << "`.`gd_drives` VALUES ( " << mysqlpp::quote_only << "Hard Drive";
qqquery << ", " << "'" << qvec[0] << "/" << qvec[1] << "', " << mysqlpp::quote_only << inval[5];
qqquery << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[0] << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[1];
qqquery << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << "0";
qqquery << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[2];
qqquery << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[3];
qqquery << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[5] << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[4];
qqquery << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[6] << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << qvec[7];
qqquery << ", " << mysqlpp::quote_only << "0" << ", '1'";
qqquery << ");";
std::string ffquery = qqquery.str();
GDLogger.log( ffquery, 1 );
insert( ffquery );
return true;

void dbase::runQuery() 
    GDLogger.log( "runQuery() called.", 0 );
    bool ex = checkExists( inval[1], "gd_servers", "hostname", "0", "0" );
    if ( ex == true ) 
    GDLogger.log( "runQuery() completed.", 0 );

bool dbase::checkExists( const std::string &data, const std::string &table, const std::string &field, const std::string &f2, const std::string &d2 )  // check if the received data matches anything already in the database
    GDLogger.log( "checkExists() called.", 0 );
    GDLogger.log ( "Checking if host already in Database...", 1 );
    mysqlpp::Connection con3( false );
    if ( con3.connect( dbname, dbhost, dbuser, dbpass ) ) 
        std::stringstream queryss;
        queryss<< "SELECT " << field << " FROM `" << dbname << "`.`" << table << "` WHERE " << field << " = " << mysqlpp::quote_only << data;
        if( f2 == "0" ) 
            queryss << ";";
            queryss << "AND " << f2 << "=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << d2 << ";";
        std::string qstr = queryss.str();
        GDLogger.log( qstr, 1 );
        mysqlpp::Query query = con3.query( qstr );
        mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res = query.store();
        std::stringstream res1;
        for ( std::vector<mysqlpp::Row>::iterator it= res.begin(); it != res.end(); ++it ) 
            mysqlpp::Row row = *it;
            res1 << row[0];
        std::string result = res1.str();
        GDLogger.log( result, 1 );
        if ( result == inval[1] ) 
            GDLogger.log( "Host exists in Database.", 1 );
            return true;
            GDLogger.log( "Host does not exist in Database.", 1 );
            return false;
    GDLogger.log( "checkExists() completed.", 0 );

void dbase::updateServer() 
    std::stringstream uss;
    uss<< " UPDATE `" << dbname << "`.`gd_servers` SET asset_type=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << inval[0] << ", recover_status=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << inval[10] << ", gc_status=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << inval[11] << ", var_fill=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << 0 << ", open_ticket=" << mysqlpp::quote_only << "0" << ", last_report = NOW() WHERE hostname = " << mysqlpp::quote_only << inval[1] << ";";
    std::string upstr = uss.str();
    GDLogger.log( upstr, 1 );
    update( upstr );

void dbase::update( const std::string &qquery )  // update the selected entry in the database
    GDLogger.log( "update() called.", 0 );
    GDLogger.log( "Updating database entry.", 1 );
    mysqlpp::Connection con2( false );
    if ( con2.connect( dbname, dbhost, dbuser, dbpass ) ) 
        mysqlpp::Query query = con2.query( qquery );
        mysqlpp::SimpleResult res = query.execute();
        if ( res ) 
            GDLogger.log( "Record updated sucessfully.", 1 );
            GDLogger.log( "Error updating record.", 2 );
        GDLogger.log( "Error establishing connection to database.", 3 );
    GDLogger.log( "update() completed.", 0 );

std::string dbase::getLocFromSite( const std::string &site )  // use the site that is transmitted to determine what the region is
    GDLogger.log( "getLocFromSite() called.", 0 );
    mysqlpp::Connection conn( false );
    if ( conn.connect( dbname, dbhost, dbuser, dbpass ) ) 
        std::stringstream lfs;
        lfs<< "SELECT srg_code FROM `" << dbname << "`.`gd_sites` WHERE site_name = " << mysqlpp::quote_only << site << ";";
        std::string loc = lfs.str();
        GDLogger.log( loc, 1 );
        mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query( loc );
        if (mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res = query.store() ) 
            std::stringstream res1;
            for ( std::vector<mysqlpp::Row>::iterator it= res.begin(); it != res.end(); ++it ) 
                mysqlpp::Row row = *it;
                res1 << row[0] << std::endl;
            std::string result = res1.str();
            GDLogger.log( result, 1 );
            return result;
        if ( conn.errnum() ) 
            GDLogger.log( "Error Received in fetching a row.", 2 );
            return "ERR";
            GDLogger.log( "Unknown Error Occurred or Unhandled Exception.", 3 );
            return "ERR";
        GDLogger.log( "Unable to connect to database!", 4 );
        return "ERR";
    GDLogger.log( "getLocFromSite() completed.", 0 );

void dbase::inServer() 
    std::stringstream iss;
    iss<< "INSERT INTO `" << dbname << "`.`gd_servers` VALUES( ";
    for( int i = 0; i < 13; i++ ) 
        iss << mysqlpp::quote_only << inval[i] << ", ";
    iss << mysqlpp::quote_only << "0" << ", NOW() );";
    std::string is = iss.str();
    GDLogger.log( is, 1 );
    insert( is );

void dbase::insert( const std::string &qstring )  // insert server info into the mysql database (only if not already present)
    GDLogger.log( "insert() called.", 0 );
    mysqlpp::Connection conn( false );
    if ( conn.connect( dbname, dbhost, dbuser, dbpass ) ) 
        mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query( qstring );
        mysqlpp::SimpleResult res = query.execute();
        if( res ) 
            GDLogger.log( "Data inserted successfully.", 1 );
            GDLogger.log( "Failed to add data to database.", 2 );
        GDLogger.log( "Failed to connect to database. Please ensure mysql is running, and that your credentials are correct.", 3 );
    GDLogger.log("insert() completed.", 0 );

bool dbase::getQueryData( const std::string &Frstate, const std::string &Fstype, const std::string &Fsite, const std::string &Fhost, const std::string &Fatype, const std::string &Fsstate, const std::string &Fanum, const std::string &Fshname, const std::string &Fmac, const int &vfill, const int &dnum ) 
    GDLogger.log( "getQueryData() called.", 0 ); // takes all the deserialized data from the serial class and sorts them into containers in preparation of db injection
    std::string Fshorthost = Fshname; // host shortname
    std::string Floc = getLocFromSite( Fsite ); // location, queried from database based on string
    std::string FOrt = "false"; // true/false value for whether there is an open RT for the server. default is false.
    std::stringstream ssfill;
    ssfill << vfill; // /ivar fill percentage
    std::string Fvfill = ssfill.str();
    std::stringstream ssdnum;
    ssdnum << dnum; // number of hard drives
    std::string Fdnum = ssdnum.str();
    std::string uid= ""; // queried from database, default is 0;
    if ( Fstype == "r" || Fstype == "h" || Fstype == "t" ) 
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << Fstype << mysqlpp::quote << "_server";
        std::string sstype = ss.str();
        storeQueryData( sstype, 4 );
        storeQueryData( Fstype, 4 );
    int num = 5; // this is temporary until I write it's hook in the serial class.
    std::stringstream anum1;
    anum1 << num;
    GDLogger.log( "Retrieving values for storage in database.", 1 );
    std::string tanum = anum1.str(); // storing values in a vector for easier access
    storeQueryData( Fatype, 0 );
    storeQueryData( Fhost, 1 );
    storeQueryData( Fshorthost, 2 );
    storeQueryData( uid, 3 );
    storeQueryData( Fsite, 5 );
    storeQueryData( Floc, 6 );
    storeQueryData( Fmac, 7 );
    storeQueryData( Fdnum, 8 );
    storeQueryData( tanum , 9 );
    storeQueryData( Frstate, 10 );
    storeQueryData( Fsstate, 11 );
    storeQueryData( Fvfill, 12 );
    storeQueryData( FOrt, 13 );
    GDLogger.log( "getQueryData() completed.", 0 );

void dbase::storeQueryData( const std::string &fsval, const int &posid ) 
    GDLogger.log( "storeQueryData() called.", 0 );
    inval[posid] = fsval;

dbase::dbase()  // overrides default constructor for dbase class
    GDLogger.log( "Initializing Database Module.", 1 );
    GDLogger.log( "dbase() called.", 0 );
    // initialize the size of the query data storage vector
    // getQueryData(); // retrieve data to be entered into the database

dbase thread;


void server( boost::asio::io_service& io_service, short port ) 
    tcp::acceptor a( io_service, tcp::endpoint( tcp::v4(), port ) ); // starts
    for( ; ; ) 
        socket_ptr sock( new tcp::socket( io_service ) ); // creates a new socket for every connection and accepts
        a.accept( *sock );
        boost::thread t( boost::bind( session, sock ) ); // starts session in a new thread


编辑:如果我尝试在它的线程内实例化 dbase,它拒绝链接,说未定义的引用。这里是实例化的地方:

bool handle_data( std::vector<int>& buffer_data )  // data handling happens hhere
    GDLogger.log( "handle_data() called.", 0 );
        dbase thread; // dbase instantiates here
        boost::system::error_code ec; // declare an error object ot collect exceptions
        ser.readBits( buffer_data ); //read from buffer into saod object
        std::vector<int> dbuff;
        if( buffer_data.size() >=616 ) 
            //ser.readDVec( dbuff );
            for( int i = 0; i < 576; i++ ) 
                dbuff[i] = ser.Sdbits[i];
         int ddnum = ser.Sdnum;
         std::string dshname = ser.Sshname;
         ddrive dd( ddnum, dshname, dbuff ); // drive module instantiates here
         bool dsvalidated = ser.deSerialize(); // deserialize data
         if(!dsvalidated)  // self explanatory
             GDLogger.log( "Deserialized data validation returned as false.", 3 );
        else  // I hate this function. Reads from the serial object to the DB object.
            thread.getQueryData( ser.Srstate, ser.Sstype, ser.Ssite, ser.Shname, ser.Satype, ser.Sservices, ser.Sanum, ser.Sshname, ser.Smac, ser.Svarfill, ser.Sdnum ); // handing all the data off to the database module.
            thread.runQuery(); // runs all the queries necessary to update or insert
            dd.readDriveData( dbuff );
        if( !ec ) 
            GDLogger.log( "handle_data() call completed without error.", 0 ); // if ec is still empty, we're done!
            return true;
              GDLogger.log( "handle_data() call unsuccsessful, errors occurred.", 3 ); // things broke~somewhere~, but not fatally
              return true;
    catch( std::exception& e )  // catch allocation exceptions.
        std::stringstream errstr;
        errstr << "Exception in thread: " << e.what();
        std::string logentry = errstr.str();
        GDLogger.log( logentry, 3 );


void session( socket_ptr sock )  // the actual TCP session starts here
    bool inproc = false; // this will be set to true once input has been sucessfully processed.
        GDLogger.log( "Connection Established.", 1 );
        int icont = 0;
        for( ; ;) 
            char data[max_length];
            boost::system::error_code error;
            size_t length = sock->read_some( boost::asio::buffer( data ), error ); // reads the length of the buffer, then reads the buffer into the char* data
            char cdata[max_length];
            for( int i = 0; i < max_length; i++ ) 
                cdata[i] = data[i];
            std::vector<int> idata; // our hero, the vector going into handle_data
            idata.resize( max_length );
            idata = sanData( cdata ); // sanitize
            bool dvalid = valSerialData( idata ); // validate
            if( !dvalid ) 
                GDLogger.log("Data rejected by server.", 3 );
            if( dvalid ) 
                GDLogger.log("Valid Datastream accepted. Processing.", 1 );
                inproc = handle_data( idata );
            if( inproc == true && error == boost::asio::error::eof )  // if EOF reached and
                GDLogger.log( "Connection Terminated, data processed.", 1 ); // if handle_data success, close connection
            else if( !inproc && error == boost::asio::error::eof && icont > 0) 
                GDLogger.log( "Connection Terminated before data was successfully processed.", 2 );
            else if( error ) 
                throw boost::system::system_error( error ); //some other error
            icont++; // to ensure that handle_data only gets called ONCE
    catch( std::exception& e ) 
        std::stringstream errstr;
        errstr << "Exception in thread: " << e.what() << "\n";
        std::string logentry = errstr.str(); // catch all the lovely boost errors
        GDLogger.log( logentry, 3 );
    GDLogger.log( "Thread Exited.", 0 );


bool ddrive::readDriveData( const vector<int> &data1 ) 
    GDLogger.log( "readDriveData() called.", 0 );
    int SequenceNumber = 0;
    vector<bool> validated;
    vector<bool> dbadded;
    vector<bool> rval;
    GDLogger.log( "Resizing vectors.", 0 );
    dbadded.resize( Ddnum );
    validated.resize( Ddnum );
    for( int i = 0; i < Ddnum; i++ ) 
        GDLogger.log( "Setting rval to false...", 0 );
        rval[i] = false;
    for( int i = 0; i < Ddnum; i++ ) 
        for( int j = 0; j < vdlen; j++ ) 
            Ddcode[j] = data1[SequenceNumber];
            std::stringstream ff;
            ff << "SN: "<< SequenceNumber << " " << Ddcode[j];
            std::string mmm = ff.str();
            GDLogger.log( mmm, 0 );
        std::stringstream lstr;
        lstr << "Sequence Number: " << SequenceNumber;
        std::string logm = lstr.str();
        GDLogger.log( logm, 0 );
        Ddpath = mapp.getKeyFromMap( Ddcode[0], Ddcode[1], 3 );
        Dspnum = readSpoolNumber( Ddcode[2], Ddcode[3] );
        Dhstatus = readDHState( Ddcode[4] );
        Dspfill = read3DigitVals( Ddcode[5], Ddcode[6], Ddcode[7] );
        Dspstate = readSpoolState( Ddcode[8] );
        Dpsec = read3DigitVals( Ddcode[9], Ddcode[10], Ddcode[11] );
        Drsec = read3DigitVals( Ddcode[12], Ddcode[13], Ddcode[14] );
        bool DDValid = true;
        if( DDValid ) 
            validated[i] = true;
            GDLogger.log( "Converting data to strings for database insertion.", 1 );
            std::stringstream qq;
            qq << Ddcode[2] << Ddcode[3];
            std::string qspnum = qq.str();
            GDLogger.log( qspnum, 0 );
            qq << Dspfill;
            std::string qspfill = qq.str();
            GDLogger.log( qspfill, 0 );
            qq << Dpsec;
            std::string qpsec = qq.str();
            GDLogger.log( qpsec, 0 );
            qq << Drsec;
            std::string qrsec = qq.str();
            GDLogger.log( qrsec, 0);
            GDLogger.log( Dhsname, 0 );
            qdata[0] = Dhsname;
            qdata[1] = Ddpath;
            qdata[2] = qspnum;
            qdata[3] = Dhstatus;
            qdata[4] = qspfill;
            qdata[5] = Dspstate;
            qdata[6] = qpsec;
            qdata[7] = qrsec;
            GDLogger.log( Dhsname, 0);
            GDLogger.log( Ddpath, 0 );
            dbadded[i] = thread.runDriveQuery( qdata ); // this is where it complains
            GDLogger.log( "Drive datastream rejected by server.", 3 );
            validated[i] = false;
    bool valid = true;
    bool dbadd = true;
    GDLogger.log( "Validating that operation performed successfully.", 1 );
    for( int i = 0; i < Ddnum; i++ ) 
        if( !validated[i] ) 
            valid = false;
        if( !dbadded[i] ) 
            dbadd = false;
    if( dbadd && valid ) 
        return true;

更新: 我意识到安东在我睡觉时所说的话,并按照他说的做了,而是更改了函数 drive::readDriveData 以便它将 dbase 的实例作为参数,如下所示:

bool ddrive::readDriveData( const vector<int> &data1, dbase db );



dbase thread; - 如果这一行只是写在 cpp 文件中,那么你有一个全局 dbase 对象 正要问类似的。所有线程是否共享dbase 对象的同一个实例? (命名为thread)?该类的实例看起来什么都不是线程安全的。 【参考方案1】:

您有一个全局 dbase 对象:

extern dbase thread; // in h file
dbase thread; // in cpp file


编辑:如果您在线程函数中创建 dbase 对象(这是正确的),请从 h 文件中删除 extern dbase thread;,因为您不再拥有全局对象,否则您将收到链接器错误。


当我在线程中声明 dbase 对象时,我的编译器拒绝链接,说“未定义对“线程”的引用,即使它是在 main.o 中定义的 :( @Oblivious12 在你的问题中显示你是如何做到的。 我已更新以显示实例化的位置和方式。 @Oblivious12 从 h 文件中删除 extern dbase thread - 检查更新的答案 @Oblivious12 在您从 h 文件中删除 extern dbase thread; 和从 cpp 文件中删除 dbase thread; 之后,您在哪里声明/实例化了 dbase 对象?

以上是关于时间:2019-05-10 标签:c++threadeddbclassmemorymixup的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

时间:2019-05-10 标签:c#socketconnectionwithmultithreadingtelnet

时间:2019-05-10 标签:c#paypalrestapitransactionsearch

时间:2019-05-10 标签:c#socketThread

时间:2019-05-10 标签:c++threadeddbclassmemorymixup

时间:2019-05-10 标签:c#applicationautostartwindows7

时间:2019-05-10 标签:c++freadjibberish