Web3 发送没有元掩码的合约方法



【中文标题】Web3 发送没有元掩码的合约方法【英文标题】:Web3 send contract methods without metamask 【发布时间】:2021-03-10 20:27:05 【问题描述】:

我有一个关于我的 Node-js 程序的问题,我需要从我的账户地址到合约地址进行交易。 这是我的合约代码:

contract price
    address owner;

    constructor() public
        owner = msg.sender;

    struct pricedata
        uint highprice;
        uint lowprice;
        uint avgprice;
    mapping(uint => pricedata) PD;
    modifier onlyowner()
        require(msg.sender == owner);

    function set(uint _ID, uint _highprice, uint _lowprice, uint _avgprcie) public onlyowner
        PD[_ID] = pricedata(
            highprice : _highprice,
            lowprice : _lowprice,
            avgprice : _avgprcie

    function get(uint _ID) public view returns (uint _highprice, uint _lowprice, uint _avgprcie)
        pricedata memory pd = PD[_ID];
        return (pd.highprice, pd.lowprice, pd.avgprice);

这是我的 node-js 代码:

state = web3: null, accounts: null, contract: null ,info:null ,lowprice : 0, highprice : 0, avgprice : 0;
componentDidMount = async () => 
            const web3 = await getWeb3();
            const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
            const balances  = await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[0]);
            var bal = web3.utils.fromWei(balances, 'ether');

            this.setState(account : accounts[0], balance : bal);

            const networkId = await web3.eth.net.getId();
            const deployedNetwork = SimpleStorageContract.networks[networkId];

            const instance = new web3.eth.Contract(
              deployedNetwork && deployedNetwork.address,
            this.setState( web3, accounts, contract: instance );


  runExample = async () => 
      const low = 0 | this.state.lowprice*100;
      const high = 0 | this.state.highprice*100;
      const avg = 0 | this.state.avgprice*100;
      const ran = this.state.randomnumber;
      this.state.contract.methods.set(ran, low, high, avg).send(
          from : this.state.accounts[0]


如何使用this.state.contract.methods.set 完成我的功能?

我使用 Ganache 来设置我的以太坊。




您可以在 Web3.js 中导入您的以太坊帐户。那么你就不需要用 Metamask 确认每一笔交易了。

const ganache = require('ganache-cli');
const Web3 = require('web3');

//ganache client running on port 7545
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:7545'));

const getAccounts = async () => 

    //To get accounts with private key
    let account = await web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x'+privateKey);
    //privateKey is the key that you get from Ganache client



以上是关于Web3 发送没有元掩码的合约方法的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



元掩码未连接到 localhost 8545

如何将交易从元掩码钱包发送到后端节点 js

元掩码 web3 未定义

如何使用 web3.js 1.0 认证和发送合约方法