【中文标题】如何固定图形的轴以进行绘图【英文标题】:How to fix the axes of a graph for plotly 【发布时间】:2021-12-03 01:54:09 【问题描述】:我正在为东京创建一个图表,绘制随时间变化的租金。当我用美元绘制日期时,它起作用了。但是,当我针对当地货币(日元)进行绘图时,它们 Y 轴的顺序会变得混乱。我不太确定如何解决它。
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.express as px
%matplotlib inline
df = pd.read_csv('Tokyo rent (One Bedroom apartment in the city centre).csv')
fig = px.line(df, x = 'Date 2.0', y = 'Rent(USD)', title='Tokyo Rent Price (USD)')
fig = px.line(df, x = 'Date 2.0', y = 'Rent(Local Currency)', title='Tokyo Rent Price (Yen)')
我的 CSV 文件
Year Rent(USD) Date Rent(Local Currency) Date 2.0
2017 1223.4 17/03/17 129,594.59 2017-03-17
2017 1070.24 28/10/17 121,656.25 2017-10-28
2018 1104.51 23/01/18 121,689.66 2018-01-23
2018 1030.61 22/10/18 116,270.83 2018-10-22
2019 1124.33 14/06/19 122,062.50 2019-06-14
2019 1129.6 20/06/19 121,255.32 2019-06-20
2019 1129.9 21/06/19 121,255.32 2019-06-21
2020 1198.53 23/03/20 128,701.75 2020-03-23
2020 1183.66 01/07/20 127,195.65 2020-07-01
2020 1213.38 17/09/20 127,466.67 2020-09-17
2020 1168.37 05/10/20 123,578.95 2020-10-05
2020 1192.5 11/11/20 125,525.00 2020-11-11
2020 1228.34 02/12/20 128,312.50 2020-12-02
2021 1220 06/03/21 132,200.00 2021-03-06
2021 1342.84 29/08/21 147,524.40 2021-08-29
2021 1284.65 14/10/21 145,696.54 2021-10-14
【参考方案1】:Rent(Local Currency)
值中的逗号导致 pandas 将它们作为字符串导入。可能最好的解决方案是将thousands=','
df = pd.read_csv('Tokyo rent (One Bedroom apartment in the city centre).csv', thousands=',')
看起来很棒!要删除数百万,您是否写了millions=',' 和数十亿,billions=',' 等等?thousands=','
将处理数百万、数十亿和更大的数字 :) 我猜它是指连续的一千倍数之间的分隔符。