在 plotly express 中,如何重命名轴和图例的名称? y 轴仅显示为值,图例上的标题是可变的



【中文标题】在 plotly express 中,如何重命名轴和图例的名称? y 轴仅显示为值,图例上的标题是可变的【英文标题】:In plotly express, how can I rename the axes and the name of my legend? The y-axis is only showing as values and the title on the legend is variable 【发布时间】:2022-01-08 07:00:07 【问题描述】:



launch_sum = pd.get_dummies(spacex_df,columns=["launchpad"])[["year","launchpad_CCSFS SLC 40","launchpad_KSC LC 39A","launchpad_VAFB SLC 4E","launch_success_True","launch_success_False"]]
launch_sum.rename(columns="launchpad_CCSFS SLC 40":"CCSFS SLC 40","launchpad_KSC LC 39A":"KSC LC 39A","launchpad_VAFB SLC 4E":"VAFB SLC 4E",inplace=True)
launch_sum = launch_sum.groupby("year").sum()

px.line(launch_sum, y=["CCSFS SLC 40","KSC LC 39A","VAFB SLC 4E"],title="The Total Annual Attempted Launches")

输出是绘图,但我无法更改图例的 ylabel 和标题。 [1]:https://i.stack.imgur.com/feBYt.png




import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px

launch_sum = pd.DataFrame(
        c: np.random.randint(1, 8, 8)
        for c in ["CCSFS SLC 40", "KSC LC 39A", "VAFB SLC 4E"]
    index=range(2018, 2018 + 8),

    y=["CCSFS SLC 40", "KSC LC 39A", "VAFB SLC 4E"],
    title="The Total Annual Attempted Launches",
).update_layout(yaxis="title": "some text", legend="title":"column")


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以上是关于在 plotly express 中,如何重命名轴和图例的名称? y 轴仅显示为值,图例上的标题是可变的的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Plotly:如何重命名 plotly express 堆积条形图的图例元素?

plotly express 平面图中的单轴标题

Plotly:如何在 Plotly Express 中注释多行?

在 plotly express violin plot 中将 x 轴视为分类

在条形图上的 Plotly 中更改轴/图例名称

Plotly Express中的Scatter 3d - Colab Notebook没有用等轴绘制。