在 Laravel 中使用 API 时的处理速率限制



【中文标题】在 Laravel 中使用 API 时的处理速率限制【英文标题】:Handling rate limits when using an API in Laravel 【发布时间】:2021-10-13 12:26:33 【问题描述】:

在我的 Laravel 应用程序中,我广泛使用 HubSpot API 来执行各种操作。我在文档中读到,您可以每 10 秒发出 150 个请求。

要监控此 HubSpot,请在进行任何 API 调用时提供以下标头。

"X-HubSpot-RateLimit-Daily" => array:1 [▶]
"X-HubSpot-RateLimit-Daily-Remaining" => array:1 [▶]
"X-HubSpot-RateLimit-Interval-Milliseconds" => array:1 [▶]
"X-HubSpot-RateLimit-Max" => array:1 [▶]
"X-HubSpot-RateLimit-Remaining" => array:1 [▶]
"X-HubSpot-RateLimit-Secondly" => array:1 [▶]
"X-HubSpot-RateLimit-Secondly-Remaining" => array:1 [▶]

在我的应用程序中,我使用了 Laravel 的 Http Client,它基本上只是 Guzzle 的包装器。

为了遵守速率限制,我真的只需要在每个请求周围都包含一个 if 语句吗?


$endpoint = 'https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/owners/';

$response = Http::get($endpoint, [
    'limit' => 100,
    'hapikey' => config('hubspot.api_key'),

在这种情况下,$response 将包含标头,但是否有办法有效地使用它们,因为我肯定只有在进行 API 调用后才能知道费率是多少?

我问,因为我必须删除 1,000 多个交易,然后更新一些记录,但这肯定会超过 API 限制。作为参考,这是我写的命令。


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use App\Events\DealImportedFromHubspot;
use App\Hubspot\PipelineHubspot;
use App\Models\Deal;
use App\Models\DealStage;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

class ImportHubspotDeals extends Command

     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'import:hubspot-deals
        --force : Whether we should force the command

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Import Deal objects from the HubSpot API in bulk.';

     * An array to store imported Deals
     * @var array
    private $importedDeals = [];

     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
    public function handle()
        $this->line('Importing Pipelines & Deal Stages from HubSpot API...');


        $this->line('Importing Deals from HubSpot API...');


        $this->line('Found ' . count($this->importedDeals) . ' Deals to import');

        if ($this->option('force')) 
            if ($this->confirm('Do you want to import these deals? (yes|no)', false)) 
                $this->line('Process aborted');

     * Grab Deals from Hubspot by calling the Deals API and looping through the paginated data
     * @param int    $limit: the number of deals per page
     * @param string $next:  the link to the next page of results
    private function getDealsFromHubspot(?int $limit = 100, string $next = null)
        $endpoint = 'https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/deals';

        $properties = [
            'limit' => $limit,
            'properties' => implode(',', Deal::HUBSPOT_DEAL_PROPERTIES),
            'hapikey' => config('hubspot.api_key'),
            'associations' => 'engagements',

        // If there's another page, append the after parameter.
        if ($next) 
            $properties['after'] = $next;

        $response = Http::get($endpoint, $properties);

        if ($response->successful()) 
            $data = $response->json();

            // If there are results, get them.
            if (isset($data['results'])) 
                foreach ($data['results'] as $hubspotDeal) 
                    $this->importedDeals[] = $hubspotDeal['properties'];

            // If there's paginate we need to call the function on itself
            if (isset($data['paging']['next']['link'])) 
                $this->getDealsFromHubspot(null, $data['paging']['next']['after']);


     * Pull the Deal data in order to create a Deal model.
     * @param array $data
    private function syncDeal(array $data)
        $excludedDealStages = DealStage::excludeFromDealImport()->pluck('hubspot_id');

        if ($excludedDealStages->contains($data['dealstage'])) 
            return false;

        $deal = Deal::updateOrCreate([
            'hubspot_id' => $data['hs_object_id'],
        ], [
            'name' => $data['dealname'],
            'deal_stage_id' => $data['dealstage'],
            'hubspot_owner_id' => $data['hubspot_owner_id'] ?? null,

        event(new DealImportedFromHubspot($deal));

        return $deal;

     * Create and increment a nice progress bar as we import deals.
    private function doImport()
        $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(count($this->importedDeals));


        foreach ($this->importedDeals as $deal) 




        $this->line('Successfully imported ' . count($this->importedDeals) . ' Deals from HubSpot.');

在此 event(new DealImportedFromHubspot($deal)); 的基础上,还会对 HubSpot 进行 API 回调,以添加刚刚被拉入的门户的 URL。


只使用sleep(10) 来绕过速率限制会是不好的做法吗?



听起来像是Queue 的工作。

您可以在Queue 上定义自己的rate limiter,但正确的解决方案可能是扩展ShouldQueue 并在收到表示您的请求已被限制的响应时运行$this-&gt;fail()


那么在您看来,您会将我粘贴的控制台命令拆分为单独的作业吗?我认为递归方法是一个好主意,直​​到我意识到如果有足够的数据,它会超过抓取数据的速率限制。 是的,我想是的。这在某种程度上取决于您希望达到速率限制的频率以及您希望命令运行多长时间。 看,我认为在这种大规模拉动的情况下,我不太可能经常这样做,因为一旦它们进入,您就可以单独检查每个。

以上是关于在 Laravel 中使用 API 时的处理速率限制的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何在 laravel 8 中动态设置速率限制器

Laravel 8速率限制器不适用于路线

如何用 Java 来构建一个简单的速率限制器?

Laravel - 限制特定 API 路由的速率

