在 RecyclerView 的单个界面中使用多个 onClick 方法



【中文标题】在 RecyclerView 的单个界面中使用多个 onClick 方法【英文标题】:Using multiple onClick methods in a single interface for RecyclerView 【发布时间】:2021-01-11 09:53:15 【问题描述】:


我已经在我的待办事项列表应用中实现了一个 RecyclerView。

我希望能够对 RecyclerView 中的项目使用各种 onClick 方法,因此我创建了一个名为 onTaskListener 的接口。

这个接口有两个方法存根,一个用于onClick,一个用于onLongClick。在我的 ViewHolder 中,我实现了 onClick() 和 onLongClick() 方法,它们只是将控制权传递给我的 onTaskClickListener()。

在我的适配器中,我创建了一个 onTaskClickListener()。 然后在我的主要活动中,我在 onTaskClickListener() 中实现方法。

我的问题是,虽然我的 onTaskClick() 运行良好,但我的 onTaskLongClick 似乎根本无法运行。我设置 RecyclerView/Adapter/ViewHolder/ViewModel 模式的方式有问题吗?




public interface OnTaskListener 
    void onTaskClick(int position); // Interfaces are implicitly abstract
    void onTaskLongClick(int position);


public class itemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener 

    View itmView; // This is the general view
    TextView txtView; // This is the specific text view that shows up as a singular task in the list of to-do tasks
    OnTaskListener onTaskListener; // Create an OnTaskListener inside our view holder which allows the view holder to realize it's been clicked

    public itemViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView, OnTaskListener inputOnTaskListener) 
        itmView = itemView;
        txtView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.txtTask);
        this.onTaskListener = inputOnTaskListener; // Take an onTaskListener that is passed into the object and store it internally
        itemView.setOnClickListener(this); // passes the View.OnClickListener context to the itemView via "this"

    public void onClick(View view) 
        onTaskListener.onTaskClick(getAdapterPosition()); // This says that whenever we register a click event, we pass the logic onto the taskClick event

    public boolean onLongClick(View view) 
        onTaskListener.onTaskLongClick(getAdapterPosition()); // This says that whenever we register a longClick event, we pass the logic onto the taskClick event
        return true; // This means that we have successfully consumed the long click event. No other click events will be notified


public class dataAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<itemViewHolder> 

    List<taskItem> taskItemList;
    private OnTaskListener onTaskListener;

    public dataAdapter(List<taskItem> inputTaskItemList, OnTaskListener inputOnTaskListener)
        this.taskItemList = inputTaskItemList;
        this.onTaskListener = inputOnTaskListener;

    public itemViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) 
        View localView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.taskholder, parent, false); //Don't even know what this line does, it's all so over my head
        return new itemViewHolder(localView, onTaskListener); // Return an instance of whatever we made directly above this line

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull itemViewHolder holder, final int position) 
        // Look inside our ViewModel and get the text for this specific instance of the ViewModel, which corresponds to the current position

    public int getItemCount() 
        return taskItemList.size();


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnTaskListener
    private RecyclerView taskList; // Creates a RecyclerView to hook up to our RecyclerView widget in the UI
    private dataAdapter localAdapter; // Instantiates our custom adapter class
    List<taskItem> myItems; // Stores the items in a list of taskItem's
    private RecyclerView.LayoutManager localLayoutManager; // God knows what this does :(

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 

        taskList = findViewById(R.id.taskList); // Connects our list from UI to recycler view code
        localLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this); // assigns our localLayoutManager to an actual Layout Manager
        taskList.setLayoutManager(localLayoutManager); // connecting our layout manager to our recycler view

        myItems = new ArrayList<>(); // Now we FINALLY make our to-do list and populate it with actual tasks
        myItems.add(new taskItem("groceries"));
        myItems.add(new taskItem("practice bjj"));

        localAdapter = new dataAdapter(myItems, this); // Pass the to do list to the adapter so it can feed it to the recycler view
        taskList.setAdapter(localAdapter); // Lastly set the recycler view's adapter to the one we made above

    public void onTaskClick(int position) 
        taskItem currentTask = myItems.get(position);
        if(!(currentTask.taskTitle.startsWith("Done: "))) // Logic that marks a task as done on tap
            currentTask.taskTitle = "Done: " + currentTask.taskTitle;
            //logic that moves the tapped item to bottom of list
            myItems.add(myItems.size(), currentTask);
            localAdapter.notifyItemMoved(position, myItems.size());
        else if(myItems.get(position).taskTitle.startsWith("Done: ")) // Logic for if user taps a task already marked "done"
            currentTask.taskTitle = currentTask.taskTitle.replaceFirst("Done: ", "");
            myItems.set(position, currentTask); // Remove prefix
            myItems.add(0, currentTask);
        localAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); // Let the activity know that the data has changed

    public void onTaskLongClick(int position)  // This branch deals with deleting tasks on long click
        localAdapter.notifyItemRemoved(position); // Item has been deleted




public itemViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView, OnTaskListener inputOnTaskListener) 
    itmView = itemView;
    txtView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.txtTask);
    this.onTaskListener = inputOnTaskListener; // Take an onTaskListener that is passed into the object and store it internally
    itemView.setOnClickListener(this); // passes the View.OnClickListener context to the itemView via "this"

    // Add this line
    itemView.setOnLongClickListener(this); // passes the View.OnLongClickListener context to the itemView via "this"

或者,您可以通过内联整个 OnLongClickListener 来完全避免通过 this(对于 OnClickListener 也是如此):

itemView.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() 
    public boolean onLongClick(View v) 
        onTaskListener.onTaskLongClick(getAdapterPosition()); // This says that whenever we register a longClick event, we pass the logic onto the taskClick event
        return true; // This means that we have successfully consumed the long click event. No other click events will be notified

从而避免让您的itemViewHolder 类实现OnLongClickListener 接口并避免忘记调用setOnLongClickListener()


我不敢相信我错过了这个。谢谢你。如果发生这种情况,有什么方法可以让 android Studio 警告我吗?或者这只是一个小心的问题? OnClickListener 实现直接传递给setOnClickListener() 方法比传入this 更为常见。这样,侦听器的设置和侦听器本身就不会像在您的代码中那样解耦。 这不会将我的 onclicklistener 的实现移动到我的视图持有者中吗?如果我错了,请纠正我,但我认为这被认为是不好的做法? 您传递给setOnClickListener 的匿名OnClickListener 仍会调用您的onTaskClick,就像现在一样。你只是不会通过this重定向。 我在答案中添加了一个示例。

以上是关于在 RecyclerView 的单个界面中使用多个 onClick 方法的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何在 Firebase 中将多个 Recyclerview 设置为单个适配器(多视图类型)?

我们可以根据特定的 recyclerview 项目点击通过单个界面传递多种类型的对象(项目)吗

在 ViewPager 的多个选项卡中使用单个片段

在 RecyclerView 项目上添加多个 onClickListener

使用 AVFoundation 在单个界面中捕获多个图像

notifyItemChanged(int position) 更新 RecyclerView 中的多个项目