


【中文标题】使用自定义块边界渲染故障我的世界【英文标题】:Render glitch with custom block boundaries minecraft 【发布时间】:2016-05-25 22:02:53 【问题描述】:

我正在为 Minecraft 创建一个模组。最近,我尝试制作一个自定义块,但遇到了两个问题。

我的主要问题是块渲染不正确。我希望该块的大小小于一个完整的块。我使用setBlockBounds() 成功更改了块边界,虽然 确实 使块渲染更小并使用更小的边界,但它会导致其他渲染问题。当我放置方块时,下面的地板变得不可见,我可以透过它看到下面的洞穴,它后面的方块,或者如果那里什么都没有的话。如何修复该块不渲染?截图如下:

此外,我对这个方块的目标是发出一种“光环”,让周围的玩家获得速度或其他药水效果。我有在街区周围寻找玩家并给予他们速度的基本代码,但我无法找到一种方法来在每个滴答声或每 X 个滴答声中激活此方法,以确保它以可靠的方式为框内的玩家提供速度.正常游戏中已经有一些方块可以做到这一点,所以它一定是可能的。我该怎么做?



对于您的第一个问题,您需要覆盖 isOpaqueCube 以返回 false。您还需要为代码的其他部分覆盖isFullCube,但这对于渲染并不重要。示例:

public class YourBlock 
    // ... existing code ...

     * Used to determine ambient occlusion and culling when rebuilding chunks for render
    public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) 
        return false;

    public boolean isFullCube(IBlockState state) 
        return false;

Here's some info on rendering that mentions this.

关于你的第二个问题,这更复杂。它通常是通过一个 tile 实体来实现的,尽管您也可以使用块更新(这要慢得多)。很好的例子是BlockBeaconTileEntityBeacon(用于使用图块实体)和BlockFrostedIce(用于块更新)。这是一些(可能已过时)info on tile entities。


public class YourBlock 
    // ... existing code ...

     * Returns a new instance of a block's tile entity class. Called on placing the block.
    public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, int meta) 
        return new TileEntityYourBlock();

 * Tile entity for your block.
 * Tile entities normally store data, but they can also receive an update each
 * tick, but to do so they must implement ITickable.  So, don't forget the
 * "implements ITickable".
public class TileEntityYourBlock extends TileEntity implements ITickable 
    public void update() 
        // Your code to give potion effects to nearby players would go here

        // If you only want to do it every so often, you can check like this:
        if (this.worldObj.getTotalWorldTime() % 80 == 0) 
            // Only runs every 80 ticks (4 seconds)

    // The following code isn't required to make a tile entity that gets ticked,
    // but you'll want it if you want (EG) to be able to set the effect.

     * Example potion effect.
     * May be null.
    private Potion effect;

    public void setEffect(Potion potionEffect) 
        this.effect = potionEffect;

    public Potion getEffect() 
        return this.effect;

    public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) 
        int effectID = compound.getInteger("Effect")
        this.effect = Potion.getPotionById(effectID);

    public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) 
        int effectID = Potion.getIdFromPotion(this.effect);
        compound.setInteger("Effect", effectID);

// This line needs to go in the main registration.
// The ID can be anything so long as it isn't used by another mod.
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityYourBlock.class, "YourBlock");






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