


【中文标题】我没明白这个示例程序集有啥问题【英文标题】:I Didn't Get Whats wrong with this exemple Assembly我没明白这个示例程序集有什么问题 【发布时间】:2020-05-03 18:16:36 【问题描述】:

我做了一个滚动bmp的简单例子 我不明白两件事:



我真的需要帮助 因为我坚持了一个星期,我无法解决它



        MODEL large
    Macro ReadBmp FileName
        mov [Lines],0
        mov [Weight],0

        mov ax,[Y]
        mov [CurrentY],ax

        mov [XScreen],0
        mov [YScreen],0

        mov dx, offset FileName  ;Mov Dx Offset Of File To Read It
        ;call ClearBuff
        call ReadToBuffer       ;Call Proc That Move Values To Buffer
        call ShowBMP

        mov ax,[CurrentY]
        mov [Y],ax
        STACK 256

        RightDown        equ 77
        LeftDown         equ 75
        UpDown           equ 72
        DownDown         equ 80
        ScreenRam        equ 0A000h

        ErrorMsg         DB 'There Is A Problem To Show The File$'
        Handle           DW ?
        File             DB 'Map.bmp',0
        Index            DD ?
        X                DW 0
        Y                DW 0
        CurrentY         DW 0
        XScreen          DW 0
        YScreen          DW 0
        Weight           DW 0
        Lines            DB 0
        ;SizeFile DD 0 
    SEGMENT BufferBmp para public  ;'DATA'  
            DB 65535 DUP(0)


            mov ax, @data
            mov ds, ax

            mov ax, BufferBmp
            mov es, ax

            mov ax, 0013h
            int 10h

            ReadBmp File

            mov ah,00
            int 16h
            cmp ah,RightDown
            je Right
            cmp ah,LeftDown
            je Left
            cmp ah,UpDown
            je Up
            cmp ah,DownDown
            je Down
            cmp ah,1
            je Exit
    jmp lop

        add [X],5
    jmp Draw
        sub [X],5
    jmp Draw
        sub [Y],5
    jmp Draw
        add [Y],5
    jmp Draw

            mov ax,04c00h
            int 21h

    Proc ClearBuff near
        mov si,0
        mov al,15
        mov [es:si],al
        inc si
        cmp si,65535
        jne NoFinish
    ;-----------------------------Clear Screen-----------------------------;
            mov ax,ScreenRam      
            xor di,di                           
            mov cx,320*200/2                    
            mov al,0d                           
            mov ah,0d                           
            rep stosw                           
    ;-----------------------------Clear Screen-----------------------------;
    Proc ReadToBuffer near
    ;--------------------OpenFile Use Handle--------------------;
        mov ah, 3Dh             ;INT 21 Know If Ah == 3dh He Need To Open/Create File
        mov al, 0               ;Read Only
        ;mov dx,offset FileName
        int 21h
        jc  @@Err
        mov [Handle], ax        ;Handle On ax Go To Var
    ;--------------------Copy Lines To Buffer------------------;
    ;--------------------Move Pointer To Check End Of File--------------------;
    ;   mov     ah,  42h                 ;int 21h Know That If AH == 42h He Move Pointer On File
    ;   mov     al,  02                  ;End Of File To Know Size Of A File
    ;   mov     bx, [Handle]             ;BX = file handle
    ;   xor     ecx,ecx                  ;CX:DX = offset from origin of new file position.
    ;   xor     edx,edx                  ;CX:DX = offset from origin of new file position.  
    ;   int     21h                 
    ;   jc      @@Err
    ;   ;Enter The Image Size Into A Variable
    ;   mov     [SizeFile],eax 
    ;   mov     eax,65536
    ;   mul     edx
    ;   add     [SizeFile],eax
    ;   cmp     [SizeFile],0
    ;   je     @@Err
    ;--------------------Move Pointer To Check End Of File--------------------;
    ;--------------------Calculate index By WY+X-------------;
        mov     eax, 1920                ;Eax == 1920(Weight Of Map)
        xor     ebx, ebx                 ;ebx = 0
        mov     bx,  [Y]                 ;Bx == Y   
        mul     ebx                      ;W*Y
        xor     ebx, ebx                 ;Ebx = 0
        add     ax, [X]                  ;WY+X 
    ;--------------------Calculate index By WY+X-------------;
    ;--------------------Flip Image--------------------;
        ;mov    [index],eax              ;index == eax
        ;mov     eax,[SizeFile]          ;eax == All Byte Image 
        ;sub     eax,[index]                 ;Eax - Index
    ;--------------------Flip Image--------------------;

        mov     [index],eax              ;index == eax
        xor     edx, edx                 ;edx = 0
        mov     ebx, 65536               ;ebx = 65536
        div     ebx                      ;Dx = Remains,ax = dose
        mov     ecx,  eax                ;CX = high order word of number of bytes to move
        xor     ebx, ebx                 ;edx = 0
                                        ;CX:DX distance to move file pointer: offset is (CX * 65536) + DX

    ;--------------------Move Pointer To Read Data--------------------;
        mov     ah,  42h                 ;int 21h Know That If AH == 42h He Move Pointer On File
        mov     al,  00                  ;Current Location Plus Offset
        mov     bx, [Handle]             ;BX = file handle
                                        ;CX:DX = offset from origin of new file position. 
        int     21h                 
        jc      @@Err
    ;--------------------Move Pointer To Read Data--------------------;

    ;--------------------Read Data--------------------;

        mov     bx, [Handle]             ;BX = file handle
        mov     dx, [Weight]             ;DS:DX = pointer to read buffer
        push    ds
        mov     ax, BufferBmp
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     cx, 320                 ;CX = number of bytes to read---;320 = Line;
        mov     ah, 3Fh
        int     21H
        pop     ds
        jc      @@Err           
    ;--------------------Read Data--------------------;
        inc     [Lines]
        inc     [Y]                      ;Add Y To Calculate Position
        add     [Weight], 320            ;Add Weight X
        cmp     [Lines],  200            ;Check End
        jne     @@Lop

        mov     ah, 3Eh                  ;Close File
        mov     bx,[Handle]              ;BX = file handle
        int     21H
        jc      @@Err   

            mov     ax, 3                ; Set text mode
            int     10h
            mov     dx, offset ErrorMsg
            mov     ah, 09h
            int     21h                  ;Print Error
            jmp     Exit

    Proc ShowBMP near
        mov si,0                     ;Start From The Begining Of Buffer
        mov bx,0                         ;page 0
        mov ah,0Ch                       ;int 10h Know That If AH == 0Ch He Write Graphics Pixel at Coordinate
        mov al, [es:si]                  ;Color
        mov cx,[XScreen]                 ;X
        mov dx,[YScreen]                 ;Y
        int 10h
        inc si                           ;mov to next pixel
        inc [XScreen]                    ;Add X
        cmp [XScreen],320                ;Check End Line
        jne @@Horizontal
        inc [YScreen]                    ;Add Y
        mov [XScreen],0                  ;Start New Line
        cmp [YScreen],200                ;Check End Of Image
        jne @@Horizontal

    End Start

使用此图像的程序: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T8aBZr8mtCUmQL2WKmQfklmEMfaOCklG/view?usp=sharing


您的 ShowBMP 代码似乎假定图像为 320x200,但我从该链接下载的文件是 1920x600? BMP 将其尺寸存储在文件中。为什么不读呢?然后你可以从那里倒数,当你达到零时退出。 我想在这方面为您提供帮助,但您不喜欢我对您的previous question 关于 PCX 的回答吗? 哦,我没看到评论... 无论如何我该如何解决我的问题? :) 尺寸存储在下面 Sep 提到的 BITMAPINFOHEADER 中。 【参考方案1】:


在计算文件偏移量时,您忘记考虑添加 X

mov     eax, 1920                ;Eax == 1920(Weight Of Map)
xor     ebx, ebx                 ;ebx = 0
mov     bx,  [Y]                 ;Bx == Y   
mul     ebx                      ;W*Y
xor     ebx, ebx                 ;Ebx = 0
mov     bx, [X]  
add     eax, ebx   <<<< correct addition

这个 32 位数字到 CX:DX 的转换很简单:

push eax
pop  dx
pop  cx

除以 65536 没有用。 现在可以调用DOS.function 42h了。

每个 .BMP 图形文件都以包含有关图片的重要信息的标题开头。对于您的 256 色位图文件,这些是:

一个 14 字节的 BITMAPFILEHEADER 一个 40 字节的 BITMAPINFOHEADER 1024 字节可着色

然后是您需要的像素数据。这就是为什么你的文件偏移量的计算应该添加 eax, 14+40+1024

movzx   eax, word [Y]       ; Y position within bitmap
imul    eax, 1920           ; Width of bitmap
movzx   ebx, word [X]       ; X position within bitmap
lea     eax, [eax+ebx+1078] <<<< Plus offset to start of pixel data
push    eax
pop     dx
pop     cx


你真的很天才,但是当x,y = 0时,它仍然从图像中间开始,为什么?我还是不明白为什么 x 有一个进位,最大的 x 是 320 @Gad 来自add ax, [X] 的进位不仅取决于X 中的值。 AX 中的内容使加法溢出! @Gad 非常感谢。我就是喜欢那颗小小的心。



批处理、重复和随机播放对 TensorFlow 数据集有啥作用?




我有一个 laravel 应用程序,它显示一个带有数据表的表格。我正在使用服务器端数据表,数据集有超过 15k 行